Peer to Peer
Discussion List
How does Oracle handle informal learning?Summary: How does Oracle handle informal learning? Or do they at all? We currently use Degreed for our informal learning, but we obviously want to take advantage of Orac…
Rating models are not working according to the configurationSummary: Our requirement is Category Performance % Performance Range Category 1: Does not meet expectations 0 - 39 0 - 1.6 Category 2: Meets some expectations 40 - 65 1.…
Is there a way in any Oracle app (Learning or Performance Management) to track mentor pairings?Summary: We have multiple mentorship programs at our organization. We would like to be able to keep track of which mentees are paired with which mentors so we aren't ove…
Benchmarking with users from ManufacturingSummary: I am struggling to fully understand how to utilize Oracle Fusion Learning Cloud for a manufacturing environment and would like to talk to similar industries. I …
Courses within Specialisation - reportingSummary: This is a 2 part question about Course WITHIN Specialisations. We have noticed that when we set up specialisations, the reports don't pick up the courses which …
COURSE RENEWALWe have a course which needs to be renewed and recompleted by the learner one year after their start date. Each year the course content will be different and will be new…
learning specialist role- can we have custom role to HR and manager to enroll the usersSummary: I recently created a custom role for managers, granting them access to create and assign learning items via the learning assignment or initiative options under …
Can we havee dff fiels at ESS search option in the me learningHi Team, We would like to have DFF fields created at the course level in the employee me learning page to search the course based on the value given in the DFF. Here in …
how to hide switch team in MSSSummary: Hi Team, is there an option to disable/hide Switch team option from Manager's view Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (inclu…
Is there a way to pull the name of third party provider in the report or only training supplier?Summary: We tried to pull the report the name of the third party provider however, only training supplier for ILT can be pull. We need to pull the name of provider like …
Learning Assignment- No Learners shown when searching. How to fix it?Summary: Hi Everyone! In Learning Assignment we're trying to add a learner however, no learner was shown although it is new or old employee. Tried the Solution below fro…
Notification Message Body is giving a different outputSummary: Hi everyone! We're seeking your help on how to fix this. We want to make sure the Learning item will look like this: Learning Item Due Date Course A DD-MM-YYYY …
Line Manager it not getting the learner dataSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello All, We have enabled the Redwood pages for employee and line manager, but then a line manag…
How to change the default country name from the mailing addressSummary: We are trying to change the default country name from the mailing address tab. Or we want the country to be blank. Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
learners status is showing as completed eventhough they are just added to offeringSummary: learners status is showing as completed eventhough they are just added to offering Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): learners statu…
Can attachments against individual profile items be made mandatory for users?Summary: Hello there... From release 22A, users can add attachments against individual profile items within the Certifications, Educations, and Honors content sections. …
Tuition ReimbursementSummary Looking for advice on how to log and track tuition reimbursement requests via LearningContent Is anyone currently using HCM Learning to record and track tuition …
Create Mass UpdateSummary: I am unable to create a mass update for GL Account. The field is not visible to enter a GL Account for a mass update. Also, when choosing Manage Mass Update ver…
Learning Journeys (tutorials) use casesSummary: Please share how your org is using Learning Journeys (the updated learning tutorials) Content (required): I would really appreciate it if other OLC customers ca…
OLCSEQ-Learning Controlled Availability-Observation ChecklistSummary: How to determine the observers in the observation checklist? Content (required): Observers>Observer Type>Representatives, I am wondering how the below Represent…
Not able to View Recommended LearningSummary: Content (required): Hi Expert, One of my colleagues recommend a learning item but I am not able to see it in the Recommended section. Please suggest if anyone h…
How to determine the number of absence/payroll days since the employee gone on Leave on Absence?Summary: I have a requirement/to build an analysis report which should determine the number of days after someone back from their "leave of absence" or "Leave with Pay" …
Anyone getting this screen/unable to login when selecting the link from an email notification?Summary: I get several email notifications from Oracle Cloud Customer Connect and there is a "Visit Cloud Customer Connect" button. When I select this button, it brings …
Active Person working for two business Units from different divisions.Summary: Person working under two business units x and y from two different divisions and whatever learnings they have completed so far, completion is associated to 'X' …
Usage of 'Related Learning' on Learning Item Details pageSummary Usage of 'Related Learning' on Learning Item Details pageContent Hi, Can someone please explain the usage of the 'Related Learning' section on the Learning Item …
Is OLC an LTI-compliant LMS?Summary We are looking into other platforms that help support social learning content curationContent We are looking at other tools and platforms that can help with soci…
New to Learning and looking for user groupsSummary We are new to Learning and are looking for user group meetings like what eSkillz has for Taleo LearnContent We are in the process of switching from Learn to Lear…User_2025-01-31-17-14-00-505 38 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-31-17-14-00-505 Learning
HDL or Spreadsheet Loader support for adding Community MembersSummary HDL or Spreadsheet Loader support for adding Community MembersContent Hello Experts, Is there a way to add bulk members to a Community ? Unlike Learning Assignme…
Playlist as a Video in Oracle Learning Cloud?Summary Playlist as a Video in Oracle Learning Cloud?Content I need to embed bite-sized self help video into ESS and MSS application pages. I am able to do this using de…
Remove Shared Learning tileSummary How to remove the Shared Learning tileContent We don’t allow our users to upload video or tutorials but I can’t find where we remove the Shared Learning tile und…Chris Pomager-27736 50 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-02-10-48-949 Learning