Financial Planning
Discussion List
Top Down/ Bottomup calculation question in business ruleSummary: Hi Experts, Recently, there was a discussion about the SET FRMLBOTTOMUP ON command, which should enforce bottom-up calculation even for complex formulas, such a…
summing does not occur as expectedSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi I need to get the sum of all the level 0 accounts, level 0 cost centers, where a member is tag…
Set Number of Seconds Before Rules Run in Background Not workingSummary: Set Number of Seconds Before Rules Run in Background Not working Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In application→Settings we have …
Can Power User import planning data into EPBCS using excel fileDear all, We have a requirement that Power User should be able to mass import planning data into EPBCS from excel file. As a Service Administrator, we are familiar to do…
How to create a new budget control and upload integration in EPMSummary: Hi, My organization uses EPM as the Source of budget. This is existing since last year. Now We have created a new Budget Calendar for FY24-25 and assigned under…
how to allocate entire planning amount to one period in oracle fusion PPM forecastSummary: Hi, One of our customer wants to allocate entire planning amount to one particular period in forecast in fusion PPM. Is there ay way we can restrict planning am…
Capture data at Year Toal level for Line-Item Detail EPM planningWe would like to capture the numbers at the Year Total level for Line-Item Detail, but we were not able to. We were thrown an error saying, "Line-item detail cannot be c…
How can I convert a member to a string to populate a Smart List value?Summary: I am trying to derive a Smart List value using a member, where the Smart List has been build from the Period dimension. Content (required): Below is an example …
Groovy to transfer data between cubeSummary: I planned to transfer headcount data between cubes by using groovy. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have tried to use datagrid …
Has anyone encountered this error when trying to funds check a budget revision?Summary: We are configuring out of the box Budget Revisions. When attempting to run a funds check I receive the errors below. I have never seen these and there is not mu…
Multi-Period Loads (One Column) in Data ManagementWe are building an import format in data management that needs to be able to have multiple periods in one column (period column). We are hitting an issue where the POV r…
Is there any tool to compare the scripts from one instance(POD) to anotherSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Having Weekly and Monthly Global Period Mappings Share Period KeysIs it possible to have weekly and monthly global period mappings share the same period keys? I.e., Week 5 of December and Month 12 both using 12/31/24. We have monthly a…
Is there any option to convert free form app to planning app? in order to use task managerSummary: We are currently having free form plannign app, but wanted to convert free form planning app to plannign app so that we can utilize task manager functionality. …
How to re load budget revisions?Summary: Is there a way that anyone knows of to reload budget revisions that have already passed funds check and funds reserve? We are connected to budgetary control and…
Operational data to EPM PlanningSummary: If we have to source Operational data and forecast demands specific grants, is it possible in EPM? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
Use Different Data Storage Types for Metadata in Different CubesWe have two cubes that use time differently. One uses months as the most basic level, whereas another cube breaks months down into weeks, so the data storage type used f…
Level 0 block fluctuationSummary: Level 0 Block will fluctuate up and down after a Cube restructure even when there is no activity in cube. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
Reports folder missing in SmartViewSummary: Reports folder missing in SmartView Some users have reported that the "REPORTS" folder is missing even though they are admins. We don't have any clues as to why…
Member name right aligned in webforms 1.0Summary: Member name right aligned in webforms 1.0 Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In our application all the member names for dimensions …
not accurately summingSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi We need to sum one dimension based on its value, adding all level 0 members of other dimension…
Validation to check child node becoming parentCould you please help me know if there is any functionality in EPM cloud applications to validate the child becoming parent or parent becoming child in EPM applications …
How to Push multiple control budget to Fusion ERP ?Summary: We are trying to push multiple control budget into Fusion ERP. The process log doesn't show any error code but in fusion ERP, the data has pushed to GL table fo…Subramanian Karunamoorthi 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Subramanian Karunamoorthi Planning
QUERYRESULTLIMIT in new reporting (NOT FRS)Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi we are getting the below error when tried to launch the report The number of query result cell…
Incentive Compensation - How to add Invoice status to Import ERP Transactions as a parameterSummary: We need to bring only paid invoices in as transactions into incentive compensation. We desire to use the built in "Import ERP Transactions" batch job. We need t…
Performance issues - EPBCS enabled app Upper level Sparse dynamic calc membersSummary: Allocation requirement is to fetch total numbers at aggregate level members (Begbalance, Year Total, Top level dynamic calc sparse members for 3 dims) and distr…
Move Up or Move Down Function for Dimensions Not AvailableHello! The Move Up and Move Down buttons in the Edit Member Properties webpage does not appear for our Time Dimension in EPM Cloud Planning. Is there a way to enable the…
ControlBudget value is not found in the source extract file - Budgetary Control - EPBCSSummary: Encountering "ControlBudget value is not found in the source extract file." while clicking "Funds Check" action menu in "Financials" cluster. Content: Hi guys! …
Dr,Cr level data to EPM from ERP FusionSummary: Hi , We currently have an integration that loads actual ending balances for balance sheet accounts from ERP Fusion to EPM PBCS (Cube to Cube integration), which…
Oracle EPM Planning - PipelineWhat's the difference between running a business rule in a pipeline from using an EPM Platform Job Job Type for Planning Jobs vs using a Business Rule Job Type?