Discussion List
Is there a way to use the Contract Reference Number on PO header for approval condition?Summary: Is there a way to use the Contract Reference Number on PO header for approval condition? Content (required): Hi Gurus- Just want to check if, is there a way tha…
How to add a new stage in BPM worklist and add creator as the approver to that taskSummary How to add a new stage in BPM worklist and add creator as the approver to that taskContent We have specific business requirement to have different levels of appr…
Can we set the invoice match option as a mandatory when we create supplier master?Summary: Can we set the invoice match option as a mandatory when we create supplier master or Is it possible to set the default of invoice match option as "Order" ? Cont…
What functionality comes with the "Manage Procurement Approval Actions" duty roleSummary: Dear Procurement Team, the Security Reference document mentions an unassigned duty role "Manage Procurement Approval Action" What is it used for? Kind Regards, …
Confirm Receipts notifications Work Confirmation process (Complex PO)Summary: Hello Is someone able to confirm whether work confirmation notifications are sent for POs with document styles which use the 'Work Confirmation' method of recei…
How to create asset mass addition for assets and use them in Internal RequisitionSummary: We are creating the assets on fusion as Inventory and costed Items. We purchase the assets from PO with Inventory Destination Type. After stocking the asset in …
How to upload multiple lines to an agreementSummary: We have more than 100 lines how to upload those line (Item and price detail) to a BPA Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have mor…
How to restrict on Approval Task Details the Camera icon (Button)Hi Team, I have a business requirement to prevent users (such as the requisition preparer and those in the approval list) from accessing the "Approve PO" function and fr…
how to download / upload all BPM ruleSummary: how to download / upload all BPM rule Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can we upload all BPM approval rule after test instance got…
For TAD in purchasing how can we get Bill to BU name as source to create mapping ruleSummary: For TAD in purchasing how can we get Bill to BU name as source to create mapping rule. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Based on t…Singulure Haritha-Oracle 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vaibhav Chaudhary-Oracle Purchasing
How to upload the Purchasing category in oracle fusionSummary: How to upload the Purchasing category in oracle fusion Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to create all EBS PO category in Oracl…
New Procurement SSP icon is not visible in Procurement BannerSummary: Client has recently gone live with new Procurement SSP. The Purchase Requisition (New) icon is visible on the Homepage but once you are withing purchasing it do…
Enterprise Contracts Attachments Restriction for certain File FormatsSummary: Dear Team, We want to restrict in Enterprise Contracts Attachments File Formats for .exe, .js, or .asp files. Which it should allow only .pdf, .docx, .jpg,.xls.…Narasimha Rao Y 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ed Gomez-Support-Oracle Enterprise Contracts
Purchasing: Table value set is not retrieving values as expected in smartform DFFHi All, We have created DFFs (having table value set) in smartform to capture Employee name and Mobile phone number. Mobile phone number LOV should display the value men…
Default Promised Delivery date on Purchase Order based on BPASummary: Hi Team, We have a requirement where user wants that the Promise Delivery date on Purchase Order Should default based on BPA. Please help with the above issue C…
How to set up employee supervisor hierarchy multiple level in BPM?Summary: How to establish a multi-level employee supervisor hierarchy based on amount in BPM ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to esta…
How to change Creation Date on Purchase OrderSummary: Content (required): I am looking to create backdated PO. I can see creation date field capturing today's date automatically. I tried changing my system's date t…
Supplier Item, Manufacturer and Manufacturer part number are not displayed in the PO line level !Summary: We are using Trading Partner Items Associated with a Master Item But Supplier Item, Manufacturer and Manufacturer part number are not displayed by default from …
How to stop attachment flow to purchase orderSummary: While Creating Requisition if we select attachment category = To Approver then attachment flowing to Purchase order but as per client request attachments should…
BPA awarded from Solicitation has no link back to SolicitationSummary: When a user awards a BPA to a supplier from a Solicitation/Negotiation, no where on the BPA itself does it specify that. If a user were to pull up the BPA direc…
Purchase Order Milestone ForecastingNeed input on the following business scenario: Business transacts with certain suppliers for long-lead, high-dollar amount Goods which are handled via Purchase Orders. T…
External Purchase Price create by API via Visual BuilderWorking on implementing this new feature in a 22A instance and coming up with some unexpected issues. Hoping to hear advice from someone who has this working well. I hav…Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group 113 views 14 comments 1 point Most recent by Anil Pasupulatii Purchasing
How to create a mapping set to configure PO approval rule using a mapping set?Summary: Trying to create an approval Rule using a mapping set but not use on the steps to create such mapping set Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
How to put multiple item categories into account rule conditions for purchasing segment account ruleHi, We have a requirement that for asset purchase cost center segment should pick 0000 constant value, we need to include the purchasing categories in the account rule c…
How to capture PO Acknowledgement status at PO line levelSummary: Business requirement is to bring PO ack status at line/schedules level. Wanted to know on the options around bringing PO acknowledgement status to PO line/sched…
Punchout to MarketplaceSummary: We have an requirement to punchout to market place. Is it possible if yes can you please provide any documents for setup / mapping of external supplier names an…
How to default requisition and purchase order ship to location form project ship to locationSummary: Default ship to location in procurement from projects Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We want to default ship to location in requ…
Which role can replace the ORA_ASM_APPLICATION_IMPLEMENTATION_CONSULTANT_JOB?Summary: Since we will be canceling the Oracle Inventory License, I would like to know if there is any role that can replace the ORA_ASM_APPLICATION_IMPLEMENTATION_CONSU…
Best practice for deciding Separate Procurement BU Vs Single BU with Procurement and RequisitioningSummary To understand Best practice for deciding Separate Procurement BU Vs Single BU with Procurement and RequisitioningContent Hello, What is the best practice in defi…
If Requester creates Work Confirmation, this access Consumes from SSP or Purchasing license?Summary: In Oracle Fusion, we have a requirement to give access to the requester who is entered in the complex PO to create work confirmations. To give requester access …