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Responsive SSP - User want to raise the requisition with destination type - Work OrderSummary: As per business flow, the requester will create a requisition with a Maintenance work order. Do we have that option available in responsive self-service? Curren…Sandesh-Oracle 21 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Navindu Amarasinghe Self Service Procurement
DFF value in RSSP not visible during PO creationSummary: We created a requisition using RSSP and provided values for the line DFFs. During PO creation, the DFFs in the PO line does not reflect the values provided in t…Catherine Rosales 15 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Catherine Rosales Self Service Procurement
We need to make the system ask us for a receipt in Oc's servicesWe are about to implement Supplier Portal but we have an issue. We noticed that when a PO is for services (non-inventory) and is created, the supplier in the portal can …Rodolfo Jimenez F 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madhu Chalamalasetty Supplier Management
Item generic and product code issueSummary: we have below scenario in healthcare project. All medication items have generic code as well as product/brand codes. For example, Generic Code: Paracetamol Prod…
How to customize "Supplier Type" field in "Request New Supplier" to default valueSummary: We have a requirement to customize the Request New Supplier page in Self Service Procurement. The Supplier type field should be read only and it should default …
Edit RSSP(Oracle Fusion) in visual builder studioSummary: We have a requirement to customize self service procurement responsive UI pages. These requirements includes adding fields to the page, making certain fields ma…User_1KTFV 525 views 5 comments 3 points Most recent by Maithily Kohale-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to restrict the Business Relationship field only to prospective on supplier registration pageSummary: Restrict the Business Relationship field only to Prospective. Currently the Business relationship field is showing the Prospective and Spend Authorized list of …
how to attach images on public shopping list for a BPA itemSummary: I configure a public shopping list using an item from a BPA. In the BPA I added the Image URL in the BPA line detail information (Image URL). The Item in the BP…
Internal Material Transfers: Defaulting Logic for Source OrganizationsSummary Internal Material Transfers: How does the source organization value default on a requisition?Content A few customers asked about the defaulting logic of the attr…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 270 views 13 comments 5 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
RSSP: can we link an existing CPA while creating requisition through new RSSP UISummary: Hi All, we are enabling RSSP to one of our clients and they are looking to link CPA against a requisition, In SSP this is achievable but after enabling RSSP I d…Asha Shivanna 258 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Approval for Edited RequisitionSummary: Hi, Requisitions edit by an approver and submit it again. how can i create an approval rule for the edited requisition? Content (please ensure you mask any conf…
Common Item code to get defaulted for every new Purchase Request which user creates for Specific BUSummary: Hi, Is it possible to get one Common Item code defaulted in every New Purchase Requisition which user creates for One Specific BU? Because user doesn't want to …Varalakshmi N 52 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Self Service Procurement
how to define parameter based DFF in selfservice procurementHi, We have a requirement we need to create a DFF at PR header level, the DFF will bring only the department (values) for the respective BU. for example there are 3 diff…
Duplicate a punch-out catalogSummary: We need to separate one of our current punchouts into two separate punchouts for the same Supplier. Is this possible? I am trying to get both URLs set up as dif…Scott Dellabella 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Scott Dellabella Self Service Procurement
Requisitions in the Old VersionSummary: Hello, We understand that in 25A, Self Service Procurement will be replaced by Responsive Self Service Procurement (RSSP). In this respect, will Requisitions cr…
How To Stop Requester From Using Edit Order Functionality?Summary: Hi, if the user has ''Advanced procurement Requester'' role, is he able to Edit/Change PO? Are these privileges part of ''Advanced procurement Requester'' role?…
(Superseded) Extending the Redwood (Responsive) SSP Application (As of Update 24B)Summary: This article discusses personalization capabilities that are supported in the Redwood Self Service Procurement application as of Update 24B. Content (please ens…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 2.8K views 46 comments 4 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to add Content Zone on the new Self Service Procurement PageSummary: Oue business wants to add the content zone on the new SSP page. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you …
Next Generation Supplier Registration setup/config docSummary: Next Generation Supplier Registration setup/config doc Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Next Generation Supplier Registration setu…
Tip on How to use BPM to write approval rules based on Grade and Department approval attributesSummary What are the BPM attributes and the syntax used to write approval rules based on Grade and DepartmentContent Customers / Support There was a recent query regardi…
Q&A responses for Jul 25 2024 - Responsive Self Service Procurement Office Hour CCC EventHi Customers & Partners, thank you for attending the Office Hours: PRC - Implementing and Using Responsive Self Service Procurement Customer Connect event on Jul 25, 202…Karlay Tan-Oracle 91 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Karlay Tan-Oracle Self Service Procurement
UOM Sequencing EACH to be top in RSSP RequisitionBusiness wants UOM sequencing . Ex- Each UOM to be appear in top in RSSP requisition line.
RSSP Is there any demo or presentation on how to move the VB Responsible Self Service to production?Summary: RSSP Is there any demo or presentation on how to move the VB Responsible Self Service to production? We configured it in test and modify some screen and want to…Pablo Schenquerman 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Whether POR_VIEW_REQUISITION_ALL_PRIV and POR_REASSIGN_REQUISITION_PRIV would consume license?Hi all, Would like to ask whether these 2 privileges would consume any of the license in Oracle Fusion? 1. View Requisition - All. (POR_VIEW_REQUISITION_ALL_PRIV) 2. Rea…
Requisition PDFSummary: Is there an ESS process to run the requisition PDF? We see the BIP report and would like to be able to run it without the View PDF button from the requisition s…MBradley1910 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Is the PIM module Required to Create Items for Use in Requisitions?Summary: When we create requisition lines the Item box is available but does not show any search results. In doing some research it appears a lot of the documentation po…
Import Requisition Template PREPARER_ID not found in FBDISummary: Import Requisition Template PREPARER_ID not found in FBDI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are trying to upload Requisitions us…Catherine Rosales 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by mrprieto-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Upcoming Responsive Self Service Procurement Customer Connect Events - Jun & Jul 2024Hi Customers and Partners, Please note the following upcoming Customer Connect Events on Responsive Self Service Procurement: 1 - Responsive Self Service Procurement - 2…Karlay Tan-Oracle 352 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Karlay Tan-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Update Budget Date to Current System Date for Saved requisitionSummary: We've implemented Budgetary Control in conjunction with SSP/RSSP, Purchasing and Invoicing. Our users may start a Requisition and save it for future use. The Bu…
What is the privilege code (or name) for "Receive on behalf of others"?Hi experts, Would like to reach out to you for the privilege code (or name) for "Receive on behalf of others" mentioned in this page of the online document: Screenshot a…