My Stuff
Re: Fixed Asset lease management
Hi @SarahFR , FAM does two transactions for you automatically. 1 - Recognize the Lease Interest of the month 2 - Recognize the monthly depreciation of the linked FAM record with the Lease In parallel…1 -
How to cancel an active Revenue Recognition Plan
Hi There, I have an active Revenue Recognition Arrangement with one Revenue Element and its Revenue Plan is for 12 months. I have already recognized 3 months. Then in month 4, the subscription is can…1 -
HTP in Multibook for Expense Management
How to create Amortization Schedules in a new pending Accounting Book when the Feature is currently enabled in the Multi-book page.3 -
Re: FAM Disposal with Sale - Using multi-subsidiary Customer feature?
Thanks for the confirmation that Multi-subsidiary Customer is not supported by FAM. As a workaround I can create a subcustomer using the primary subsidiary equal to the Asset's subsidiary.2 -
Re: Bulk FAM Transfer by CSV
Hi Again, just to let you know i made it work. The issue was in the Header of the second column as NetSuite is expecting Subsidiary (not Subsidiary ID). So my data was always correct, the issue was t…2