Create Requisition
Discussion List
Will Oracle include feature to enable viewing the complete approval hierarchy in the responsive SSP?Summary: According to Oracle release notes, we should be able to view the list of current approvers of a requisition that's pending approval in responsive SSP. The curre…
In case of Multiple CPAs and Multiple Punchouts for one Supplier, how to link a Punchout to SupplierSummary: In case of Multiple CPAs and Multiple Punchouts for one Supplier, how to link a Punchout to Supplier Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…Asutosh Mishra 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Can I create a Pop Up to warn a user that there is no stock when raising a Internal RequisitionSummary: Can I create a Pop Up message to warn a user that there is no stock when raising a Purchase Requisition Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
Validation message based on requisition DFFSummary: Validation message based on requisition DFF Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have requirement to show error message based on re…
Restrict PO fields(eg. Requester, Location etc) against update via Edit OrderSummary: How to Restrict PO fields(eg. Requester, Location etc) against update via Edit Order Content (required): Restrict specific PO fields(eg. Location, Requester, PO…
How to control quantity decimal precision on BPA/Req/PO?Summary: We want to know if there is any way to control quantity decimal precision on BPA/Req/PO. We can see the maximum decimal precision for quantity is up to 12. Plea…
How we can stop Non Catalog PR Auto Create PO's to Trigger Approval Process.Summary: We have business requirement to Stop PO's to moving into approval process which created automatically from Non Catalog PR, so that they will review the PO's fir…
Bulk upload of Requisition lines through ADFDi ?Summary: Bulk upload of Requisition lines through ADFDi ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello I was wondering if 23D is there any option…
Min Max Planning not considering ASLSummary: An item is one two different BPAs with two different suppliers for one Procurement BU. An ASL is created to be sourced from Supplier A instead of Supplier B dur…
How can I change the description to the work order number?Summary: In requisition of style outside processing, the "description" field is some ID number. we need to change it to the work order number Content (please ensure you …Doron Wissel-Oracle 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to send reminders of pending approvals to all stakeholders in the transactionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, Client requirement is to send the reminder notification not only to approver but also to othe…
Foreign Currency Purchase OrderSummary Foreign Currency Purchase Order not behaving as expectedContent Foreign Currency Purchase Orders are not behaving as expected. PR is raised in EURO and converted…
Setting up Centralized Procurement in mixed modeSummary Setting up Centralized Procurement in mixed modeContent We are following a mixture of the Decentralized model and Centralized Sourcing so that the buyers can gai…
How to associate a Person with User account.While creating a requisition I am receiving error "a person isn't associated with this user account'. At the User and Security level and there is no user similar to the …
Bill to Location and SHip to location is sameWe want to know if there is any way in Fusion that 1. Requester is having access to update the Bill to location at Requisition Level. 2. that if requester is updating SH…
Allowing Non-Proc Users Access to Modify Proc Transactions Related to their Business AreaSummary: Allowing Non-Procurement Users Access to Modify Procurement Transactions Related to their Business Area (cost centre) Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
How to make the description and UOM ready only when using line type - goods, in spanish and English.Summary: Dear community, I am currently making a configuration for the fields "item description" and "UOM name", this configuration tries to put the fields in read-only …
Generate receipt advice ess job not picking PO with expense itemSummary: Created one PO with expense items and try to run the Generate ESS Job. In Generate receipt advice PO with expense items not getting. Whenever I created PO with …Veera venkata satya Ranga Prasad 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Veera venkata satya Ranga Prasad Purchasing
How to add master contract at requisition page?Summary: We need to add master contract dff at requisition page during enter req line page. Business wants to add below agreement. Content (please ensure you mask any co…
BPA Agreement number / Items are not available in Purchase requisition create windowSummary: While creating a PR, We need to link it to a BPA. The BPA is open. However items in the BPA / BPA number is not getting listed while creating the PR. Is this an…
How to configure purchasing TAD combination to derive charge account with POET informationPRC: PO: Practice: How to Override on Requisition Segments from Charge Account Based on Project Number, Task Number, Expenditure Type? (Doc ID 2425422.1) Based on the ab…
Requisition Amount not showing in requisition Currency in Manage RequisitionSummary: When we create a requisition in a different currency (Other than base currency), we see the total amount of requisition in base currency only and not in the req…
Technology used to develop ERP oracle cloudSummary: Hello, we have a general question internally to document all the technologies that we use. So we would like to know how oracle ERP cloud was built and written w…
Is it possible to share the private shopping list to other usersSummary: Can a private shopping list created by requester shared with other users Content (required): Hello Team, A requestor creates a private shopping list. Can this s…
Emergency PO stuck in incomplete status.Summary: Is it necessary to check these boxes in the agreement and also in the configure procurement business function setup? Agreement - Automatically generate orders S…
How to get the Negotiated checkbox enabled in Requisition lines when created from Dropship order?Summary: Hi, We have the requirement to create Dropship PO automatically without BPA reference. We need the negotiated flag to be enabled on requisition when created fro…
TAD for PurchasingSummary: There are some scenarios for which we are building TAD a) How to use Deliver to Org as Input Source in the Mapping set for deriving BSV on Requisition Charge Ac…
Prompt when cancelling a requestor with sourcing activitySummary: Prompt when cancelling a requestor with sourcing activity Content (required): Scenario: A sourcing/ negotiation activity is on-going for an approved Purchase Re…Catherine Rosales 11 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Catherine Rosales Self Service Procurement
Is it possible to automatic refresh new price from BPA in existing PR in oracle cloud procurementSummary: Is it possible to automatic refresh new price from BPA in existing PR in oracle cloud procurement Content (required): Needs new price automatically be updated f…
Category based expense buying inventory organization needed to be defined?Summary: Category based expense buying inventory organization needed to be defined? we only do expense purchases Do we need to defined inventory organization even for ca…