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Profitability and Cost Management
Discussion List
EPMAUTOMATE command doesn't exist to launch pipelineSummary: EPMAUTOMATE commands are not available to launch Pipeline. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Unable to launch pipeline job. Version…
Export Data RuleSummary: Hi All, I am looking for some document link for how to create export data rule in EPCMCS from Data Exchange interface in .csv format. Thanks in Advance
I get an error adding duplicated members from UISummary: I'd like to add duplicated members across different dimensions. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I'd like to add duplicated member…
Error in loading PCMCS data to EPBCS financialsSummary: Trying to push data from pcmcs to epbcs but facing a issuse in transform step. Content (required): We tried mapping the target application values(EPBCS Financia…
Need help in writing member formula in ASO cubeSummary: Trying to write a member formula for an account member but it's not working Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Trying to write a mem…
Unable to refresh members from source (EPBCS) application in an EPBCS to EPCM integration.Summary: In Data Management I am unable to refresh members from the source application (EPBCS Reporting cube) after registering the EPBCS application. In error log it's …
How do I copy rates from one member to multiple members with UDA?Summary: Attempting to copy rates from a default department member to departments with a specific UDA Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): It f…
EPCM - YTD from PTD source data for every periodSummary: In EPCM, all of my current month calculations require previous month YTD data for calculation. we have not created any additional period type dimension and its …
Unable to use Rule dimension in EPCM to populate Journal Line Description in Integration with ERPSummary: We are sending data from EPCM to ERP as a single journal using Data Integration. The requirement is for the user to be able to see in ERP which allocation rule …
quick mode EXPORT from EPCMhi All from our EPCM application, we want to extract the data set and send to target systems for reporting. We have extremely huge volumes of data (approx 1 million of r…
Recommended way of loading Metadata to PCMCS from EDMHi All, I need to load Metadata to PCMCS from EDM. I am aware of running Extract to get Metadata file and then upload and load file to PCMCS using EPM Automate. What are…
How to move data from PCM_CLC to PCM_REP cubeSummary: Content (required): Hi all As per documentation, we have just migrated from Standard PCM to EPCM and we wanted to take advantage of the REP cube. However, I can…
Standard Target Version Use CaseSummary: I notice that the Version dimension allows for set up of a Target version. What is the use case for this in EPCM given all the cubes are ASO? I presumed you cou…
Please suggest SmartView link that can be used to connect/test to PCMCS OCI temporary URLs.Summary: SmartView link that can be used to connect/test to PCMCS OCI temporary URLs provided by Oracle to validate the env before migration. Content (required): PCMCS U…
Time Series Analysis using a View dimensionContent Over the past few months several posters have asked about calculating and reporting on time series values such as YTD, QTD, Trailing 12 months. The EPM Planning …
Historical data change in PCMSummary: Our historical "Input" and "Allocated" data in PCM Prod got changed, could I get some suggestions on it's cause and how to fix it? Content (required): Our histo…
Export Data With Attribute EPCMCSSummary: Hi All, Can we export data form data management with attribute value?? Let Say I have 10 Dimension out of that I tag Attribute Dimension with segment dimension(…
Does EPCM Custom Calculation supports String Operations on left side (Target) of the script?Summary: Targeting the results to certain ICP Dimension members ICP_**** from an alternate hierachy of Product Dimension whose parent will be CP_****. Content (required)…
Are Smart View Admin Extensions available for PCMCS?Summary Are Smart View Admin Extensions available for PCMCS?Content Are Smart View Admin Extensions available for PCMCS? I am able to use it when connected to a Planning…
Can allocations be triggered using Data pipeline in EPCM?Summary: Is there a way to trigger the allocations within EPCM using Data Pipeline? If yes, could you please help with steps? Content (required): Version (include the ve…
MDX Formula with Avg function is not working in Groovy Business Rule in PCMCS ASO cubeHi, I am creating Groovy Business Rule to calculate Average of an Account from Jan to Current Month and assign this value to other account. ([ACCT_AVG]) := (Avg(({[Perio…
Change functionality so that the TO Return only have cost when the Organization confirms the ReceiptSummary: In Oracle Cloud we realized that there is a case where Transfer Order Return transactions establish a cost even when the Destination Organization does not confi…
How to set data precision when exporting data from ASO through Data ManagementSummary: We are trying to export data from PCM to a flat file using Data Management. Is it possible to restrict the data precision to 2 as the source is an ASO cube Cont…
What are the options for data exchange between EPM planning and EPCM moduleSummary: Data exchange between EPM planning and EPCM module Content (required): Currently using EPM Planning and EPCM module for systemization of transfer pricing system…
Member formula or custom calc?Summary: Need to calculate average FTEs in most efficient manner Content (required): I have a requirement to calculate average FTEs for a whole list of departments. Curr…
Clarification on Simple Reclassification (SR) rulesSummary: What is a simplified calculation process for reclassification rules? Content (required): In the What's New of September 2023 is a note on simplified calculation…
Killing Calculation Rules in EPCMSummary: Need to kill the calculations Rules in EPCM Content (required): In EPCM I am trying to kill the running of Rule(s) with the 'Cancel' button. Nothing happens wit…
Calculation Manager enabled in ePCMCSSince last (08.23) patch calculation manager is available in EPCM test applications version 23.08.60. Is this expected? Is this specific to MDX scripts, or are groovy sc…
MDX format for power(raise to) in custom calculationSummary: Hi All, I want to build below formula, [Adjustment]:=([input][account])*(1+([input][mark up]))^3 What is the format for MDX format for power function (raise to)…
EPCM - Setting current month number in a account dimension memberSummary: Hi All, I have a scenario where I need current month and previous month in number for some mathematical expression. My plan is to set the number in account dime…