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Discussion List
REST API concat in OIC giving extra characterSummary: I am calling a REST API:'4' I have used the REST API Adapter…
How to download the file which having more than 100 MB size to OIC stageHi Team, I am unable to download the file from FTP to OIC stage file which is having more than 100 MB size. I have the file in FTP folder from there I am listing the fil…
API to get atp tables and procedures used within an integrationHi everyone, Is it possible to use an API/another tool to get the list of tables and procedures in a file from the ATP database used in an OIC integration? Thanks!
Pub/Sub Gen 3Summary: We've recently upgraded to OIC Gen 3. With Gen 2, we're looking for Pu/Sub pattern via OCI stream. Now with Gen 3, we've gotten this "Event" feature. Need to kn…
How to increment numberSummary: Hi I am trying create AP invoice using rest api. I want increment value 1 based on row in "getInvoiceLinesOutput" and then need to assigned value to Line number…
how do i install p6 eppm on azure cloudSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Attribute set for RegistrationNumber in entity PartyTaxProfileAM.TaxRegistration1 failedDid anyone encountered below error while updating Tax Registration Number using REST API in Fusion ? REST API --------------------- fscmRestApi/resources/…
How to convert date in desired formatSummary: Hi I am getting date 2024-03-20 in this format from VBCS page and need to convert this date in 20-MAR-2024 format and further need to send date to OIC. Input da…
OIC: Retrieve dID Value From Generic SOAP Response Payload in UCMSummary I need help retrieving the dID from a generic SOAP service. Content I am calling a generic SOAP and need to get the dID value from the response payload. I tried,…
How can we download all UCM file id's or file namesHow can we download all UCM file id's or file names in a text file that start with a name like for example DATA_
Mapping to Get file from UCMSummary Mapping to Get file from UCMContent Hi, We have used ICS to call extract and uploaded the file to UCM, Used web service(GenericSOAP) method GET_SEARCH_RESULTS (S…
Working of CreditCheckingService SOAP WebserviceSummary: Working of CreditCheckingService SOAP Webservice Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Team, We would like to know how the Availa…
Unable to read the response of Oracle BIP scheduler service ScheduleReportWSSService in OICHello Everyone, We are using below wsdl service to schedule a BIP report in oracle fusion cloud: WSDL : https://XXXXXX:443/xmlpserver/services/ScheduleReportWSSService?w…
Does Fusion Apps (HCM, ERP) honour the X-Forward-For (XFF) HTTP header for client IP decisions?Summary: Does Fusion Applications (HCM or ERP) honour the X-Forward-For (XFF) HTTP request header for client IP decisions like environment IP "allowlisting" or LBAC? Con…
Best practice documentation for managing Fusion Apps Scheduled ProcessesSummary: Where can I find Oracle's best practice documentation for managing the Scheduled Processes within Fusion Apps? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
Oracle Integration Cloud - Libraries - JavaScript functionsHi guys, I'm having a problem with JS within OIC. I need to create a simple function that will return all values if condition is met. Like so - function get_email_data_p…
ATP Database "Perform operation on table" operation error while invoking the connection errorSummary: I am invoking the Oracle ATP connection in integration, While I select "Perform an operation on a table" I am getting below error: Please help me with the solut…Veera venkata satya Ranga Prasad 12 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Veera venkata satya Ranga Prasad
Future dated person Contact HCM ExtractSummary: Hi, I have created an HCM Extract with root UE PER_EXT_SEC_PERSON_NOW_FUTURE_UE. Child UE is PER_PER_CONTACTS_UE and for phones this contact has a child UE PER_…
REST API Batch Processing To Create Multiple Records not workingSummary REST API Batch Processing To Create Multiple Records not workingContent HI Team, We have ingratiation between EBS(r12) to OEC, we have to do batch processing of …
OIC: EBS adapter REST API response is always returning null fieldsSummary: EBS adapter is used in OIC to query batch details by passing batchID as input to the REST service. EBS REST API called from SOAP UI returns expected response bu…
run OIC service from mailSummary: Hello everyone, I need the following functionality that involves a visual builder screen and an integration: I have a screen that invokes an OIC integration thr…
BICC Mappings in ODI Will Not Load Data to ADW After BICC Object Structure ChangesSummary: Oracle Support Document 2718083.1 (BICC Mappings in ODI Will Not Load Data to ADW After BICC Object Structure Changes) can be found at:…
Need steps to enable dependent LOVs Based on Table based LOV parameters in Custom ESS JobsSummary: Need steps to enable dependent LOVs Based on Table based LOV parameters in Custom ESS Jobs Content (required): We have made use of a static list of values and c…
Integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales/CRM and Oracle CloudSummary Looking for examples of companies that have integrated with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales/CRM and Oracle CloudContent I'm a potential Oracle Cloud customer lookin…
Error while translating message to the mentioned format at Stage Read intermittentlyWe are getting below error intermittently at StageRead. Sometimes request is processed successfully. Error Code : java.lang.RuntimeException Error Reason : Error while t…
Read ByteArray in OICSummary: I have REST API which gives CSV data as ByteArray. In OIC we are calling API and setting response as Binary. I want to pass the data to stage file. Can someone …
Need ical expression to schedule integration daily 4 timesSummary: Hi All, I need ical expression to schedule integration daily at 10am,1 pm, 5 pm,11 pm EST time. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): V…
OIC Integration repository deploy issueSummary: Unable to deploy the API from Oracle E-business suit Application getting an exception even while using the admin account java.lang.securityexception: user: asad…
HCM ADAPTER NOT SHOWING WORKER BUSINESS OBJECTSummary: I am adding an HCM Adapter to my integration.I am using 'Business(REST) Resources' and 'hcmRestApp' service but I cannot see "Worker" business object at all. I …
OIC ATP connection - Configure Operation On Table - Exceeded the max allowed value of 3Summary: I need to write complex JSON body to multiple parent-children tables (more than 3). A parent table has column "RECORD_ID" populated by sequence and a child tabl…