How can I convert a member to a string to populate a Smart List value?
I am trying to derive a Smart List value using a member, where the Smart List has been build from the Period dimension.
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Below is an example of the code:
"Account1" = @CalcMgrDoubleFromString(@NAME("Aug"));
"Account1" is an account containing a Smart List.
"Aug" is a value within the Smart List that has been built from the Period dimension. When I use the above code I'm getting a value of 0 as opposed to the Smart List value "Aug".
I eventually want to use the UDA associated with the Period member "Aug" that will have a reference of "08" which will drive the eventual period member selection to derive the value within the Smart List. This would have been easy if I could create the Smart List manually using the IDs I can control but the downstream calculations require that the Smart List be built from the Period dimension.