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Can you provide configuration guide for Oracle AI EPM related to Auto-ReconciliationCan you provide configuration guide for Oracle AI EPM related to Auto-Reconciliation, Close Consolidation Process, and Narrative ReportingChaithanya S 25 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Arjun Kumanduri-Oracle Account Reconciliation
Is it possible to reopen bulk reconciliations at once in ARCS?We have reconciliations for which the format has multi-currency Auto-rec rules defined and we have some reconciliations for which we need to set it to reopen automatical…
What ways can I report on match metrics during my purge process?Matched transactions can only be archived and purged if 100% of the transactions for that Match Type and Account ID are matched with an accounting date that is earlier t…
Autoreconciliation rules doesn't work with Receipt methodsWe create matching reconciliation rules using advanced criteria with transaction Receipt Method. We uploaded the bank statement with the correct bank account and amounts…Giancarlo Cipra 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Tim Gaumont-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
What is the formula for Percentage Amount Tolerance in Reconciliation Tolerance Rule settings.Summary: In Cash Management we have uploaded a bank statement and created reconciliation rules for autoconciliation. We also set Percentage Amount Tolerance parameters o…Giancarlo Cipra 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Tim Gaumont-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Create rules for reconciliationSummary: Hi I am new to ARCS. I have to create new rules for reconciliation for auto submission and auto approval and more like. Can you please help me to understand how…
Open Reconciliation Job taking around 12 HrsSummary: We are working on RC project with 300K profiles , The Open reconciliation job triggered after open period and create reconciliation is taking 10+ hours. Content…Kunal Baikar 81 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Kurt-ARCS Support-Oracle Account Reconciliation
Custom BIP Report for AP Subledger Integration with ARCSSummary: Good Day, We are attempting to utilize the Oracle Payables Trial Balance Report to integrate the AP subledger into our ARCS instance. We've noticed that the out…Jared Custer 63 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Arjun Kumanduri-Oracle Account Reconciliation
How many rows to be loaded at one timeHello everyone, I have one question about the row limitation to load to ARCS. I know the row limit for csv file is 500.000 rows. But what's about connecting directly to …
Reconciliations with two levels of reviewers do not auto submit and approveSummary: We have rules in place to auto submit and approve reconciliations with certain criteria. Recs with two reviewer levels are not auto closing similar to recs with…
Rule that evaluates total value by criterionSummary: Rule that evaluates total value by criterion Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In Oracle ARCS, in his latest version I need perfom …Steven Ballen Pelayo 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Arjun Kumanduri-Oracle Account Reconciliation
Add new filter as Match ID on suggest MatchSummary: There are many transactions that waiting for suggested matches page which our users must check one by one. Is it possible to add new filter Match ID on this pag…
Auto Reconciliation rule based on multiple currenciesHi CCC Community, In ARCS, some of my users want group reconciliation with multiple currencies to reduce reconciliation head count. Creating and mapping the data is not …
ARCS Confirm suggested matches before you can submit reconciliationHi all, From our business we received the wish for suggested matched to be confirmed before the reconciliation can be submitted. There is a configuration setting (on the…Pieter-Jan VDD 33 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Tim Gaumont-Oracle Account Reconciliation
Is work flow approval is possible for Unreconciling the transactionsSummary: Is work flow approval is possible for Unreconciling the transactions in ARCS TM(Case:if any user unreconciled the transaction in ARCS, it should flow for workfl…
ARCS Set Attribute Rule for Workflow Duration and FrequencySummary: Hi, We have created the Set Attribute Rule for Risk Rating based on Balances or Account Type. Then we have created another Set Attribute Rule for Workflow (Prep…
Prevent auto reconciliation method for specific periodSummary: Can you prevent the Auto Reconciliation Method from closing a recon for one specific period? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I kn…
Unable to see Match types when defining Auto match rulesWe are trying to create a new match type but when creating Auto match rules, unable to see 'Matches Exactly' and 'Matches with Tolarence' under Rules section of the Matc…
How to force requirement to manually reconcile for one periodSummary: Options to force users to prepare all reconciliations for any one period, but allowing auto-certification for other periods. Content (please ensure you mask any…
Is there a report (or list) of all auto-reconciliation rules assigned to each format/all formats?Summary: Our Auditors have requested that we provide them with a report from ARCS (not a screenshot) that shows the relationship between Account -> Profile -> Format -> …
ARCS Transaction Rule Allow Copying of Future Dated Transactions into New ReconciliationWe're trying to enable the ability to use future dates in ARCS transactions. Currently our rule does not copy anything with the closed date populated. In the rule config…
documentation to the setup of the Reconciliation reference for journal posted from AP AR to GLPosted invoice and transaction from AR and AP will be posted without a reconciliation reference, there is a setup for this. Does anyone have the documentation related to…Omran Zeaiter 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Kamal Ibrahim-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Auto Reconciliation for Subledger Journals in GLIn the General Ledger journal reconciliation, we have the option for auto reconciliation, which requires a reconciliation reference when creating a journal. However, whe…Omran Zeaiter 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gergana Radoutcheva-Oracle Subledger Accounting & Accounting Hub
How to identify source system adjustmentSummary: Hello all I am just getting familiar with ARCS and have a question. We have a reconciliation profile ABC-MLHFS-Group that is made up of the following accounts: …
Auto Bank Reconciliation for Matching System Transactions and Bank StatementsI am facing an issue with auto bank reconciliation when trying to reconcile bank statement lines with system transactions. Currently, I need to manually check the attach…Omran Zeaiter 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Tim Gaumont-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
How to reconcile data imported from ERP into ARCSHello, We import GL balances and Subledger Balances from Oracle fusion ERP into ARCS module. We are looking for a system generated report that would give us reconciliati…
In Account reconciliation can journals posted as adjustments can be pushed back to source system?Summary: We know that journals can be posted in ARCS but can those journal posted in form of adjustments in ARCS can be auto write back or pushed back directly to source…
Is there a way to turn off case sensitivity in transaction matching?Summary: We have some transations that do not automatically match due to the members having different cases (i.e. one starts with a capital letter the other doesn't) in …
Automate Bank Closing balances load into ARCS & attach supporting documentsIn Current process, All Cash reconciliations are account analysis method and business would manually perform balance explanation and upload attachment that are manually …Ramya Kalaparthi 24 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Tim Gaumont-Oracle Account Reconciliation
Is there a way to reduce the ARCS snapshot files size?Our ARCS daily snapshot backup files are getting bigger every day and we would like to know if there is a way to reduce the size of these files.