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How to add Search bar in Transaction Manager?Is it possible to add a Search bar in Transaction Manager? The Search option in Transaction Manager is a little bit dizzy to the user and ask to have a search bar where …
Establish relationship between different customersWe are currently storing account data in the Out-of-the-Box (OOTB) native accounts object, which includes multiple billing and shipping addresses. We have a requirement …
CPQ Release Center with Relevant Data and LinksTo make it easy for you to access, here are links to all recent release webinars and new feature summaries. Links are listed in descending date order. I hope this is use…Graham McInnes, OPM Team-Oracle 202 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Graham McInnes, OPM Team-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Best way to transition a quote to Expired based on Quote Expiration dateSummary: If the quote is expired as per the date field 'Quote expiration Date', it should transition to 'Expired' step automatically Content (please ensure you mask any …
Is it possible to add a file with an .eml extension as an attachment?Summary: Is it possible to add a file with an .eml extension as an attachment? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the versio…
populate action is not working on AccountsSummary: when we try to populate account information on the customer details screen nothin happened Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versio…Ahmed Mahrous 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Girish Kumar Reddy-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Is there a way to see all Actions that use a Printer Friendly XSL ViewSummary: IIs there a way to see all Actions that use a Printer Friendly XSL View? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there a way to see al…
how to mass update transaction attribute via REST API Call using Mass Update processHi, I need to update some columns which is empty in transaction header using "SAve" action . which is to be performed by REST API using Mass Update function. it will be …Rahaman Baig 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Haripriya Samasi-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Group by option missing for My approval searchSummary: It seems like the "Group By" option at the right side of New Transaction Manager Redwood UI is missing for "My Approval search" . Group by option populate for a…
how to make image to be dynamic depending on itemHello, in the picture below, I want the image to be dynamic depending on the item, and I want the best practice for the quotation in CPQ Document Designer Thank you.
Help icon for commerce actionSummary: Is there any OOB way to display a help message/tool tip for commerce actions ? I could see this option for attributes only not actions. Any other ways to achiev…
Is it possible to show 3d Image of model based on selection in CPQ?Summary: Is it possible to show 3d Image of model based on selection in CPQ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version …
Validation message attribute duplicateSummary: As per the existing behavior if any validation message displayed in CPQ it comes with attributes name duplicated. Please find the below screenshot the attribute…
Tip Tuesday - Integrate Multiple Commerce Processes with Oracle CX SalesDo you have multiple commerce processes in your company and you would like different business units utilize a separate commerce process for Quoting ? With Oracle CX Sale…
How to add custom attributes to integration mapping between integration of Sales and CPQSummary: We have already done the integration between SALES and CPQ, as you know there are ready-made integrations and their respective mappings, but in those mappings t…Rodrigo Flores R-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Max Prestes Configure Price Quote
Is there any way to insert quote link in email sent from Email actionSummary: I need to add quote link in the email sent by email action. Any thoughts on how this can be achieved? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informati…
how to attach an excel/csv file in approval emails inside submit approval action nodesSummary: As part of OOTB approval mechanism (Submit action set), client want to have a csv/excel file as an attachment (which is uploaded into an quote attribute) in the…
How to transition a quote to a different stepSummary: How does a quote get transitioned through the various defined ‘steps’ (see screenshot) in its lifecycle? I’m not seeing the mechanism by which this happens. Ide…
Hide a line in line item gridSummary How to hide a line in line item gridContent HI, How to hide a line in line item grid. We have a requirement to hide a line completely in line item grid. If we us…Vaibhav Verma-167352 61 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Chandan A J-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Ability to highlight the changed attributes values on Revision or VersionSummary: We have a requirement that is periodically asked by users to highlight the list of attributes that got changed/values got updated after a Revision or Version of…
New Webinar- CPQ Deep Dive Development Tool KitSummary Join us to explore Dev Tool Kit, one of CPQ’s newest features, with Ekta Paliwal from the Oracle CPQ Product Management Team Content This webinar highlights the …Graham McInnes, OPM Team-Oracle 71 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Martin Gogué Configure Price Quote
Removal of quote history data possible?Summary: Is it possible delete all quote history information from a quote? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, we sometimes have to clear …
How to create a filter in the quote manager to display quotes that the logged in user has access to?Summary: How to create a filter in the quote manager to only display quotes that the logged in user has access to? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
How to set or clear a Rich Text Commerce attribute in a mass updateSummary: We need to set or clear a Rich Text Commerce attribute (myRTattribute) in a mass update. But a simple "1~myRTattribute~dummy|" doesn't work. Even triggering an …
Oracle CPQ we have requirement where we want to add traansaction lines with prices in single callHi , we want to create Tranasaction line we are using below api: " https://****.bigmachines.com/rest/v1/commerceDocumentsOraclecpqoTransaction/{Id}/transactionline passi…Seshaanilm 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sushmita Singh-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
How to call Commerce Action from Mass Update Query in Oracle CPQ Application ?Summary: There is an requirement for updating the attribute for existing quotes for which the values are showing incorrect. If we call Synch (Custom Action), that will a…
Reconfigure Multiple Child Models in System Configuration Using Collaborative QuotingSummary: We have a use case where multiple users need to reconfigure separate child models of one System Configuration at the same time. Content (please ensure you mask …
Integrating Multiple Commerce Processes to One SalesforceSummary: Issue when opening Quote from Salesforce to Oracle CPQ with multiple commerce processes set up. Need more information on how to configure the systems so that th…apham 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emmanuel Zambrano-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Can we customize the Line Item Removal confirmation modal to add the selected line item numbers ?Summary: After adding the Parts to the Line Item Grid through Quick add, we can select number of parts and we click on Delete(_remove_line_process/remove_transaction_lin…
Conditionally hide attributes or create duplicate on Subscription Workbench (Customer Assets) layoutWe have to two commerce processes that uses Asset Based Ordering (ABO) within a single CPQ instance. Our requirement is to display columns on Subscription Workbench (Cus…Eswar_s 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sushmita Singh-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote