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Career and Succession
Discussion List
Using Oracle HCM Talent Review live during a Talent Review MeetingSummary How are other customers incorporating Oracle HCM Talent Review into your Talent Review Meetings?Content Our organization has always used PowerPoint to capture da…
Development Goals Printing Delivered TemplateContent We have recently noticed that when you try to print the development goals it's printing the delivered template, not the one that we have customized. It worked fi…
Talent Pool - How's the experience!Content We are looking into implementing Talent Pool and would like to hear from other customers on their experience and the usage who have implemented this module alrea…
Updating competency content by certain effective dateSummary We use competencies in performence review and job profile. The content of competencies have changed for this year but we want to keep the old versions for last y…
Add 9 box talent review rating to succession planContent We'd like to add the talent review (9box) rating to the candidate details of those in a succession plan. Has anyone done this? Is it possible?
Can Business lead acccess Talent meeting content ?Content Hi All, Our query is when we add business lead to the talent review meeting then can he change the rating for his managers reportee? If no then why task is assig…
Data Privacy Agreement in FusionSummary Is it a way to accommodate privacy agreement in Fusion?Content Hi, We are looking for a way to integrate the data privacy agreement in the Fusion Talent Manageme…
Configuration of the Potential QuestionnaireSummary Configuring the ' No Opinion' question off the potential questionnaireContent Hi I am currently configuring our potential questionnaire as part of the roll out o…
Person Spotlight Succession ManagementSummary Show when an Employee is part of a planContent Hi We are restoring the Succession view in Person Spotlight, and I have been reviewing my notes on succession, I s…
Using multiple Model ProfilesContent As per the requirement configured two model profiles . Profile A- positions are workforce structures Profile B- jobs are workforce structures For an employee Pro…
want to hide the 9-box view for talent reviewsSummary want to hide the 9-box view for talent reviewsContent Dear Expert, We have a requirement where they want to hide the 9-box view for talent reviews. Is it possibl…
Creating a view only Line HR roleSummary We are in the process of creating a view only role for our Line HR using a custom version of the HR Analyst Role and EL expressions on the page.Content We are in…
Content Item Description - Competencies - Line BreakSummary Inserting a line break in the content item description (ITEM_DESCRIPTION)Content Hey all, I am currently loading content items via HDL for competencies and my cl…User_2025-01-25-01-26-36-812 89 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-01-26-36-812
Population visibility for co-facilitator in a Talent Review MeetingSummary Population visibility for co-facilitator in a Talent Review MeetingContent Hi Team - I had a query on the visibility that a co-owner of a TR meeting has if the r…
Rating models use for Talent Review and Performance DocumentContent When configuring performance document I have given Proficiency rating model for both section processing and item processing in competency section. After that I u…User_2025-01-28-21-18-43-496 100 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-21-18-43-496
Potential Assessment Configuration - No option to create responsesSummary There doesn't appear to be a way to add responses to a questionContent Hi. I am trying to create a Potential Assessment questionnaire. When I go to create a ques…
What should be the Career Planing Navigation for HRContent We are on REL12 and when employee click on the Skills and Qualification they can see Career Planning Tab and under that they can fill all these Work Preference d…
Work Requirements - Willing to Relocate - TablesSummary Requirement to change the table that is populating the Willing to Relocate selections under Work RequirementsContent About Me > Career Planning > Work Requiremen…
Expression to make Skills and Qualifications VisibleSummary Can an expression be used that is linked to a content type to conditionaly make SKills and Quals VisibleContent Hi We are consulting with our Information Securit…
Skills RequirementSummary Skills RequirementContent Hi - i have a request for the following - any idea if these can be done? * Dropdown function for set list of skillsets (currently 82 so…
Prepare Review Content - Talent Review - Additional ContentSummary Is is possible to add additional/custom content to the Prepare Review Content screen within the Talent Review business process?Content Potential client is asking…
How to give Line managers access to a particular Succession Plan ?Summary How to give Line managers access to a particular Succession Plan ?Content If I create a succession plan and give owner access to a LM (a director of a business u…
Is there anyway to restrict Specific Content Types for regionsSummary Restrict Specific Content Types for regionsContent Hi, We have a requirement for Europe Custom Employee Role. Using Directory, if anyone outside Europe, sees Emp…User_2025-01-23-22-38-48-505 34 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-23-22-38-48-505
Holding Area Issue in Talent Review MeetingSummary Holding Area Issue in Talent Review MeetingContent We have noticed that old ratings are getting removed for the people in the Holding Area when you submit the ta…
How to create additional fields in Career Planning CardSummary How to create additional fields in Career Planning CardContent Hi team - We have a business requirement to have 2 Fields as below with a LOV having Yes/No (OR) a…
Profile Modules and career & succession plans Process flowContent Hi, I need to clarify on Profile &succession modules.More places having same tab Find best fit job,or person.I m getting confuse. Then what i created in manage m…User_2025-01-28-00-11-59-141 72 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-00-11-59-141
In Manage model Profile values not reflecting in model profileContent Hi, In Profile module we created some values in manage model profile. Person profile and model profile two tabs are there. In model profile which i created that …User_2025-01-28-00-11-59-141 62 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-21-18-43-496
Assign Performance Goal to a specific Talent PoolSummary Assign Performance Goal to a specific Talent PoolContent Hello Community, Has anybody came across requirements to assign *Performance* Goal to a specific Talent …
Up Loading Competencies through HDLSummary Up Loading Competencies through HDLContent Hi, Was wondering if there is a way to do a mass upload of competencies. It there a template out there I could use? th…User_2025-01-25-05-25-03-024 87 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-05-25-03-024
How to add an infotile in Career Development in R12Summary How to add an infotile in Career Development in R12Content Hi Team - Is it possible to add an extra infotile in Career Development in R12 ? Currently it has 3 in…