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Human Capital Management
Global HR, Workforce Modeling & Predictions, Localizations, Strategic Workforce Planning, Connections
Discussion List
R12 and MSS Promotion ISSUESummary R12 and MSS Promotion ISSUEContent We are in the process of testing R12 for a proposed go-live date of 7/21/17. During the course of our testing, we have found M…
Just before submitting a new hire there's the printable page option, currently the issue with that oSummary Just before submitting a new hire there's the printable page option, currently the issue with that option is that it doesn't display any information about the jo…
need to havePerson Number added to the New Hire notifications in HCM R12Summary need to havePerson Number added to the New Hire notifications in HCM R12Content is there any way we can add person number in the New Hire Notification in R12.User_2025-01-28-23-32-02-981 42 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-01-46-39-933
Avoid the default homepage and go directly to springboard.Content As soon you log-in, it takes you to the following page, and then you will have to click on the home icon to go to the springboard. Just wanted to see if there is…
Searching Records and determine Contact RelationshipSummary How do you determine a contact's relationship to a worker in Oracle without reporting?Content Hi All, How can we determine a contact's (spouse, dependent) relati…User_2025-01-28-20-24-47-566 70 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-03-03-33-360
Impact of making fields mandatory in Employment PageSummary What is the impact of making fields mandatory in Manage Employment PageContent Hi Team - I have a very basic question about making few employment fields mandator…
Documentation for new Person SpotlightSummary Where can I find detailed documentation on the new Person SpotlightContent There are many new features we are trying to learn about in the Person Spotlight, but …User_2025-01-28-02-26-25-317 89 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-02-26-25-317
R12 Upgrade : Task icons missing for few HR admin in Mng Employment PageSummary R12 Upgrade : Task icons missing for few HR admin in Mng Employment PageContent Hi Team - Post R12 Upgrade, few HR users reported an issue that they were unable …
Position in Multiple languagesSummary Trying to maintain position titles in multiple languagesContent Hi - We are trying to have our whole organization maintain position titles in English but at the …
R12 Phone missing from Public Information/"My Portrait"Summary The Phone details for associates is missing from their Public Information PortraitContent We are gearing up to turn on profiles and we are struggling with how to…User_2025-01-28-02-26-25-317 53 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-02-26-25-317
Maximum number of lookup codes in a value set added to a content typeContent Hi all, One quick question: which is the maximum number of common lookup codes I can insert in a common lookup type that I need to add to a profile type (content…User_2025-01-25-01-51-59-669 57 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-25-01-51-59-669
R12 Upgrade : ADF_FACES Error during Hire in IESummary R12 Upgrade : ADF_FACES Error during Hire in IEContent Hi Team - Few HR users were unable to complete the Hire process as they encountered ADF_FACES error while …User_2025-01-23-23-27-49-795 73 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-01-46-39-933
Send Email Notification to Helpdesk immediate after New Hire.Summary Requirement to send Email Notification to Helpdesk immediate after New Hire.Content Dear Techies, We are expecting to send email notification to help desk immedi…
Unable to Find Release 12 New Feature in Oracle HCM Cloud: End User Personalization of Navigator andSummary Unable to Find Release 12 New Feature in Oracle HCM Cloud: End User Personalization of Navigator and SpringboardContent Hi Friends, I was going through the Relea…
set up tasks for new implementationSummary set up tasks for new implementationContent Hello All, Do we have any document where we have all the setup tasks/steps that we have to do to implement core. Thank…
View Multiple Assignment InformationSummary How can employees view job information for all assignmentsContent In release 12 the My Portrait and Employment Card are being removed. How can employees with mul…
Release 12, PB5 (May) anyone have issues with photos displaying on IE?Summary We have users with photos uploaded, since the Patch was installed over the weekend, the photos are not visible in IE, but are in ChromeContent HI, Anyone else on…User_2025-01-25-01-21-47-598 31 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-24-00-03-02-579
5 Cool and 5 Much Needed Improvements Required in Oracle HCM Cloud (Personal Opinion)Summary Cool and 5 Much Needed Improvements Required in Oracle HCM Cloud (Personal Opinion)Content Five Cool Things About Oracle HCM: 1. Awesome Look and Feel 2. Ease of…
HCM - Workforce Compensation Release 13 UI Refresh: July 13, 2017, 9:00 a.m. PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the HCM - Workforce Compensation Release 13 UI Refresh session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by post…
Display the 'Preferred Name' field for a BUSummary How to ensure Preferred name is displayed when adding a Pending worker?Content I want to ensure that the field 'Preferred Name' is displayed in the 'Personal Det…
want to Automate the Element CalculationContent The majority of the components are percentages based off of annual salary. Would like to setup formulas for the pay elements to automatically populate/update bas…
Remove More Details from Bell NotificationSummary Remove More Details from Bell NotificationContent Just wanted to see if there is a way to hide
What role can Process a Pending WorkerSummary Process a pending worker imported from TaleoContent We are going live with Taleo soon and I want all HR Specialists to be able to process a pending worker. Does …User_2025-01-25-01-10-42-578 88 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-01-10-42-578
Line Manager able to manage contingent end dateSummary How can the line manager manage a contract end date for a contingent workerContent Hi all, I more often than not see a requirement for line managers to be able t…
Role CompetenciesSummary Role Competencies paragraphsContent We would like to have multiple paragraphs in the description field, no matter what we do ti separate the paragraphs (put spac…User_2025-01-28-07-47-26-775 50 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-28-07-47-26-775
Setting up usernames in R12Summary Use person number as username when employee has no emailContent Hi - We currently have the system configured to generate usernames based on email addresses. If a…
Setup Tasks for new ImplementationSummary Starting a new Fusion HCM implementation what are the list of tasks/setup I have to configureContent We are starting a new Fusion HCM implementation which includ…
Manager self service Transactions ApprovalSummary Manager self service Transactions ApprovalContent Hi, We are going to start our core HR Fusion implementation soon. Today our approval process is heavily customi…
REL 12 - Add Direct Reports Search not working for Assignment UpdatesContent Hello, We have noticed that when we try to use the newly R12 delievered feature "Add Direct Reports" in the Manage Direct Reports section the search does not wor…
Employer Notice PeriodSummary Capturing Employer Notice PeriodContent Hi Community, I have a requirement to capture Employer Notice Period in HCM Cloud. As you will know, this is not a standa…