Discussion List
Confirm button on the Suggest Match page was updated with the 24D patch?Summary: We would like to know when the Confirm button on the Suggest Match page was updated. Was it introduced with the 24D patch? If yes, where can we find more detail…
[Transaction Matching] ARCS Transaction has 2 different period for Accounting DateHello, Would like to ask a question regarding the Accounting Date in ARCS Transaction Matching. We are encountering variance in ARCS in some of the reconciliations under…
Add new filter as Match ID on suggest MatchSummary: There are many transactions that waiting for suggested matches page which our users must check one by one. Is it possible to add new filter Match ID on this pag…
Is there a way to delete a profile attribute from multiple profiles at once?Summary: We have over 2,000 profiles that we need to delete an attribute from the profiles. Is there a way to delete the attribute from all the profiles all at once? I k…
ARCS Nov'24 patch feature - "Support for Calculated Balance Attributes in Custom Report Queries"Support for Calculated Balance Attributes in Custom Report Queries: Service Administrators can now select the following calculated balance attributes when creating custo…Srikanth_Sudha 146 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Ryan Lunde-Oracle Account Reconciliation
character limit for text column in transaction matchingHi All, We are trying to pull information of two description columns into one column for each transaction in TM. Column type is text. Can anyone tell me what is the maxi…Sonali Bhatia 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Lakshmi Narayana Metla-Oracle Account Reconciliation
ARCS attribute conditional on the result of another attributeI have an attribute in ARCS which calculates whether a reconciliation is Material or not based on the movement value (difference between the opening and closing balances…
ARCS Set Attribute Rule for Workflow Duration and FrequencySummary: Hi, We have created the Set Attribute Rule for Risk Rating based on Balances or Account Type. Then we have created another Set Attribute Rule for Workflow (Prep…
There is any way to export amortization Schedule, exactly how it looks in front end in ARCSSummary: While I exported the amortization schedule from ARCS, In the exported file it is giving only the amortized amount, how to get exact amortization schedule which …SAI SAKETH KANCHERLA 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dave Jesky-Oracle Account Reconciliation
How to change Accounting Date mapping to another date field under existing match typeSummary: We have configured wrong date field as accounting date under source in Match Type. now when we are trying to change this configuraiotn/setup we are unable to ch…
Removal of "Short Description" from adjustments tab of the reconciliation windowSummary Removal of "Short Description" from adjustments tab of the reconciliation window Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, On the "…Usha_Ramsinghani 72 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Ryan Lunde-Oracle Account Reconciliation
ARCS attribute to be loaded from Source systemSummary: Can we load attribute(eg: Transaction count as an attribute) using Data Integration for Reconciliation Balance load(Not Transaction Matching data load) Content …
How to update the reviewer end date Automatically based on Profile Risk Rating?Summary: If Profile Risk Rating is Low then Reviewer due date is 3rd Friday of the first month of the next quarter (example - A reconciliation is created in Jan 2024 wit…
Can we add more than 60 attributes in application under data exchangeWe need to pull data from BIP Report to ARCS and BIP report contain more than 60 attributes but not able to add more then 40 attributes and 20 UD in the application unde…SAI SAKETH KANCHERLA 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Arjun Kumanduri-Oracle Account Reconciliation
ARCS configurationGood morning, I should configure a reconciliation environment with oracle account reconciliation cloud service. Is anyone who knows the environment willing to take away …
Bring group attributes into Data Exchange to use in mappings?Hi, We are wondering if it is possible to bring fields from group attributes into Data Exchange, and populate values for those fields based on the value loaded for the c…
How to handle void payments from Bank file which are coming from BAISummary: From BAI receiving 252 reversal transactions(Void payment transaction) like 16,252,30,,,,REVERSAL 062-770 001016225 XXXXXX 533816 2024-04-02 207831502 88,005 NO…
How to filter reopened reconciliations in ARCSA history of a reconciliation is clearly showing that EPM_Batch scipt reopened reconciliation due to balance change. But we need an attribute that can show list of reope…Keerthana Gudavalli-282540 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Tim Gaumont-Oracle Account Reconciliation
Use Group Attributes in Match Rule Conditions in Transaction Matching - ARCS-JUL'24The key attribute and member attributes of a group attribute can now be used in match rule conditions. When defining a match process, group attributes can be included in…
System Attributes ARCSHello, I wonder if somebody can help. I am trying to load Account codes under system attributes using the import function. I select the file and set the file delimiter a…
Are calculated attributes dynamic?Summary: We are using a Data Source attribute (calculation - scripted) in our transaction matching. We have also enabled "Allow Edit". The business requirement is as fol…
Is there a way to prevent duplicate transactions in Transaction Matching?We are looking for a solution where we could load all "new" transactions except those that are marked as a duplicate within a file. For example, using an identifier fiel…
Can we calculate aging in Transaction Matching on basis of Period Close Date?We are trying to calculate aging in TM module for each transaction on basis of period close date, instead of sysdate, which is current capability for OOB Aging attribute…
Auto Submit of one reconciliation on the basis of another ReconciliationWe want to auto submit and auto approve one reconciliation on the basis of another reconciliation in order to avoid duplication of efforts. I used attribute for this, bu…
Action Plan Close Date impacting aging of TransactionsContent Has anyone noticed that when using Action Plans, the Action Plan Close Date is impacting the aging of Transactions? For instance, I have a Balance Explanation cr…
Unable to add the Profile segmentsSummary: I initially created Profile segments ( 3 of them). Now i wish to add few more but the Add option is greyed out. Is this as per design ? Is it possible without d…
Why does my "question" attribute show blank, when every question for that rec was in fact answered?I have a rec that requires each submitter and approver to answer an attestation question, confirming everything looks as expected before submitting. For all of our recs,…
Decimal value of calculated attribute is not showingSummary: Hi, I am trying to use a calculated attribute, using IF_THEN_ELSE in script, and i would like to show a decimal value if my condition is not true, for example: …
RPAD Function in Data ExchangeSummary: RPAD Function not working in Data Exchange Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, Has anyone successfully used the RPAD function…
Different starting period Frequency setup for profiles in Account reconciliationHi All, I have requirement to setup frequency for profiles. Example : In the current system, Quarterly setup period is Mar-Jun-Sept-Dec Along with for few profiles i nee…