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Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence
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Discussion List
Opportunity to grab some updated HR benchmarking statistics for use in your presentations this FallSummary Oracle is working with HR.com to help organizations understand the state of the HR technology stack. This is an opportunity for your input. Content Dear Oracle C…
Unable to extend Location DimentionSummary FAW extensibility Issue Content Dear All, We are trying to extend the Location Dimension available in FAW ERP Profitability Subject Area. In the wizard, we canno…
EEO-1 ReportingSummary Example dashboard based on changes in Worker Ethnicity data capture in Release 6.5 Content In FAW for HCM release 6.5 the way FAW captures data for worker ethnic…
Dashboards for New FAW for HCM Subject AreasSummary New HCM dashboard examples for the newly released subject areas in the 6.5 Release Content There are several new subject areas released recently for HCM: HCM – W…
Fusion Analytics Warehouse - Upgrade to 6.5Content Great news! 6.5 has been rolled out, let's apply the upgrade. Please refer the product documentation for what's new in this release - take me there. Upgrade the …
Recruiting DashboardSummary Provides a sample recruiting dashboard Content This dashboard provides a few key analytics around the talent acquisition process in an organization that can be u…
Suppliers REST APISummary Suppliers REST API missing LAST_UPDATE_DATE Content Hi! Does anyone know how to get suppliers via REST incrementally by date? Also I need to know if it is possib…
Walkthrough of Steps for Creating Fusion Analytics Warehouse (FAW) SR with Oracle Product SupportContent 1. Ensure CSI for FAW is added to the Admin/Contact. Note: Multiple product CSIs can be added to a single contact. 2. Ensure all company resources who are allowe…
FAW Extensibility Use Case - Payroll - Case StudySummary FAW Extensibility Use Case - Payroll - Case Study Refer to the following Oracle blog for complete solution and detailed steps : https://blogs.oracle.com/analytic…
Span Of Control & Org LevelsSummary Department With Most Managers & Org span of control Content Import the DV in your FAW environment. Please follow below steps to get started using the pre-built a…
Hires & Leavers By Job Family , Managers ,Assignment Type & LocationsSummary Hires & Leavers By Job Family , Managers ,Assignment Type & Locations Content Import the DV in your FAW environment. Please follow below steps to get started usi…
Diversity Details - Ethnicity View - Worker Type WiseSummary Diversity Details - Ethnicity View - Worker Type Wise Content Sample DV analysis for ethnicity wise breakdown of worker type. Import the DV in your FAW environme…
Is it possible to pass dynamic dates in the payroll activity reportSummary I need process date to change monthly Content Hi, I want to schedule the payroll activity report to run monthly for the current month of process dates. For examp…
FAW HCM Reporting Technique Series - 02: Reporting on current manager hierarchySummary Provides the steps to report on latest manager hierarchy Content This post contains a brief synopsis on reporting technique that allows you report on the manager…
FAW HCM Reporting Technique Series - 01: Gains and Losses ReportingSummary Provides the mandatory step while reporting on gains and losses by common dimensions Content This post contains a brief synopsis that explains the required step …
D&I - Ethnicity ViewpointSummary Review & Analyze Total Headcount , Hiring , Promotion , Turnover by Ethnicity Content Please follow below steps to get started using the pre-built analysis for y…
D&I- Gender ViewpointSummary Review Diversity & Inclusion strategy and standing in your organization from gender perspective. Content Please follow below steps to get started using the pre-b…
Workforce Core - Turnover ViewSummary Analyze Turnover trends of an organization by tenure , age & performance band & plot trends across different time periods. Content Please follow below steps to g…
Workforce Core - Overall ViewSummary Analyze Headcount by Person Type , Business unit , Assignment Category , Nationality , Religion & Review Total headcount ,Average Tenure , Average Age , Span Of …
Fusion Analytics Warehouse (HCM) - Enabling Talent AcquisitionSummary Enabling Talent Acquisition in FAW 20.R2.P1 release Content With Fusion Analytics Warehouse Release 20.R2.P1, a new functional module – Talent Acquisition has be…