Discussion List
External Learner Access e.g. AR Customers , Non Employees etc.Summary External Learner Access e.g. AR Customers , Non Employees etc.Content Hi , Do we have any options for external learner access in fusion learning , typically for …
Evaluation of Learner by Learning SpecialistSummary Learning Specialist to provide evaluation or feedback for the learner of the courseContent Hello Oracle Family, I trust you all are safe and doing well. We are i…
Preview a question or questionnaire layoutContent Hello experts. Is there anyway to preview how a question will look like in a questionnaire? Or how users will see the whole questionnaire without sending them th…
Does changing SCORM status to 'Inactive' impact on the learner at all?Summary Does changing the SCORM content status to 'Inactive' impact on the learner, or is it purely an administrative setting?Content Hi All I just wanted to check if we…
Course CertificationSummary Course completion CertificationContent Dear Experts, Please let me know the steps to enable the certification to the course. I am a Learning Administrator. Since…
Rename Review Evaluation buttonSummary Rename Review Evaluation ButtonContent Hello All, We have a requirement to rename the "Review Evaluation" button to "View Evaluation". I tried the personalizatio…
Oracle Learning - SCORM courses not resuming where the learner last left offContent Hello We are experiencing issues whereby some staff are accessing SCORM content (designed with Articulate Storyline) and selecting save and close within Oracle L…User_2025-02-04-12-09-19-581 76 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-04-12-09-19-581 Learning
How to view the assessment report for the leanersSummary OTBI Assessment reportContent Dear All, Please advise, how to view how many learners attended the assessment. Please guide me with steps to download the specific…
Generate an assessment for a completed offering at a later dateContent Hello everyone, I have a requriement to have timed assessments after a course completion. Below is an example of the requirement: A learner will need to complete…
Learning Module | Sql query to get details of default assignment rules of the courseContent I have a requirement where I need to create refresher alerts for mandatory courses – based on the renewal period set for the course. Notification will be trigger…
Integrating Linkedin Learning and Oracle HCM Cloud Learning ModuleSummary Integrating Linkedin Learning and Oracle HCM Cloud Learning ModuleContent Hi, We have a customer who uses Linkedin Learning and they want to Integrate with Oracl…
Enrolled and Completed alert sequence - Best practiceContent Hi there Among others, we are setting up the following alerts - Enrollment Confirmation - Completion Confirmation The alerts are to be shot every hour. - Enrollm…
Random "Reconcile Withdrawals" on learning assignmentsContent We are seeing some odd behavior with the system withdrawing users from active assignments, The odd thing is these assignments are not part of a learning initiati…User_2025-01-25-02-10-48-949 63 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-10-15-51-50-906 Learning
Alerts sent to learners as CSV fileContent Hi there, I saw a few posts on that + an idea on a similar topic, but I am not sure where we stand on that. - Is there a way to export the alerts sent to learner…
Does the new e-learning player overide the WLF_LEARN_ELEARNING_FULLSCREEN profile option?Summary Does the new e-learning player overide the WLF_LEARN_ELEARNING_FULLSCREEN profile option?Content Hi All We have switched off WLF_LEARN_ELEARNING_FULLSCREEN in ou…
Link between offering date and Activity dateContent We are able to create Activity dates later than the offering(ILT) end date. Example: Offering start date is: 5th April 2021. Offering end date is: 10th April 202…
Not able to make the My client group tab visible for newly created job and data roles using EL expreSummary Not able to make the My client group tab visible for newly created job and data roles using EL expression under StructureContent Currently in the application in …
"Withdraw" Learners are coming in Active Learners countSummary "Withdraw" Learners are coming in Active Learners countContent Hi, After 21A, we noticed that "Withdraw" Learning Assignment status count is also included in Act…
Initiative assignment marks off as complete if learner has previously completed the courseContent Hi All, We are facing a challenge in terms of initiatives. If a learner has completed a course in the past lets say last year and we setup an initiative this yea…
Transferring the learning items in any assignment status from contingent work relationship to employSummary Transferring the learning items in any assignment status from contingent work relationship to employee work relationshipContent Hi Team, We have a scenario where…
Alerts: adding email link to the body and Add To Calendar linkContent I have created the following using HTML within the alert text body: Add to Calendar Learning and Development The email address opens the web browser but it shoul…
Offerings: Do you have to use the Save and Close button to mark a SCORM 1.2 file completeContent We use Articulate 360 to create a SCORM 1.2 offering, and at the end of the course we have an Exit course button. The button is setup to mark the course complete…
Identify no access groupsContent Hello experts 21B is close and we want to validate that all local and global access groups are no longer "no access". As you know the feature is no longer workin…
Extract score from scorm.Content Hi! I need to extract the score from a SCORM and place it on this screen as evaluation. Is there any way to do this?
How to Invite external users to attempt the assessmentSummary External users need to attend the assessment through Oracle cloud learningContent Dear Experts, Please help with how to set up the assessment which is needed to …
Skills And Certification in ATLASSummary We would like to upload and use the skills and certification featureContent Hi Team, We are looking for some assistance in enabling Skils and certification featu…
SQL query to get offering start date and end date in learn module in fusion HCMContent Hi All, I am working in a requirement where I need the following details: Offering Name, Offering start date, Course Name, Person number enrolled in the offering…
Offering Start and End DateSummary Purpose of the Offering Start Date and Offering End DateContent We are wondering on the effect of the Offering Start date and Offering End Date. As of now we onl…
Does Learn support .imscc format file to load as content?Summary We have got some content in .imscc format, just wanted to check if this format is supportedContent Hello Experts, I wanted to know if .imscc format files (CANVAS…
Overdue status - marked in red with Conditional formatting if due date later than sysdateContent Hi there Is there a status Overdue that I can use in OTBI report or I need to work with due date and sysdate? Thanks Bobby