Public Sector
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How to default PO header DFF from PO Total AmountSummary: Hi, I am looking to default a PO header DFF with the PO Total Amount at the moment of the creation of the document. We want to stor the purchase order original …
allow users to change purchase order variance accountSummary: Only buyers can change order a PO and change the variance account. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can we edit a custom role to g…
BPA awarded from Solicitation has no link back to SolicitationSummary: When a user awards a BPA to a supplier from a Solicitation/Negotiation, no where on the BPA itself does it specify that. If a user were to pull up the BPA direc…
PO Line Funds status is showing reserved and Line status is closedSummary: Why would the PO line funds status shows reserved after the line is fulfilled? Content (required): PO line is received, invoiced and paid but still the funds st…
How to update BPA line interface Agreement Quantity column to Blank(NULL) using FBDI?Summary: We are implementing the 22B Feature: PREVENT PURCHASE ORDER RELEASES WHEN AMOUNTS OR QUANTITIES EXCEED THE LIMITS ON THE REFERENCED BLANKET AGREEMENT LINE. Our …
Suppliers can not see the rejection comments on change orders initiated by SupplierContent In our case, suppliers are given the option to initiate some changes in the PO from supplier portal. IF supplier initiates any changes, an approval goes to the b…
How can Requisitions be carried into new Fiscal Year?Summary: In addition to eligible PO's, how can we carry forward requisitions? If requisitions can be carried forward, is there a status requirement? Content (please ensu…
Is there a way to Default the Bill to Location based on the Ship to Location?Summary Is there a way to Default the Bill to Location based on the Ship to Location?Content Is there a way to Default the Bill to Location based on the Ship to Location…
Cannot view attachments multiple times - 404 errorContent Hello, Our users are experiencing an issue with attachments in PRs, POs, and CPAs. If a user clicks on attachment more than once, then click on it again, they ge…
Issues when trying to do "PUNCHOUT" to supplier catalogs through COUPASummary: Hi All, I have an issue in the PUNCHOUT process that i wanted to share and see if anyone has attempted.faced similar issues and resolutions if any Business Prem…
REST API for Renumbering imported Purchase OrderSummary I am trying to use the REST API for Renumbering an imported PO ; but keep on getting 403-forbidden error.Content I am trying to re-number a PO Document number us…
Is there a way to Deep Link the master contract on a PO or CPA?Summary: Currently, at the header level of CPA/PO - the master contract is just a preview of the PDF and not exactly a link back into the contract itself. Is there a dee…
Shipping Method on PO SetupSummary: Where is the setup for Shipping Method on a PO done? We want to add some values but having a hard time finding the location in Setup and Maintenance which we ca…
Can you split PO Distribution by Percentage% instead of amount/quantity?Summary: Our client needs to be able to split their PO distribution by percentage (ex 50/25/25). Out of the box, I see that Oracle allows you to do it by quantity (if it…
What is the database field/column for PO Charge Account?Summary: Our client would like the PO Charge account/distribution to appear on the PO PDF template. We did not find it in the seeded data model, which means we would nee…Farah Zekria 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Purchasing
4 way match (Inspection) for Services based purchasesSummary: Content (required): Is there any way we can have inspection routing for Purchase basis as Services line type. This is for Project POs especially. Any workaround…
Receipt Routing field on Complex Work Order POSummary: Receipt Routing field is missing on Complex Work Order PO Content (required): Created a Complex Work Order PO with Work confirmation as NO on style. I'm unable …
Need the concept/logic behind why Retroactive pricing is viable only with Non-Cumulative Price BreakSummary We have a request from our client to have Retroactive pricing under Cumulative Price break in Blanket Purchase Agreement.Content Hi all, Based on my research, Fo…Harshith Eshwar Shaila-145631 256 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Alexander Joseph Purchasing
Does anyone have a report for the po-headers_draft_table that includes the process code status?Summary: Following error message when importing orders 'The Order Number must be unique for this sold-to legal entity, supplier and supplier site'. Content (required): W…
Number of record (data) limit in FBDI v/s ADFDiSummary Is there a predefined limit for number of records that can go to system while we upload data using FBDI or ADFDi ?Content Hi Experts, This questions is precisely…
Best Practice for Changing an PO Charge Account on a Existing POSummary: We are observing a myrid of issues when our end users create a change order and update the acount code on an existing PO line (resulting negative obligations, P…
Certain Supplier's POs are likely to contain sensitive information - Fusion possible solutions ?Summary: For Certain Suppliers, their POs are likely to contain sensitive information (PII data). Currently in our R12 solution we intercept the emails that contain thes…
Discount on the total amount of POSummary lump-sum discount to be applied to POContent The vendor has provided an additional, lump-sum discount to apply to the total order? so it's not a line by line dis…
Unable to Associate a CPA with a Requisition in the Document BuilderSummary In attempting to select a valid Contract Purchase Agreement on the document builder, the LOV does not display the relevant agreementContent I am trying to associ…
Move POs from one LE to another LESummary How to move POs from one LE to another LEContent The company decided to create another subsidiary under the holding company and move the Purchase Order and invoi…
Real implication of Sold to LE in Purchasing Transaction - Indirect Procurement - Global LocationsSummary Real implication of Sold to LE in Purchasing Transaction - Indirect Procurement - Global LocationsContent Trying to understand a bit more on this, appreciate any…
Complex Purchase OrdersSummary Complex Purchase OrdersContent Currently in 21A only retainage functionality is available, would like to understand whether Oracle is planning to add pay items (…
Re-Open Closed POsSummary How to Re-Open Closed POs ?Content We were closing the Purchasing module when we accidentally closed ALL the POs not only the closed ones so some of the open POs…
Purchase Order CarryoverContent I am looking for the directions for Oracle Fusion to carryover of open select purchase order from one fiscal year to the next.User_2025-02-05-10-47-40-626 25 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ivan Pena-Oracle Purchasing
Touch less buying SetupsSummary Touch less buying SetupsContent Hi All, Please share setups Documents for Touch less buying Setups. Thanks, Dev Thota. Version 21B