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Arm Compute
Discussion List
Unable to connect to ARM instance using serial console or VNC!Content ssh -o ProxyCommand='ssh -W %h:%p -p 443…
VM.Standard.A1.Flex instance disabled even though it's always free eligibleContent My instance was disabled, and when I try to start it I get an error message: "Instance ... is disabled and will not accept any action requests. Please contact cu…User_2025-02-11-20-53-29-104 38 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-11-20-49-47-022
Free Tiere architecture not aarch64Summary Is there any option by AWS for x86_64 CPU architecture?Content Is there any option by AWS for x86_64 CPU architecture?
Cannot launch sqlcl on Linux8 Arm compute shapeSummary I cannot launch sqlcl from Arm compute shapeContent Hi Folks, I'm new to Arm computing and I've recently got my hands on Arm-based compute shape and I got all of…
Unable to create any Ampere instance with even the lowest configurationSummary Unable to create any Ampere instance with even the lowest configurationContent With Always Free option for the Unpaid account type, I should have one Ampere inst…
"Out of capacity" in Japan East (Tokyo) regionSummary "Out of capacity" when creating Compute Instance for shape VM.Standard.A1.Flex in Japan East (Tokyo) regionContent I have been trying to create a compute instanc…
Virtual Machine not access and not monitoring metricsSummary virtual machine, connection issuesContent I have the issue that I set up a virutal machine on ubuntu, which runs easyengine ( and the VM is from ti…User_2025-02-12-03-11-16-636 18 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-12-03-11-16-636
ARM A1 flex always free eligibleContent Hello, There have been similar posts to this one but none of them had the same situation. About 2 months ago i created a vm on my account, It was a A1 flex Amper…User_2025-02-12-03-06-29-767 34 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-12-05-15-12-758
Unable to create Ampere A1 instanceSummary Unable to create Always Free Elegible Ampere A1 instance due to false service limit messageContent Hello, I have been trying to create a compute instance with th…
Host capacity increase for Ashburn AD-1Content Is there any plans of increasing the capacity for ARM-Compute in Ashburn AD-1 ? I currently have one Instance on Ashburn AD-2 but it doesn't have the always free…
cannot create a new arm vm, when i'm under the limitContent cannot create a new arm vm, when i'm under the limit. the exact error message explains that i'm over the limit in the sector, whilst it's incorrect. does it mean…User_2025-02-12-05-14-29-354 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-12-05-14-29-354
Unable to start my arm-based InstanceSummary I was asked to contact customer support when trying to start my Ampere based cloud instance.Content When trying to start my instance, it shows me the following m…
Unable to send mail to oci-arm-accelerator-help_ww_smgrp@oracle.comSummary Unable to send mail to oci-arm-accelerator-help_ww_smgrp@oracle.comContent Unable to send email from outlook and gmail to this mail as getting 5.1.1 Unknown reci…
About automatic termination of A1 instance of free tierContent My trial period has expired This document states that the A1 instance will automatically terminate after the trial ends.…
Am I being billed in the free tier?Content I've uploaded the graph from, but it's not clear that the 24gb RAM ARM instance is actually free (see h…
Host Capacity AmsterdamSummary Out of capacity for shape VM.Standard.A1.Flex in availability domain tarc:eu-amsterdam-1-AD-1.Content Hi, I just want to try this service in Amsterdam. Unfortuna…
Host capacity in FrankfurtContent I wanted to test my open source library on Ampere VMs but I can't seem to crate a 4 core 24GiB VM in the Frankfurt region…
When the host capacity for Ampere A1 VMs on domain nVnj:AP-TOKYO-1-AD-1 will be expandedContent When will it expend so I can create a VM to test?User_2025-02-11-13-30-16-186 45 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-12-03-45-01-803
What are Arm Processors?Content Arm processors use CPU architectures and designs that power more than 180 billion devices, from smartphones to laptops to servers. Arm Ltd., which is based in Ca…
Information about OCI Ampere A1 Compute platform and benefitsSummary OCI Ampere A1 Compute platform and benefitsContent Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) recently added the new Arm-based compute platform called Ampere A1 Compute p…
Can You Use a Custom Image With Ampere A1 Compute Instances?Content I have found documentation explaining how to create a VM with a custom image. Does this documentation also apply to the new Ampere A1 instances? Additionally, I …User_2025-02-11-13-04-44-552 255 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-11-13-04-44-552
"Always Free" not working for Ampere A1 VMsSummary I'm not able to create ARM instances being marked as "Always Free"Content Hi, I've been playing around with the Cloud interface and I'm trying to create one of t…
Which Operating Systems and runtimes are supported on the OCI Ampere A1 Compute platform?Content The Ampere A1 Compute platform supports commonly used Linux distributions such as Oracle Linux and Ubuntu. The Oracle Linux Developer image for the A1 platform i…