My Stuff
Thank you @JohnCirocco & @Shamaine Chan-Oracle
Dear Shamaine, 1. We are using custom sales order form, and it has location fields enabled on line level. 2. No I did not received any warning message. Although we have inventory details enabled on line level. But I am not sure why the location on inventory details is not coming and it is coming as separate field. Because…
Dear Mikko, Thank you very much. I am trying to update my name, but that field is not editable. Could you please let me know from where I can add my nick name? Regards, Zee
Hello Rafael, I don't think we can add the field directly to this sublist. But as a work around you can follow below steps: Step1: Create transaction saved search as below: Step 2: Create custom sublist and apply the search which you just created. Hope this will resolve your issue. Regards, Zee