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Deactivate user via HDLSummary: Dear all, please note that i have a requirement : disable a user via HDL, please advise. Thanks and best regards, Elia Content (required): Version (include the …
BIPCatalogObject AuditTrail when report is migratedDo you know if the Audit report BIPCatalogObject is auditing reports migration from other instances. If it does, how can we identify it? Thanks.
how to upload the HDL File for disabling mass Read only profileHi All what's the correct way to upload the hdl file to disable read only profile for users in mass, as of now i am using Import and load data under data exchange but wh…
How to restrict Line Managers to view only positions in their business unitSummary: We have a requirement for line managers to only have visibility of positions which belong to their business unit. This is via Position Details (My Client Groups…
How to update Roles using Manage Configuration PackagesUsing Manage Configuration Packages, Roles can be Exported from an instance and Imported into another instance leading to creation of new roles in the destination instan…
Recruiter is not able to edit the personal info pageWe don't want the recruiter or hiring manager to edit anything on the candidate's profile (Should be limited to the candidate)Pavan Sekhar 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alex N-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Analysis of applications, their use, and license counts - ERPHi Team, We would like to request you, please share any document or solutions for Oracle ERP license counts, Analysis of applications and their use. Regards, Rama Krishna
Access to Manage BPM Approval Groups in ERPSummary: I had a requset to give a user access to Approval Groups. I created a custom BPM Administrator role and added BPM Workflow Procurement Administrator role to the…
Security job role that will allow rejecting expense reports at any stage in the approval process.Summary: Is there a security job role that will allow leadership to reject a personal expense report at any stage? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
Expense view only job roleSummary: Looking for a view only for personal expenses, to see where the expense report is at in the approval process or if it has been paid and when. No processing just…Emily Vu 11 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by veerendranath pulivarthi-Oracle Applications Security
Is it possible to view a change history of the Security Console?We would like to see who last made changes to a user or the roles of a user.
While Trying to Copy a Seeded or a Custom Role I face a Challange in selecting the Options.Whie trying to Copy a Seeded or a Custom role we get a Option like 'Copy Top Role' or 'Copy Top Role and inherited Role'. Kindly explain what is the difference between t…
Changes to Roles/PrivilegesSummary: If there are changes in Roles/Privileges with any future release, then does Oracle highlight such changes in the Release Notes? Content (required): If there are…Nikesh Rathore 111 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Jeff Hare CPA CISA CIA Applications Security
User is not able to View All the BPM NotificationsSummary: Hi Team, One of the User "Merlin" is not able to View All the BPM Notifications since she is not Superuser and does not have Admin Roles. Based on the Answer me…Nirav Vekaria 72 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Jeff Hare CPA CISA CIA Applications Security
Oracle platform security services Partial Audit enable and Impact of auditing on system performanceSummary: Want to enable Oracle platform security services Audit only for Role Added or Removed. Performance impact on enabling all event, if no partial enabling option a…Ashish_Jain -Oracle 52 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by Jeff Hare CPA CISA CIA Applications Security
Do I need to assign both job roles and data roles as permissions in BI catalog?Or is it enough if we assign just the job role. My assumption is that the system can recognize which job role relates to which data role and applies reporting permission…RishikeshVenkatasubramanian 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Jeff Hare CPA CISA CIA Applications Security
Only have Location Based Access Tab WnaSummary: Our Client requires a Role that can only access Security Console → Administration → Location Based Access Tab. Is this possible by building a Custom Role? Conte…
How to invoke Oracle API's through SSO and token mechanismHi, We are working on the Expense Report API's. Using API's performing operations like 'Approve', 'Reject' and 'Request Info'. But we need help to know is there any way …
Can you make a read only role copy of the Application Implementation consultant role role.Summary:Can you make a read only role copy of the Application Implementation consultant role. I have been asked to create a read only copy of the role. However I am not …Severino Cheve Salinas 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Jeff Hare CPA CISA CIA Applications Security
How to customize a role to give access to a specific custom folder in reports and analyticsRequirement: Client wants to give access to a third party vendor to access custom reports in a specific custom folder in reports and analytics region. When I create a cu…
Oracle Critical Patch Update for July 2024Summary: Oracle Critical Patch Update for July 2024 Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi. We received a mail with the subject "Oracle Critic…AJSS007 42 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Kishore Padala-Support-Oracle Applications Security
Can we Track Users Sessions and Activities On Fusion?Is it possible to track user sessions and activities within Oracle Fusion? Specifically, can we monitor when users log in and out, log detailed actions performed by user…Omran Zeaiter 85 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Chetan.Gadkari-Support-Oracle Applications Security
custom security roleSummary: I need to create a role that will allow users to: Assign/unassign Data Access in manage data access for users Unlock/lock accounts in security console Update em…Maria Smith- de Novo Solutions 51 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Maria Smith- de Novo Solutions Applications Security
AOR FunctionalityHi - Question: (This is to confirm the AOR functionality) Scenario: If somebody or an Employee has a secondary assignment, Is it expected that the secondary assignment w…Lorejean Gelacio 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rambabu Laveti-Oracle Human Capital Management
User Access to create / update OTBI Analysis Only and not BI Data ModelsCan we have access to create only OTBI analysis only but not to create BI Data models
Is Oracle logging the IP, Devices upon Signing in to Oracle?Summary: Are we tracking IP address of fusion logins, how can we get those details. Can we restrict device logins using IP Address Content (please ensure you mask any co…Support 14 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Kishore Padala-Support-Oracle Applications Security
Allow Rest API calls to Fusion Application only from OICSummary: We want to restrict the REST API calls only from OIC. Calls from Postman, SOAP, or any other third party application should not be authenticated even with corre…
Pass Encrypted JWT token in Oracle REST API authorization and get the responseDoes Oracle HCM Support encrypted jwt token when we make API call to Oracle RESP API, by passing in RESP API Authorization header as bearer token or some other way. Plea…
how to set a different color theme for production and non-production environmentWe have enabled the Redwood theme for both our production and non-production environments. However, we would like to differentiate between the two environments by using …joelroshan92 33 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Bipin-Oracle Fusion Applications Administration