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Digital Customer Service
Discussion List
Getting error to Refresh the FA Rest APisSummary Error- Not authorized to fetch contents from null.
Assign Default value to the category in chat window in DCS based VBCS applicationSummary Assign Default value to the category in chat window in DCS based VBCS applicationContent Hi Can we assign a default value to the category field in chat window in…
How to use Category field to route Chat requestsSummary Chat Routing based on Email and Category of CustomerContent How to use Category field to route Chat requests. Category field would have to 2 possible value: Dome…
How to make category field mandatory in chat window in DCS based VBCS ApplicationSummary How to make category field mandatory in chat window in DCS based VBCS ApplicationContent Hi We have added category field to the chat window in DCS based VBCS app…
How to Build details page for custom objectSummary Create Details for unique idContent How to Build details page for custom object. Same requirement like while click on SR number and re-direct to details page wit…
Invoking the hidden Chat InlaySummary When trying to invoke the hidden Chat Inlay, the chat window will not openContent Please look at the invokeChat() method and let us know what is wrong with it as…
Interaction History for Anonymous Chat AccessSummary Interactions history record creation for Anonymous User ChatContent Can you please clarify on how the interactions history record is created for different Chat p…
Insert a click to chat link on a HTML pageSummary I would like to insert a link to open the chat window on one of our company's intranet pagesContent I would like to insert a link to open the chat window on one …
Populate chat window with the contact's informationSummary Populate chat window with the contact's first/last name and email addressContent When the contact clicks on the chat url, I want the first name, last name and em…
How to add a Field to chat window in DCS based VBCS applicationSummary How to add a Field to chat window in DCS based VBCS applicationContent Hi All, How do we add a field in chat window which can be used in manage service assignmen…
Customize Chat Window in DCS based VBCS applicationSummary Customize Chat Window in DCS based VBCS applicationContent Hi All How can we customize chat window in the DCS based VBCS application. 1)We need to change the col…
Remove the anonymous login information from the standard DCS Chat ClientSummary Customize the login information from the standard DCS Chat ClientContent Please how to make the fields First Name, Last Name and Email from the Chat login page n…
How to add a custom field from Engagement Cloud in DCS - Service Request pageSummary How to add a custom field from Engagement Cloud in DCS - Service Request pageContent How to add a custom field from Engagement Cloud in DCS - Service Request pag…Daniel Placinta -Support-Oracle 89 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Jamie Lord | Oracle-Oracle
Customize the Chat splash pageSummary I would like to customize the Chat splash page with my company's informationContent This is our Chat URL which opens a chat splash page: https://ourcompanyhost.o…
Co-browse to be placed in a panel not all over the applicationSummary Co-browse to be placed in a panel not all over the applicationContent Hi, We add the co-browse to the DCS based VBCS application. Added the co-browse to a panel …
How to filter data based on logged in user's Account or Account key in Digital customer ServiceSummary Customer wants to see only the records fetched from DCS related to logged in user's account only.Content Hi All, Hope you doing well!! On behalf of a customer I …
Attachment upload for custom objects in OEC through DCSSummary Is it possible to upload attachments to custom objects in OEC through DCS?Content We have a requirement to create a custom object in OEC and we need to expose th…
Login / register using Social accountContent Hi, Can we able to login / register using social accounts in DCS? (Facebook / Twitter) Thanks, Mohan
Chat Now should flow all over the applicationSummary Chat Now should flow all over the applicationContent Hi, We add the Chat component to the DCS based VBCS application. Added the Chat to a panel in application. N…
Unable to assign Iframe to the home-start page under Flow in DCSSummary Flow Current page are disabled in Events(Navigate) in Home-start in DcsContent 1. Unable to assign the Iframes to the home-start page inflows in Events(using Nav…
Co-Browse on a particular page in VBCS applicationSummary How can we enable co-browse on a particular page.Content Hi all we have done setting up Co-Browse in DCS based VBCS application and it was working fine. Now our …
Connection between Oracle Engagement Cloud and Digital Customer ServiceContent Hi, I am trying to create a incident from dcs to Engagement cloud is there any connectivity between those. How could i can connect those Instances? Only Rest api…
Chat Error - Chat not created, check business unit id.Summary Chat Error - Chat not created, check business unit id.Content Hi, We are setting up the DCS application and have completed the Mandatory Tasks as suggested in th…
Chat login page in DCSSummary Customize the standard messages in the Standard Chat login pageContent In Engagement Cloud DCS chat login page when no agent is available it sends the message be…
Accessing CEC digital contents from within DCS based VBCS pageContent All, What would be the use case to access the digital contents hosted on Oracle Content and Experience Cloud (CEC) from with DCS based VBCS page. This page can a…
CoBrowse between Agent and End UserContent All, I have setup Co Browse using the livelook website. Got the link to appear on the DCS based VBCS page. The Co Browse link appears on the bottom right corner …
Add field to Chat InlaySummary How to add field to Chat InlayContent Please How to add a new field field to Chat Inlay?
Invoking the Flow(design pageF) with the Root page(shell) in DCSSummary How to Invoke the Flow(design pageF) with the Root page(shell) in DCSContent 1. We have created a design page under the flows in DCS. 2. On home page(root pages)…
Search Engine doesn't show resultSummary Published article doesn't show in the search engineContent 1. When I am trying to search the Published Articles in the Search box it's not showing the results. 2…
Rule based routing of Chat requestsContent All, We are able to setup the Chat inlay in the DCS based VBCS application. Is there a way to route the chats requests to agents/specific users based on some rul…