Requisition Processing
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Unable to submit the requisition and error message A Variance account can't be generatedSummary Unable to submit the Purchase RequisitionContent Hi All , We are trying to submit the Purchase Requisition and getting the error "Line1 ,Distribution 1 : A Varia…
Enter Requisition Line screen has subinventory field but no value defaults in or availableSummary: Redwood Responsive Self Service Procurement: When raising a requisition as a user with the 'Advanced Procurement Requester' role, Sub Inventory is available but…
Charge Account default and derivation in the Enter Requisition Line flowSummary How is Charge Account defaulted and derived in the Enter Requisition Line flowContent Customers Here is a bit of design functionality that might help you underst…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 130 views 4 comments 7 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to set up a rule on the BPM with requisition distribution null?Summary: Hi, I want set up the rule on the BPM , task ReqApproval, with the condition on the requisition distribution: project number is null. how can i solve it? Thanks…Michela A. Morgillo 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Logan - HCG Self Service Procurement
Unable to Save Requisition Line after hiding Amount fieldSummary: Initially in Requisition Create Page, When I select Line Type as Fixed Price Services/Credit, Amount field was mandatory in Pricing Section. Now I wanted to hid…Sadvika Rachakonda 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sadvika Rachakonda Self Service Procurement
Automatically default the Overriding Approver for a requisition dependant on Category NameSummary: Hello, I would like the Overriding Approver on a requisition to be automatically entered dependant on the Category Name that is chosen when raising a new requis…
The requisition was rejected due to funds reservation failuresHi, We are facing issue the requisition is getting rejected after all the approvers approve the requisition. Please assist why it is getting rejected? even after it is b…Abdur Rehman 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
What are the setups to ensure we can still use Punchout with RSSP in 25C?Summary: Responsive Self-Service Procurement and Punchout integration missing. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): This article states that no…Rodrigo Baca 13 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
RSSP: It looks like Change Orders that a requester initiated can't be withdrawn and only deleted.Summary: It looks like Change Orders that a requester initiated can not be withdrawn and only deleted. Confirmation is needed to whether this correct, will be resolved o…
Add business logic on Submit button of RequisitionSummary: Add custom business logic behind the Submit button of a Requisition Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, We're looking at the …
Is it possible that the approver of the PR can modify or edit the PR he/she approving?Summary: The requirement is that the approver itself should have access to edit or modify the PR he/she approving. Is this feasible? Content (please ensure you mask any …Kat Estavillo 14 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Requisition lines displayed multiple times in My requisitions pageSummary: We are in the UAT phase of RSSP and came across an issue of requisition lines are displaying multiple times in 'My Requisitions' page and status shows the secon…
confirm receipt notification is not appearing in the Redwood.Summary: After enabling the Redwood RSSP. Why the notification is not appearing in the Redwood. For example Confirm receipt email notifications still triggering in Class…Lokesh Koppera 18 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alina Tola–Support-Oracle Inventory Management
Knowledge Article: Tip - How does the system decide whether to source an item internally (IMT procesSummary How does the system decide whether to source an item internally or create a Purchase RequisitionContent Support / Customers This query has come up a few times re…
How to check requisition approval hierarchyI am needing help regarding the Requisition approval hierarchy. In our approval group called "SCLH Buyer Group For Expedite and General With Buyer Assistance" We have a …Denver Monteith 29 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Alex Tuteur-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Requisition approvals using SQL Query to route to different approversWe have a requirement concerning requisition approvals that need to follow a specific workflow based on the department's cost center hierarchy and the requester's job le…
Create Requisition Page CustomizationSummary Create Requisition Page CustomizationContent Hi, We have requirement to Customize the Create Requisition page. Users will create the PR for Goods or Inventory It…
Image scanning for requisition creationSummary: In AP we have seeded functionality like OCR, Which converts Invoices from image like PDF. Do we have similar functionality for requisition creation process. Use…
PR Requisition Approval Rule Deployment Error POR-2010772Summary PR Requisition Approval Rule Deployment Error POR-2010772Content Hi, We are getting below error message while trying to deploy approval rules in PR. After checki…
How to prevent changes to quantity for items ordered from punchout suppliersSummary How to make the quantity field read-only in the Edit Requisition page for punchout requests Content:Content Customers / Support There was a customer that recentl…Ashok Sriniva-Oracle 99 views 10 comments 4 points Most recent by Francisco Carrillo-Robles Self Service Procurement
Requirement is to disable/enable manufacturer field based on requisition categorySummary: Requirement is to disable/enable manufacturer field based on requisition category, But it has been noticed that change in vendor field disables/enables manufact…Gyani Tewari-245647 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Close incomplete requisitions automaticallySummary: Good morning, We have users leaving half completed requisitions in the cart and would like to have a way to set the system to automatically cancel requisitions …
Auto-populate the Project context DFF segments at the requisition distribution levelSummary: We are trying to auto-populate the Project context DFF segments at the requisition distribution level automatically using a DFF available for project in the Req…
How to remove Purchase requisition PDF from PR approval notificationSummary: How to remove Purchase requisition PDF from PR approval notification Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Need to remove Purchase requ…
How to Correct/Return Receipts for Reassigned Reqs?Summary We have reassigned Requisitions to a new Requester. The requester cannot access existing Receipts to record Corrections or ReturnsContent Requisition has been cr…Jo Parsons-Oracle 96 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Not able to add ad-hoc approvers in RSSP requisition checkout.on the requisition cart, when we dropdown action and click on view approvers we can able to add additional approvers but we are not able to fetch approvers in the search…
Role and Business Unit Access for Responsive Self-Service ProcurementHi everyone, I'm reaching out to the community to discuss the configuration of roles and business unit access for Responsive Self-Service Procurement. We recently encoun…
Does funds returned after withdraw requisition in oracle fusion?Hello, I have a question regarding the withdrawal of requisitions in Oracle Fusion. When a requisition is withdrawn, does the system automatically release the funds that…
Purchase requisition pending approvers namesHow can we get the list of pending approvers for a purchase requisition, we need the current and future approver names like how it is shown in Document history page in U…
Configuration Challenges with Responsive Self Service Procurement (RSSP)Summary: We have enabled the RSSP in one of our lower environments and I was creating a test transaction and multiple "defaults" that we have configured in classic are n…