Discussion List
Indentation for BoM Hierarchy in Model configuration PageSummary: Is there any approach display the part numbers along with indentation in the Bill of Materials Items (model configuration page) to identify the parent child rel…
i had float attribute we need to set empty in ui(config)?float attribute should not display 0.0 it should be blank. it is read/write field ?
How to use two currencies on two deferent layouts?Summary: I need to show use currencies, one for the item price on the item search results page and the other for the item price on the quotation transaction line. the pu…
config arrayset i had an attribute quantity default qty you will get bom table idefinationconfig array set i had an attribute quantity default qty you will get Bom table definition, quantity field user can edit if user enter 0.5 we need take 0.5*price but in …
Ajax enabled Recommendation rule not working on UIHi Team , Anyone faced similar issue before ? Constraint rules are running correctly when needed, but the value shown on UI is the old value instead of the value that sh…
How can I hide the button of parts Number search and Serial Number searchHow can I hide the button of parts Number search and Serial Number search on the CPQ configuration? My customer don't use them and want to hide them. Are there any ideas…
Can we run the standard commerce integration for specific condition?Summary: We have requirement that we don't want to sync few of the cx attributes to CPQ when opportunity is in 4- Negotiation stage. It is possible to run this integrati…Jidnyasa Falak 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dillon Witt-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Is it possible to use multiple instances of the same sub-model in Asset Based Ordering?Summary: When saving configurations with multiple instances of the same sub-model as Asset, the configuration on second and third instance is missing when opening the as…
Exist a procedure of Production to test copy in CPQ similar to the Fusion P2T?Summary: I've facing trouble to migrate to ptoduction some configurations that I made on my CPQ test site and I'm thinking to remake some configurations manually and aft…
How to remove the copy button from the quote manager?Summary: Hi, I would like to remove the "copy" button from the quote manager. Is it possible? Regards, Rodrigo. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…Rodrigo Geraldes 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Girish Kumar Reddy-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
How to recreate price score CSS (green/red circle) on my custom attribute in LIGSummary: How to recreate price score CSS (green/red circle) on my custom attribute in LIG
Adding Part Numbers and Prices to Custom Price Book AssociationsSummary: I Need adding Part Numbers along with their respective prices into my custom Price Book Associations. Specifically, I want to ensure that all the parts in our c…
CPQ Configurator: Edit _config_attributesWhen recofiguration is done, configurator is built from _config_attributes sent from commerce to configurator. Is the understanding correct? Is there a way by which this…
How to get cacheInstanceId for current configurationSummary: We have a custom APEX application integrated within the Configuration section of the CPQ model configuration layout. Users can select products on the APEX scree…
CPQ - load in advance respect to selling dateHi all we have this business requirement: load PARTs in PRODUCTION on date t0 let the PARTs be sellable from t1, having t1 > t0 We plan to adopt this custom approach: we…
Currency display precision only shows first 3 decimals at recommended item listSummary: CURRENCY DISPLAY PRECISION ONLY SHOWING THE FIRST 3 DECIMALS CORRECTLY AT RECOMMENDED ITEM LIST (Doc ID 2973007.1) Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
How to use External configurationSummary: Trying to use external configuration on one model Content (required): Trying to use external configuration on one model. I created one model and added few attri…
Order is under credit check but credit analyst is not able to see order in credit checkSummary: Hi Team, m facing issue with credit check for the orders having Credit limit is zero. Order is under credit check but credit analyst is not able to see order in…
Items are inactivated in Oracle Fusion but still items are fetched in CPQItems are inactivated in Oracle Fusion but still items are fetched in CPQ. QUote is created with Inactive items and order is created in Order Management but with the err…
How to create configuration flow layout using API or bulk data upload?Summary: We have a use case where we need to dynamically generate multiple models, product family attributes and model config flow layout using either REST API calls or …Adithya Suresh 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ganesan Viswanathan -Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
How to configure a valid model using REST APISummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…Kiranmai Dharmadhipathi 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kiranmai Dharmadhipathi Configure Price Quote
Configuration Attributes are not getting retained when asset is modified, in 19B ABO version.Summary: Oracle CPQ Release 18D or later simplifies the Asset-Based Ordering setup by allowing administrators to add Configuration attributes to the Model Configuration …
In CPQ Configuration flow, I need to put one layout that will be shown in all tabs, is it possible,Summary: One HTML attribute I have to put in the layout, that attribute or attribute's layout I need to shown always regardless the user is in any tab. We have 5-6 tabs …
Images, drawings and schematic in CPQhi all customer would like to be able to load and show high resolution images, drawings and schematic, giving the CPQ user the possibility to open them, zoom, "navigate"…
in arrayset i had one Single Select Menu attribute ?in array set i had one Single Select Menu attribute if user selected apple, apple needs to prompt [apple:ball:car] field I tired with recommendation to set field if user…
CPQ and Configurator Models in Product ManagementHi This is a general query on knowing the difference between the CPQ and Configure models in Product management. Conceptually both seems same except the CPQ has pricing …ViswaG 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emmanuel Zambrano-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
We are trying to invoke the Commerce _reconfig_action and Save reconfiguration(config API)Summary: We are are trying to replicate the reconfigure and Save Reconfiguration scenario through API but the Recommendation rules are not getting fired and expected fun…Yashasvi Seethalam 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Yashasvi Seethalam Configure Price Quote
Can an stand alone apex application be embedded in CPQ cloud?Summary: Can an stand alone apex application be embedded in CPQ cloud? Also, can we access the CPQ roles out side the CPQ application by any query service / API ? Conten…
How to add the Configuration attribute to Line item Grid?How can we able to fetch the data from configuration to transaction line-item grid As with add line item we fetch parts from configuration to line-item grid , how this s…
How to change an error message in the template configurator?Summary: Hello, I need to change the error message displayed in the model configurator when clicking on the add items button in the transaction, before clicking on the s…