Customer Profitability
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Allocation Out Not calculating when using Allocation to SiblingsI am using an allocation rule where we have "Allocate to Siblings" for one of the Dimensions, the allocation runs correctly however it is not providing "Allocation Out" …
Any examples of Profitability implementation for a Credit Card Company?Summary: Looking for any past experience from community for Profitability implementation for a Credit Card Company where the allocation is expected at each Customer leve…
Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management Statement of Direction for Standard Application typeThis might be a little off topic as this is the forum for EPM Profitability and Cost Management Cloud, but many of the partners that participate in this forum may also h…Don Bean-Oracle 225 views 4 comments 3 points Most recent by BhavaniGajula Profitability and Cost Management
Can we push allocated data from EPCM to ERP as journal backSummary: Can we push allocated data from EPCM to ERP as journal back. if yes please let me know what is process and what all we can do? Content (please ensure you mask a…Raavi Divya sri-Oracle 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Philip Hulsebosch Profitability and Cost Management
IPM insights for EPCMSSummary: Aug 2024 update supports IPM Insights for EPCMS and will this be same as per planning? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): IPM Insigh…
Folder in Inbox are missing after the Legacy to Enterprise App MigrationSummary: On Migrating PCMCS application from Legacy instance to Enterprise instance, I identified that in Data Management no folders under Inbox/Outbox got migrated duri…Chiranjeevi Naragani 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Dhanasekaran Kasimani-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
EPCM Model View - Role UsageSummary: In EPCM there is a role for Model - View. What is the usage of this role and where should we use this? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
PCMCS Out-of-the-Box (OOTB): 4.TraceabilitySummary Traceability and transparency within PCMCS - Out of the box featuresContent Traceability is the buzz word in any regulated industry. Being able to prove the numb…
Job Comments not captured in Calculation Statistics and AnalysisSummary: Job Comments that are provided to model executions are not captured in Calculation Statistics and Analysis. Is this an expected behavior in EPCM? Have seen this…
Substitution variables not captured in Calculation Statistics and AnalysisSummary: EPCM Application/Cube level Substitution variables not captured in Calculation Statistics and Analysis. Is this an expected behaviour in EPCM? This is useful fr…NarayananS 31 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Padmaja Srinivasan Profitability and Cost Management
Merge Incremental Cells and Compact CubeSummary: We are using Merge incremental slices (merge all into main slice) and there is improvement when using this, the cost of querying inc data also reduced from 0.9 …
Is it possible to use User Defined Attribute (UDA) in Data Management for PCMCS?Summary Is it possible to use User Defined Attribute (UDA) in Data Management for PCMCS?Content Hello experts, I want to build a a DLR in Data management to export data …Parmit Choudhury-Deloitte 141 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Gary Popielarczyk Profitability and Cost Management
Custom Allocation with IF condition in PCMCSSummary Syntax for Custom allocation using IF conditionContent Hi Everyone, I have a requirement in PCMCS where custom allocation should happen using if condition. can s…Avinash B-140267 198 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Raama Rao-Oracle Profitability and Cost Management
Dimension Management in PCMCS through Smartview not availableSummary Dimension Management in PCMCS through Smartview not availableContent Hi All- We know we don't have the facility of dimension management in PCMCS through Smartvie…Amit Agarwal-158816 48 views 10 comments 2 points Most recent by Nkehli Profitability and Cost Management
How to set up SSO in PCMCS? Is Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) available in PCMCS?Summary: What are the steps required to configure SSO in PCMCS? Has anyone successfully integrated SSO? Is MFA present in EPM Cloud PCMCS and How to Activate it? Content…
Change Period/Scenario/Year in PCMCS QuerySummary: Need help on automatically changing the Period/Scenario/Year in PCMCS Query. Content (required): Hi Friends. We have a script to calculate markup which runs a q…Amit Agarwal-158816 41 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Amith Kumar Madisetty Profitability and Cost Management
Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management will go live this Friday, June 3rd!Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management is a evolutionary step forward for the EPM Profitability business process that combines a refresh of the modeling functions …Don Bean-Oracle 131 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by MyNameisMyName Profitability and Cost Management
New Attribute Dimension created, deploy cube failedSummary: New Attribute Dimension created, deploy cube failed Content (required): Hi- I have created a new attribute dimension in PCMCS as F_Location and assigned it to b…Amit Agarwal-158816 41 views 18 comments 0 points Most recent by Aman Kothari-191377 Profitability and Cost Management
Adding dimension members through Data Management in PCMSummary Adding dimension members through Data Management in PCM is possible?Content Addition of dimension members through Data Management in PCM is possible? It was answ…User_2025-02-05-23-55-14-602 39 views 7 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-23-55-14-602 Profitability and Cost Management
OAuth 2.0Summary: When will OAuth 2.0 be available for Non OCI Environments. Content (required): When will OAuth 2.0 be available for Non OCI Environments. This is needed for enh…User_2025-02-05-23-55-14-602 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Omar Shubeilat. Profitability and Cost Management
At what level can attributes be placed in PCM?Content I am creating an attribute dimension in PCM for clients. My question is at what dimension level can attributes be assigned?
Generate Data in Query with ThresholdSummary Generate Data in Query with ThresholdContent Hi - Is there a way we can generate Data through PCMCS Query with a threshold, say I would like to have only the Cos…Amit Agarwal-158816 43 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-23-55-14-602 Profitability and Cost Management
User Base POV Rule RunContent Hi All, In the PCMCS application, it is possible to run the rule base on the respective user in the same instance. Let say our client has 2 factories located in …Mrinmoy Paul 30 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Mrinmoy Paul Profitability and Cost Management
Rule Number Does Not Get Assigned to new rulesSummary Rule Number Does Not Get Assigned to new rulesContent Hi - I have build some new allocation rules in PCMCS but haven't run them yet. I see rule number is not ass…Amit Agarwal-158816 43 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alecs Profitability and Cost Management
Rules: Estinated Source and Destination countSummary I am using parent members in in source and destination of a rule, that I believe increases the source count, any remedy for that?Content Hi All, I am using paren…Khushbu Premlani 30 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-23-55-14-602 Profitability and Cost Management
Change in Alias does not reflect until Cube is re-deployedSummary Change in Alias does not reflect until Cube is re-deployedContent I just noticed that in PCMCS, if we change the alias of members, they won't reflect until we de…Amit Agarwal-158816 28 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Amit Agarwal-158816 Profitability and Cost Management
Migrating Essbase data from one instance to anotherSummary Migrating Essbase data from one instance to anotherContent Hi- When we migrate PCMCS "Essbase Data" snapshot from one instance to another, does it also migrate a…Amit Agarwal-158816 16 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Aman Kothari-191377 Profitability and Cost Management
Clear Adjustment values using EPMautomate ClearPOV CommandSummary Clear Adjustment values using EPMautomate ClearPOV CommandContent Hi - I would like to use ClearPOV epmautomate command in my Markup Script which calculates adju…Amit Agarwal-158816 41 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Amit Agarwal-158816 Profitability and Cost Management
Migrating one set of data from one instance to anotherSummary Migrating one set of data from one instance to anotherContent Hi- In PCMCS, is is possible to migrate only one month data set from one environment to another. Le…Amit Agarwal-158816 18 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Nitin.Gupta Profitability and Cost Management
Migrating selective rules from one instance to anotherSummary Migrating selective rules from one instance to anotherContent Hi friends, We have 3 calculation instances for PCMCS and 2 of them contains around 1000 Business R…Amit Agarwal-158816 51 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Amit Agarwal-158816 Profitability and Cost Management