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Discussion List
Process a Predefined Resource Alert ESS created post scheduling of a resource alert?Summary: Can we please confirm the system expected behaviour post configuration and scheduling of a resource alert in regards to the ESS 'Process a Predefined Resource A…
Does publicWorkers API have DFFs?Summary: We are trying to access Assignment DFFs using REST APIs and we do not want to use Workers or Employees API because it exposes lot of PII data. Is there any othe…
Moved: OIC HCM Adapter Get Worker API call can't get to any "Workers" node elements using…This discussion has been moved.
Create Worker Phone using REST API - CountryCodeNumber is defaultedSummary: When using: Operation: POST /hcmRestApi/resources/{workersUniqID}/child/phones Country code is getting defaulted. However, if I use HDL, I c…
Question on Oracle Element Entries documentationSummary: Question on URL: In the example of the POST request payload on this …
REST API to create model profileSummary: Hi Experts, Can we create a model profile through API? Example - For the Job profile, employee should have those competencies and skill. Content (required): Ver…
Rest API to GET WorkTerms NumberSummary: What is the Rest API to GET WorkTerms Number. Could not able to get it Content …
Integrate with Oracle Fusion HCM and Google ApigeeSummary: Integrate with Oracle Fusion HCM and Google Apigee Content (required): Hi Team, We need help to know whether we can integrate Oracle Fusion HCM Cloud with Googl…
OTL Time Card EntriesSummary: OTL Time Card Entries Content (required): Hi Team, We are using the below approach via integration to make the time card entries in OTL and issues. Run timeReco…
Alerts Composer - Can we filter only Employee's current and active HR Representatives?Summary: We have custom alert 'Visa Validation after Termination' - and this current filter that we have sends the notification to these HR Representatives that are both…
Development Goals API endpoint available in 23A but not 23B?Summary: I've noticed the development goal endpoint is not availble in the 23B release, while available in 23A Content (required): 23B API endpoints:…
Location transferred using REST APISummary: Hi Experts, I did a location transfer for a worker using REST API. Approval is already configured in the system but when i did transfer using API, without appro…
Oracle HCM Assignment DFFSummary: Trying to GET and POST the assignment's Global Data Elements flexfield values Content (required): There is only one DFF field defined. However, when I run a GET…
Do we have any Stanard REST API for Creation of Individual compensation plan ?Hi Team, Please provide us the Stanard REST API for Creation of Individual compensation plan. Best Regards, Ravi Teja
Rest API to validate vacant FTE in manage positionSummary: Rest API to validate vacant FTE in manage position Content (required): Hi, I would like to know if there is a way to validate if a position has vacant FTE to up…
How to extract audit log for Data Upload using REST API?Summary: Content (required): For Audit purpose, we require audit log of Data Upload in Oracle Fusion HCM using REST API Version (include the version you are using, if ap…
Oracle Fusion Recruiting - Requisition API provides ID instead of actual nameSummary: We have a requirement to get all the requisitions created from ORC (Recruiting) using API. We are using the end point - /hcmRestApi/resources/…
Custom API.Summary: Hi Expert, Good afternoon! Could we create job applications with the help of a custom API. Can someone refer me to any documents on how to create a custom API? …
Do we have Rest API or SOAP Webservice available "Third party organization payment method"?Summary: We are loading the "Third party organization payment method" through HDL. METADATA|ThirdPartyOrganizationPaymentMethod|EffectiveStartDate|EffectiveEndDate|Legis…
API to download documentsIs there an API or some other way to know if a user uploaded a new document to HCM ? Version: Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications 23A (
Filter condition on the Atom feed URL - PossibilitySummary: Need to filter the atom feed URL based on the condition in the URL . Is it possible? Content (required): I want to filter the atom feed URL based on the conditi…
Why atom feeds are not triggered for terminated employeesSummary: Atom feeds not triggering for terminated employees Content (required): whenever SSN, Address, Phone etc., are changed for terminated employees, atom feeds are n…
Data Security Policy for accessing Assignment Manager through REST APISummary: I am looking to access the workers endpoint with a role which has limited access to any non-essential data. The data I need for this role is Person Number, Assi…
If there an API which would allow you to create a worklist notification in Oracle CloudSummary: I have a system which generated action notifications, external to Oracle Cloud, I want these to appear as view only notifications in Oracle cloud, so I the user…
Workers REST - Upsert-ModeSummary: Upsert-Mode HTTP header seems to be ignored. Content (required): Oracle documentation describes Upsert-Mode as: Upsert-Mode: When set to true, the server will p…
oracle fusion hcm rest api get employee line manager email idSummary: oracle fusion hcm rest api get employee line manager email id Content (required): oracle fusion hcm rest api get employee line manager email id Version (include…
REST API for HCM ExtractHi, I am developing outbound integration of Person and Assignment for which created HCM extract. To invoke from OIC can you please help with the REST API name and with a…
Delay New hire Employee ATOM Feeds till the required attributes are not PopulatedSummary: Content (required): We would like to explore the possibility of Delaying the New Hire ATOM Feeds till the required attributes are not Populated. e.g. Email Addr…
How to populate a flex field value by calling a web serviceSummary: If a manager/hr initiates assignment change transactions, a webservice should be called to get data from external source and populate the value on the assignmen…
HCM Rest API error 429 using rest api WorkerSummary: Hi, using the REST API Worker , the system return the error 429, there is a maximum request limit. I am looking for a document and I have opened a SR asking for…