Create Requisition
Discussion List
What happens if buyer is not assigned to an Business UnitSummary: What happens if buyer is not assigned to an Business Unit? Also, what is the implication of updating buyer for an existing BU or adding buyer to a BU for which …
Need a DFF to have unique value checkSummary: We have a requirement to open a DFF in PR header for invoice number and invoice number should be unique. SO we would like to know if there is a way to open a DF…Liuhua Wang 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Purchasing
Quote Number flow from PR to POSummary: Is there a way to add additional information at requisition lines, for example, Vendor reference number that will flow from PR to PO? Content (please ensure you…
Is there a way to associate a Requisition with a contract?Summary: Is there a way to associate a Requisition with a contract? Or with a Purchase Order that stems from a contract? Currently, a requisition can be processed and co…Santiago Fazio 144 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anjana Das-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Link categories to project expense typesSummary: I am looking for a way to connect project expense types to purchase categories for requisitions with a project. Content (required): Here is what I am trying to …
Allow multiple legal entities in a single purchase order distributions.Summary: We have a Business Requirements wherein the Business is spread across Multiple Countries. Each Country is a different Legal Entity, Requisition and Procurement …
can we add item picture in requisition pdf?Summary: Hello, After we create a requisition, can we display the item picture in the requisition pdf? Thanks, Elia Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
Purchase requisition - RTOHi, When creating a requisition as an RTO it shows below errors: 1) You must enter a positive number 2) The percentage allocation must be a number between 0 and 100% (PO…
When/how does the Deliver To Location in Update Requisition Preferences get automatically updated?When/how does the Deliver To Location in Update Requisition Preferences get automatically updated after a business moves locations and the old location is inactivated?Akanksha Bhardwaj 41 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Akanksha Bhardwaj Self Service Procurement
RequesterId not working in SQL statement on DFF of Requisition LinesSummary: We want to default the DFF (attribute1) on Requisition Lines with the requestor information. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): On R…PranavTawate 31 views 1 comment 3 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Requirement to Capture Electronic Evidence for Procurement in JapanSummary: We have a requirement for our client to capture electronic evidence as part of Japan Procurement Implementation. Could you please let us know if there is any do…
Split Distributions by % results in lines and distributions not balancingSummary When a PO line distribution is split and the calculation is not evenly divisible, the calculation is not accurate causing the PO distrib total to not match the L…
Restrict Requisition CancellationWe have a requirement to restrict users from cancelling the requisition in procurement cloud which is linked to a purchase order. Below note seems to have this solution …
unable to update Expenditure Item Date in a change orderSummary: Hi, We have found the expenditure item date is incorrect for a PO line. What would be the best approach to correct the same. I tried to create a new change orde…
Capture Supplier Discounts on Purchase Requisition Lines ?Summary: Capture Supplier Discounts on Purchase Requsition Lines ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I was wondering if the only work around…
Can you have multiple Transaction Account Definitions be assigned to one Ledger?Summary: Company is already live on Oracle Cloud Procurement for one Procurement BU. A custom Transaction Account Definition has been setup to support the procurement ac…
Where does ManufacturerPartID and ManufacturerName are stored whenPunchout from supplier catalogSummary: Hi Team, We have setup a punchout catalog for one of our supplier and they are passing fields and in Punchout request. In below documentation Oracle states th…Avinash Pandharkar-258044 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Avinash Pandharkar-258044 Purchasing
How to default expenditure type from item level while creating requisition?Summary: at item level, if we select default expenditure for project. Will expenditure type get defaulted at requisition? How can we use the default exp-type feature bei…
Add popup message for attachment when user click on Submit button for Purchase RequisitionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Disable deletion of purchase order details.Summary: I want to prevent the deletion of specific purchase order details. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I believe all purchase order d…
RSSP: Can there be inventory destination procurement through Responsive SSP?Summary: RSSP: Currently, system does not allow inventory destination requisitions be created from RSSP. Can there be inventory destination procurement through Responsiv…
Is it possible to make DFF rendered as true on PR on the basis of Destination Type?Summary: We have a requirement that we want to display the DFF as visible on PR header when the Destination Type is Expense, and it should not be visible when the Destin…Pragyanand Das-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Laur-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Maximum attachment size in requisition levelWhat is the maximum attachment size that can be attached at nodes and attachment section while creating a requisition ?Shouvik Mukherjee 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Goopikrishnan Jayaraman-Oracle Purchasing
Custom source for Charge Account in TABSummary: Content (required): I can see under Manage Sources, few sources have been created by oracle. + button is graded out. Can we add source in TAB manually? Requirem…AbhayT 114 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Purchasing
Transaction account does not roll up to a budget acc error while checking fund against Incomplete PRIncomplete status PR is going with Fund status failed against Control Budget. Error Description Transaction account does not roll up to a budget account
Manage Purchasing NewsHello Dears, How can I access and manage the purchasing news? Please I would like to now the task name to change the content of "Purchasing News" Thanks, Ibrahim
PR Charge Account IssueSummary: We are getting below error while creating a non catalog PR. Any thoughts on this one. I checked the TAD, Accounting rule and Mapping set. Nothing specific found…
Punchout purchase orders are erroring in OBNSummary: Hello All, I have few Punchout PO's are erroring out in OBN and i am receiving below Error message: HTTP POST Timeout (This message has exceeded the maximum ret…
Split Option is greyed out in Process requistion workarea,Budget control is enabled at PR/PO level.Summary: The split option is not available for Budget control enabled PR/PO Content (required): Need the Technical reason behind this restriction of feature for Budget c…
PR Approval hierarchy for Buyer Returned RequisitionsSummary: Need to understand if we can define a separate approval hierarchy for Requisitions returned by Buyer (for PR with Status as 'Returned') Content (please ensure y…