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Order Management
Discussion List
Orchestration for credit only lines based on EFFSummary: hi, I need the credit only line to have 2 behaviors 1 - wait for shipping lines based on EFF - Credit is added for specifice lines - grouped by EFF 2- wait for …
Update or Close Sales Orders ESS job is not working as expectedSummary: sales orders are not getting closed automatically, so we tried to execute the Update or Close Sales Orders Program. but the program status is stuck at 'Retrying…
Cancelling an order line with FBDI or ADFDiSummary: Is there a way to cancel an order line for a Sales Order using FBDI/Adfdi? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the v…
Line Type derivation logic on a Drop-Ship Purchase OrderWe are creating a Sales Order for an item whose setup in PIM is as Inventory Item = NO; which implies it is a service item. We are creating a drop-ship Purchase Order fr…
Is there any way to remove this validation of PSD and RSD during FBDI SO Import process?Summary: While Importing Sales Orders through FBDI, If the Promised ship date is before the Requested ship date, getting the below error: The value of the PROMISE_SHIP_D…
Does not view flexfields in sales order UI after create and deploy two flexfieldsSummary: Hi, we deploy two flexfields below, but I don't find both in sales order UI, somebody can help me? I try to find in all of screens, headers, lines, fulfiliment,…
How To Progress Fulfillment Lines Where Status is - ScheduledSummary: Hello, I have a sales order whose line is stuck with the status "scheduled" and does not move to "Awaiting shipping". How can I process it to change the status?…
Can we create purchase requisition when there is no onhand through supply request for non B2B or DSSummary: After sales order submit, Can we create purchase requisition when there is no onhand through supply request for non Back to Back and Drop ship item, can it poss…
Can we disable a Pop up window while creating Sales OrderSummary: Can we disable a Pop up window while creating Sales Order Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): While creating a sales order, when I cl…
Issue in Sales Order HeaderSummary: Getting a VO header error caused by some attribute Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, Has anyone faced this issue. Usually when …
EL expression based on the work area or tabHello I have added order entry screen in two work area 1) Seeded 'Order Managment' 2) Custom 'Sales Quote'. I have given role to the user because of which both this work…
All the Requisitions created from Back2Back Sales order having a same Default requesterSummary: The Requisition created as a part of back to back sales order is having the requester name defaulted from 'Manage Order management Parameters' customer reuireme…
How to update order line status based on changes of 'WMS Integration status'Summary: In 23A update for Backlog Management, there is a new feature ' specify up to 2 additional order line status values that indicate when order lines have been sent…
Working of CreditCheckingService SOAP WebserviceSummary: Working of CreditCheckingService SOAP Webservice Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Team, We would like to know how the Availa…
Getting the attached error while Creating a CTO sales orderItem structure was created with Model,Option Class and components and was successfully tested in Configurator,but SO throws an error
How can i fetch price components value for a order line through OM Extension?Summary: We want to fetch the value against each discount and store it in EFFs. Is there any way to do so? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
which table stores proof of deliverySummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Over Completed Quantities from MFG not being considered for B2B ordersSummary: This is a B2B make scenario where we created an SO for 4 Qty, and subsequently, a work order was created for the same. We actually over completed the WO to 14 Q…
If you set the FreezePriceFlag attribute to true when you import an order, then you can't use the OnSummary: Hi, When importing an order via SOAP I get this error message: "If you set the FreezePriceFlag attribute to true when you import an order, then you can't use th…
Two Invoices Created for one sales order with one shipmentSummary: Hi Team, We have sales order with only one shipment. But two invoices get generated, What could be the reason? To inform when I check the shipment The line whic…
Price Change during Revision of sales orderSummary: Need price change to trigger change compensation Content (required): Currently customer can mark unit list/selling price as a delta attribute in the Manage Orde…
Item Substitution is not working as expected in Oracle FusionSummary: Hi Team, We have item substitutions and its working fine when item is having no quantity. But below case: When Item having stock but no available to transact or…
Can we have approval when there is a manual price overrideSummary We have enabled Allow Override Price in Price list items - approval should be triggered whenever there is a override in Your Price- can we define approval rule f…
OM: Scheduled Arrival Date does not have the same date as the Requested Arrival Date fieldSummary: Hello, I have a big problem when I create a sales order using the drop shipment flow, because the Scheduled Arrival Date does not have the same date as the Requ…
Is it possible to Restrict hold application based on EFF value ?Summary: As production or packing progresses to different stages in the boundary application , we update the status in sales order line EFF via integration using SOAP AP…
How can we default an EFF defined at Order Line level using SQL option with Order Qty of the lineSummary: We have created a new EFF and we are setting the EFF with Order Quantity using OM Extension. Using Extension we can set the value only when there is a revision.…
Working Service Mapping to integrate OM Header EFF to PO Header DFFSummary Request working Service Mapping details to integrate OM Header EFF to PO Header DFFContent Request working Service Mapping details to integrate OM Header EFF to …
Fusion PVO object name for 24ASummary: I'm trying to find the PVO object name for EBS tables (24A). Hello All, Can someone help me with the exact reference PVO object name for the EBS tables below? O…
Sourcing Rule assignment at Item and Organization level is not working for Dropship orders.Summary: We have the below requirement in our project to source single item from 2 different suppliers for 2 different Inv.orgs Item : 1234 Org : INV1 (BU1) and INV2 (BU…
Unable to default Payment terms based on Sales Order Header EFF using Post Transformation RulesUnable to default Payment terms based on Sales Order Header EFF using Post Transformation Rules