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Failed in migrateing policy store from obi to file /tmp/BARwork/exportSICustomization/ssi/metadata/ver No matte what I do to be successful @ exporting the bar with catalog set true .. I get this exportServiceInstance('domain_home', 'ssi', '/tmp/BARwork',…User_4NU9S 65 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Christian Berg-0racle Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server
Is there a way to back up FDI tables and to reload the tables if a data refresh/reset is performed?Is there a way to back up FDI tables and to reload the tables if a data refresh/reset is performed? Some of the tables in our source system have a data retention policy …
Upcoming Webinars Week of October 28Use External Application Merge with Fusion Data Intelligence (FDI) Monday, October 28 at 10 AM MT Presented by Farzin Barazandeh Fusion Data Intelligence (FDI) Security …Aimee Williams-Oracle 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ankit Gupta.-Oracle Oracle Analytics Trainings
NVL In RTF TemplateSummary NVL In RTF Template Content Hi Team, How to use NVL In rtf templete If is null the it should write Thanks ATThilib Arivu 3.2K views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Mallikarjuna Kuppauru-Oracle Oracle Analytics Publisher
HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.GradeAM.ValidGradesPVOSummary: We have a data augmentation requirement in FDI - Job valid grades are not found in any delivered subject area and the PVO of that object is not pulling Data aug…Prasad Deshpande 49 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashish-Oracle Oracle Fusion HCM Analytics
how to extend the application timeout?Sometimes I can't save the reports I have been building because the application closes the session, supposedly because of “timeout”, but even being connected and working…SERGIO BARRETO 113 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashish-Oracle Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics
Unable to find BI roles like BI Administrator Role in Oracle fusion instanceHi Team, We are trying to add BI Administrator Role for user but unable to find the role itself. User having IT Security Manager role also is unable to find and add this…Prabhjeet Kaur 232 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashish-Oracle Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics
3OAS 6.4 - "Internal Error" while saving DV DatasetOrganization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of): Oracle GSC Description (Required): Hi…Kartik Mali-Oracle 156 views 2 comments 3 points Most recent by Kartik Mali-Oracle Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab
Which tables should be used for reporting users, roles and actions to generate reports using SQL?The cybersecurity area has been asking for more detailed traceability of user management in the CX application. We are currently trying to generate reports from the Repo…
3Alternate values in the Bar/Overlay charts?There should be some capability to show the alternate values in the data labels in the bar/overlay charts. Sometimes the data values get overlapped and should have such …
How to create deep link for Purchase Order number in FDII'm using the standard subject area (Procurement - Purchase Orders) to build reports. One of the report columns is Purchase Order Number. I need to create a deep link to…
Year on Year (YoY) time series calculations - YoY growth/declineI'd like to know if the AGO and TODATE time series functions are working by design. Here are the details: We are planning toadded in our dashboard a Quarterly or Yearly …
6US National ParksExplore historical data of the number of visits per State and Park, including charts creation of a Stream Graph (Historic Volume of Visits by Region) and a Beeswarm Char…William Wandurraga-Oracle 120 views 2 comments 6 points Most recent by Madeleine Groeger-Wilson-Oracle Oracle Analytics Data Visualizations Gallery
Create a conditional area in a pivot table in publisher rtfHello Team, I created a pivot table in an rtf. I would like to show the cell of the total by row only if the attribute row is similar (includes or not) to some text. I t…
3Slow changing dimensions in Oracle FDI Prebuilt / custom subject areasDear Oracle FDI Idea Labs Team, Could you please check to implement or share recommendations wrt slow changing dimensions in Oracle FDI prebuilt / custom subject areas. …User_1VPJ8 31 views 2 comments 3 points Most recent by User_1VPJ8 Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence Idea Lab
5Descriptor_idof in Data VisualizationHi. I need to configure a dashboard prompt showing Code-Description in LOV, but passing only Code (or ID) in the physical query (similar as descriptor_idof feature in ob…User_YBCVZ 127 views 1 comment 5 points Most recent by User_YBCVZ Oracle Fusion Data Intelligence Idea Lab
OAS 2023 (7.0) Dataflow Errors with NQSError: 46240 - Windows 2019I have installed OAS 7.0 in Windows Server 2019 it was successfully installed with no warning etc, but when I try machine learning dataflow is not executing and through …muneezaniaz 350 views 36 comments 0 points Most recent by muneezaniaz Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server
BI Publisher Sync vs AsynchWe have recently upgraded from BIP V11 to V12 and all our reports appears to be running in Async mode instead of the previous Synchronous mode when we post the URL to ru…User_A9T9Q 33 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mallikarjuna Kuppauru-Oracle Oracle Analytics Publisher
2Allow more canvases in DV "Email Schedules (Preview)"We are very glad to make use of the features now available with "Email Schedules (Preview)". We currently have a weekly routine of exporting one particular workbook with…Erik 5601 11 views 0 comments 2 points Started by Erik 5601 Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab
OAS 2024: Issue with rendering OracleMaps in different zoom levelsHi, after upgrade of OAS 2023(7.0) to OAS 2024(7.6) - Linux version - I have issues with included Background maps on different zoom levels with DV. On previous version I…