Discussion List
Bursting Definition - Security IssueSummary: Bursting Definition - Security Issue Content (required): Hello, We have one report where we took cost centres on a row. When user select parent cost centre then…
Account Type appears to be ignored, only Consol properties being consideredBelow is a screenshot of a portion of our account hierarchy. We have the parent 00124 with 4 children. However, the numbers are not acting the way I would expect with th…
Extract or download cell attachmentsSummary: Looking for a way to systematically download cell attachments Content (required): I'm trying to find a way to systematically download cell attachments. I don't …
tax compensation configured with a rate and a threshold to calculate starting Jan or hiring monthSummary: In Workforce, tax compensation configured with threshold and rates calculates starting the start period of a forecast even though the employee start month is be…
Is there a way to move a file from the planning inbox to the Data Management inbox w/o downloading?Summary: Is there a way to move a file from the planning inbox to the data management inbox that doesn’t require the file to be downloaded from one inbox and uploaded to…
Amazing what product management and development doesI have been at Oracle coming up on 2 years and been using Planning since it was released on the cloud. There is no question in this post, just want to take a step back a…
Task Manager Sample in PlanningSummary: Task Manager Sample Content (required): Is there a downloadable sample for Task Manager in Planning? Version (include the version you are using, if applicable):…
How to delete Ad Hoc grid saved in PlanningSummary: Need to delete ad hoc grid saved in Planning Content (required): I have ad hoc grid saved in Planning and I need to delete it. I do not see Delete button anywhe…
Revenue Assumption in EPBCSSummary: Hi Expert, I need one help , I am not be able to see the revenue assupmtions in the Driver Based card in EPBCS. I couldn't figure out why I am not getting other…
Formula rows/columns from reports in ad hoc gridsSummary: Hi all, As I was opening reports in Smartview, I noticed that my formula rows / columns from the reports are not imported (everything is there accept for the fo…
Centrally update POV for Smart View with multiple ad hoc gridsSummary: Hi all I was wondering if there is an out of the box way to centrally adjust the point of view when you have an excel with multiple ad hoc grids on separate (or…
Error when using epmAutomate executeReportBurstingDefinition commandSummary: Getting below error when using epmautomate executeReportBurstingDefinition Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code …
Placeholderforimpliedshare Member?Summary: "Placeholderforimpliedshare" member Looking for more information. What causes the member to be created? Can the member be deleted? Content (required): The membe…
Referencing Smart List (Created from Members) Value in FR ReportSummary: The requirement is to perform conditional suppression based on a Smart List value within the body of the report. Normally, this would not be an issue because we…
Data Export is not possible for Dynamic Calc member in plan element dimensonSummary: Content (required): We Tried to export data from EPBCS Navigator->Application->Overview->Export Data action, however Dynamic Calc member can't be exported, e.g.…
Input to Upper Level Members in Free Form Planning ApplicationSummary: Converted an Essbase Cube to Freeform and unable to input to upper level members Content (required): We have an existing Essbase Cube that we converted a Freefo…
Cloning EPM Cloud EnvironmentsSummary Cloning EPM Cloud Environments from Dev to Test / Test to UAT UAT to Prod and vice versaContent Hello Experts, EPM Cloud documentation suggests that "Cloning of …
What's New in 21.08?Summary More cool things plus some favorites of mine!Content Well, here we are again and I'm back on my normal release date as 21.08 is set to hit your test environments…
Right click to a form with level0 members of the chosen parentSummary: I want to create a high level review form where user can right click on the selected cost centre parent and go to a form that only shows the bottom level cost c…
When we perform Writeback to Budgetary Control Cube, how to clear the data before we load?Summary: Is there any way to clear budgetary control cube data before performing write back from the Planning Content (Business Use Case): We are pushing our approved bu…
Unable to add blank row in the form layout for one specific form onlyHi Experts, We have a cashflow form created in the application and the user needs us to add blank rows after each of these accounts: - Net cash provided by operating act…
Planning\PBCS Reports: Keeps resetting to non-allowed POV member?Hi, A report I have in Planning\PBCS keeps resetting with "Entity_NA" as the POV member for Entity. "Entity_NA" is not selected as an allowed member, only "Total Entity"…
Admin Extension in Smart View does not recognize aliasesSummary: Admin Extension in Smart View does not recognize aliases Content (required): When editing a dimension using Admin Extension in Smart View, we were able to paste…
Flex form vs ad hoc analysis (grid)Summary: Hi All, I'm trying to figure out the added value of flex forms. I fail to see what can be achieved more with a flex form in comparison to a regular ad hoc analy…
Scalled reporting currencySummary: Hi All, Recently we migrated data from FCCS to EPBCS on EUR_Reporting currency. However, in it's reports and forms, the customer would like to have the possibil…
New Groovy Training AvailableSummary 9 New Oracle By Example (OBE) TutorialsContent We are pleased to announce the availability of the following new Oracle By Example (OBE) tutorials for Oracle Ente…
How do I get Cell Level Security to allow an Entity to see other Entity's booking on its ICP?Summary: Works for 1, but assigning a user to 2 security groups denies everything in the cross section. :) Content (required): ENT_A should have read access to All Entit…
Not sure if this is possible - alternative rollups with dependencies on other dimensionsSummary: We have our main Account hierarchy for our P&L accounts, and drilling from NPAT through each roll up and down to the lowest level is no problem. However, we hav…
PBCS 'Favorites' - how to tag?Hello, What are the others ways in PBCS to tag a form as "favorite" besides going to the "Recent" list and clicking the star icon? I can't find any way in the form itsel…