Discussion List
Self-Service Tutorial Authoring ExperienceSummary Learners would like to add multiple items to a single section vs. a section for every learning item and see all the items included in the tutorial before enrolli…
can anyone help me with the document of learning user manual ?Summary can anyone help me with the document of learning user manual ?
Community Members cannot see video or tutorial publish in an Official CommunitySummary Community Members cannot see video or tutorial publish in an Official CommunityContent The Learning Specialist created an Official Community and added a video, t…
Communities and Sub-CommunitiesContent Is it possible to have a Category Community and their children as another Category Communities? I tried it and it seems it's not working.
Only allow community managers to create tutorials/video in an official catalog community, and not otSummary Only allow community managers to create tutorials/video in an official catalog community, and not other learners.Content The learning specialist wants to create …
Option to Author Tutorial as Leaner unavailableSummary Option to Author Tutorial as Leaner unavailableContent I am not able to see an option to author a tutorial as a Learner under Me > Shared Learning or under Actio…
Oracle-created Tutorials, Videos, Work Instructions for 20A / NUXSummary Oracle branded assets for learners to use on how to navigate the system (videos, tutorials, work instrucitons)Content Hello ~ Specifically looking for Oracle des…User_2025-02-04-08-06-38-021 86 views 7 comments 4 points Most recent by Heather McAninch-Oracle Learning
Approval Rules - If employee has LM can approval bypass LM and goes HR directly?Summary How can I bypass Line Manager if employee has one?Content Hello, I am trying to configure Approval Rules for Learner Request. If employee has Line Manager I want…
Admins can't see learner added content under Self-Service Tab in Learning CatalogContent We recently turned on the ability for learners to add Tutorials and our admins could see the content under the self-service tab in the learning catalog after the…User_2025-01-25-05-06-07-246 22 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Jamie Rancourt-Oracle Learning
Learning Setup/Configuration DocumentContent Hi Gurus, Looking for MC50 document or something similar for Oracle Learning. If someone has prepared for any of the projects can share here, it would be of grea…
Assigning Learners to Activity via HDLSummary How can I assign Learners to specific Activity using HDL?Content Hi All, Do you have any knowledge for assigning Learners to specific Activities using HDL? Best …User_2025-02-04-18-26-11-309 28 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-18-26-11-309 Learning
Active Learners in LMSSummary How can I deactivate/delete learners ?Content I am encountering an issue that I can't seem to find an answer. I want to clean what I have pending in LMS and deac…
How can Learners take a course multiple times?Content Hi Guys, As part of current practice, an employee will sometimes be required to re-take a course as part of disciplinary action and at the moment when if an empl…
Discontinuing TutorialSummary Discontinuing TutorialContent We have a couple of tutorials we would like to discontinue. Does anyone have any best practices for discontinuing tutorials? Do we …User_2025-01-25-02-10-48-949 53 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Maxime Pignot-Oracle Learning
How to handle One learner admin role for local admin and global admin with HR data and learning cataSummary We are implementing learning globally with one learners admin role using AORsContent We are implementing learning cloud globally. Business want to use one learne…
Learning Management - Getting error while loading Learning CatalogSummary I am trying to add Learning Catalog - PDF file and the same is resulting into error.
Sequence of Steps for implementing Fusion LearnContent Hi Team, I am novice to Fusion Learn so wanted to check with the experts over here about the sequence of steps / prerequisites required for Fusion Learn. Appreci…
Configure Learning Catalog Search Results view at site levelSummary How can we configure the search results column and implement at site level?Content How can we configure the search results column and implement at site level? Th…
Accelerate HCM Cloud Admin skillsSummary Newer user of HCM Cloud looking for training tutorials, video, presentations, etc.Content I am a newer user of HCM Cloud/HR IS person looking to accelerate my sk…User_2025-01-28-18-06-33-368 37 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-28-18-06-33-368 Learning
YouTube Video Integration with OLCSummary YouTube Video Integration with OLCContent Hi All, I hope some of you might have configured You Tube Video integration. Any challenges , issues faced? Pls do shar…
Learning R13 18B Implementation GuideSummary Learning R13 18B Implementation GuideContent Can someone share link for "Learning R13 18B Implementation Guide"...I already have the :Using Learning guide" . Tha…
Customizing the new Learning Landing Page in 18BContent Hi Guys, What would be the best way to customize the new Learning landing page in 18B? I'm looking to change the title of the headings and the order of these cat…
Recommended Tutorial is Displaying no Content for User After R13 Upgrade.Summary Recommended Tutorial is Displaying no Content for User After R13 Upgrade.Content Hello we recently upgraded to Release 13, Users are reporting that a recommended…
Learning Cloud DocumentationContent Hi, Where is the documentation of Learning Cloud? Where can I see the difference between Taleo Learn and Learning Fusion Cloud? Mirtha.
User Generated Content GuidelinesSummary Looking to find experience with guideline settings for enabling user generated content across a large organization.Content Background: We are planning on leverag…
Disable tutorials, videos and communities published by learnersContent Hi, how can I disable all functionality related to users self publishing tutorials, videos and communities? I removed the permission to manage tutorial but the u…
Author TutorialSummary Author TutorialContent Hi Team, When a tutorial is created by an employee, is there any FYI notifications available which would be sent to Line Manager or Learn …Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] 68 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] Learning
Tutorial & Community ApprovalsSummary Tutorial & Community ApprovalsContent Does Oracle Learning Cloud currently have approval workflow available for the user generated content features? We are looki…User_2025-01-25-02-10-48-949 123 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-30-04-38-11-794 Learning
Learning Release Content - Release 12 February Quarterly Update 14Summary Learning Release Content - Release 12 February Quarterly Update 14Content Hi, We are currently analysing and preparing for Release 12, February Quarterly Update …User_2025-01-29-22-51-44-720 58 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-29-22-51-44-720 Learning