Qualification Model
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PDF of Questionnaire responses in notification emailSummary Is it possible to include completed questionnaire as attachment in email notificationContent Hi, We have recently implemented SQM. When someone completes a quest…User_2025-02-04-19-45-49-438 48 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by Justin Toth Supplier Qualification Management
Initiative stuck in submitted state with config of Auto accept responsesSummary: Hi All, We have an initiative with type 'Assessment' created. For all the qualification areas included in the model, we have set control of 'Auto Accept respons…
Supplier Onboarding QuestionnaireSummary: Hello, I am trying to figure out why when a supplier is registered sometimes some suppliers will get a questionnaire called "Supplier Onboarding" We do not have…Justin Toth 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ibad Shemle Supplier Qualification Management
Client would like to evaluate the Supplier Performance post Purchase Order material receiptSummary: Hi Team, Client wants to send the evaluation questionnaire to their user after receiving the material from the supplier User will Create and Launch Initiative w…Support 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Pramod Kumar Meher Supplier Qualification Management
How do you tell when a Vendor has responded to an Initiative?Summary: How do you tell when a Vendor has responded to an Initiative? Is there a report where I can see which suppliers on an Initiative have responded. If I create an …
Any limit to number of revisions to qualification modelSummary: Is there a limit to to number of revisions to qualification model? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, We are looking to reus…Anshul Rana 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Anshul Rana Supplier Qualification Management
questionnaire font issue in supplier registration screenSummary: Hi We are facing issue wherein the font size of the questionnaire section in the external supplier registration page is looking inconsistent. Although we have u…Anant_10 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Asit Rout-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Nalsoft Pvt Ltd 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nalsoft Pvt Ltd Supplier Qualification Management
It is possible to add a supplier to an initiative that has already been submitted and is in progressIs it possible to add an additional supplier to an initiative that is already on progress? A client tried to edit a initiative that was already submited to add a new sup…Jeffrey Allison Fernandez 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by SRGogula-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Questionnaire section for internal supplier registrationSummary: Hi We require to have a questionnaires during supplier onboarding/registration. For external registration page we have that section available once we configure …
Need support for specific Requalification requirementHi Team, Could you please support for this specific business requirement that we have received from our client wherein they have one Monthly Safety report that they want…sumit281 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Asit Rout-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Use Assessments to Qualify SuppliersSummary This post reviews how assessments can be used in your qualifying process.Content Fusion Supplier Qualification Management enables you to evaluate suppliers accor…Angie Ni-Oracle 98 views 6 comments 3 points Most recent by Angie Ni-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Is there a functionality in fusion similar to 3rd party risk assessment tools available in market?Hi In our current engagement there is requirement of detail risk assessment of suppliers. Currently there are Global Trade Management solutions available in market to ca…Anant_10 16 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Asit Rout-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Auto evaluation of Assessment for the suppliers registered through the Prospective Registration LinkSummary: We have added the qualifications in the Prospective registration link where suppliers have to answer them in order to complete the registration process. Now we …Vijay Bhaskar Koti 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Vijay Bhaskar Koti Supplier Qualification Management
How do I disable the ability to access the tasks under Setup in the Tasks panel tab?Summary: I am building a customer role from the seeded Supplier Qualification role. One of the requirements is to not allow automated tasks and access to the tasks under…
Is it standard that Initiative Assessment auto creates Qualification?Summary: Is it standard that Initiative Assessment auto creates Qualification document? Content (required): Is it standard that Initiative Assessment auto creates Qualif…Kat Estavillo 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anjana Das-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Custom text in notification SQMSummary You Are Invited to Respond to QuestionnaireContent Hi All, Can we edit this notification's text? Thanks, NishanthNishanth B Jain 105 views 10 comments 1 point Most recent by Haydee Mercado Supplier Qualification Management
Unable to create questions at supplier site level for SQMSummary Unable to create questions at supplier site levelContent Hello Experts! As per our testing, we have not been able to add a SUPPLIER SITE level question to the Su…Jennica M Pedro 47 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Sinem Ozmen -Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Supplier Registration process --> How to update supplier Bank Details at Site Level?Summary Supplier Registration process --> How to update supplier Bank Details at Site Level?Content Hello All, We are on Oracle ERP Cloud Procurement - R13 (Update 17D) …User_2025-01-29-21-00-43-912 62 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Angie Ni-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Need assistance on managing supplier qualification and RFI ProcessesSummary: We are evaluating the Supplier in both RFI and in Supplier Qualification management (Assessment / Qualification). Need more insights into both processes. Conten…Naggrajan 82 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jayita-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Initiative with survey option enabled is sending qualifications to the same internal responder twiceSummary: I have created an initiative with internal survey option enabled, added default internal responders, then launched the initiative. I was surprised that the syst…User_6LUPK 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Faustina Setyadi-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Automatically default the current date as the qualification start dateSummary Automatically default the current date as the qualification start dateContent Hi Experts, kindly let us know if this is achievable - When the evaluation owner tr…Jaya Chandra-Oracle 27 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Angie Ni-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Multiple ReviewersSummary Want multiple people to be able to review and accept responses to questionnaireContent Hello, We use SQM for some internal questionnaires in relation to vendor m…User_2025-02-04-19-45-49-438 20 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by user12232237 Supplier Qualification Management
Can we create Rule Set using Qualification Model when Sourcing is not in scope or applicable?Summary Can we create Rule Set using Qualification Model when Sourcing is not in scope or applicable?Content Hi, I am trying to create the Ruleset using the Qualificatio…Ekansh Jain 29 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Angie Ni-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Is it possible to default 1) Initiative type as 'Assessment' 2) Specific procurement BU when creatinContent Hi There, Do we have an option to default the following parameters whilst creating an initiative in R13 cloud? 1) Default the Initiative Type as 'Assessment' 2) …Vijay Karuppiah-Oracle 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Federico Pérez Carnevali Supplier Qualification Management
how to send a supplier an initiative when the supplier registration approval is in progress ?Summary how to send a supplier an initiative when the supplier registration approval is in progress ?Content Dear All, Please suggest how we can send a questiannaire to …User_6KBM4 26 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by user799189-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Recommended Actions (Respond to Questionnaire)Content we have added an internal responder for a few questions but the Respond to Questionnaire is not showing to the internal responder in the email body, I have alrea…Sandeep Nihalani 50 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sandeep Nihalani Supplier Qualification Management
Drop-downs/LOVs in QuestionnaireSummary Can drop-down/lovs' be setup in a questionnaire ?Content Asking for help here whether we can have drop downs or LOV on a question. Will prefer the supplier to ch…Narendra Karambelkar 47 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Faustina Setyadi-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management
Supplier Qualificaiton FYISummary I need 2 Supplier Qualification FYIContent Hello, I need 2 Supplier Qualification FYI. I created a "Internal Qualification" (Internal Responder needs to answer s…User_08YER 42 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Angie Ni-Oracle Supplier Qualification Management