Discussion List
The PO E-Mail notification cannot be delivered to the recipientsSummary: When all buyers create PO's all suppliers can't receive PO email notification and send an email to the buyers as shown in the image below Hope to get a solution…
Agreement DFF to POis there any way to default Agreement DFF values to PO Lines as We do have direct purchase orders and also PR to Purchase orders, we need to trigger approval process Bas…
Optional Receiving - 2 or 3 Way MatchingSummary: Our client has one BU. They would like to implement optional receiving and also allow 2 or 3 way matching. How would that be configured? Currently receipt toler…
How to configure keyword in Purchase Order Search?Summary: We have different DFFs on Purchase Order Header and we want to search the Purchase Order with the DFF Values. We dont see the DFF values in the Purchase order s…
How to make item details default in item attributes on bpaContent (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When Creating a Blanket purchase agreement, in the lines there is an item attributes section. All the info…
What is Work Confirmation, How to setup, How to use?Hi, I am trying to explore on the concept of Work Confirmation, but there is no exact information on that. It shows the Complex POs process for this search. what is Comp…
Can we end date the existing categories in Manage Functional Area catalogCan we end-date existing categories that have open POs and invoices associated with them? If we do, what impact will it have on the open POs and invoices? We’ve updated …
can we open PO after canceled by BuyerSummary: PO is cancelled. Can we reopen and use the PO Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if appl…
Can we default retainage on PO lines?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
My Receipts (New) tile is not becoming available under ProcurementSummary: I have created a role and added the responsive self service receiving privilege and added to the user. however, My Receipts (New) tile is not becoming available…
Auto convert PR to Complex POSummary: Need to convert Normal/Standard Purchase Requisition to Complex Purchase Order (Retainage enabled) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
cancelling partially received PO line changes PO status to CancelledSummary: cancelling partially received PO line changes PO status to Cancelled Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi team, - i created a PO fo…
Purchasing ApprovalHi, We have a requirement where 2 person have to approve in the same Approval group. Eg Approval Group A User1 User2 User3 User4 We have 2 stage approval with the same a…
Need to default the values in Update Requisition Preferences through Employee RecordAs per the Business Requirement, we need to default the values coming in the 'Update Requisition Preferences' from the Employee Record. By default, the Requester name an…
Copy Requisition DFF to Retention field in Complex POAs per the Business Requirement, we have created PR and three DFF's at line Level - Retention Flag (Yes or No), Retainage Rate % (free text field) and Maximum Retainage …
can we create invoices directly from agreementSummary: Business case is there are payments which happen on recurring basis based on supplier agreement (BPA/CPA, Non-PO base payments). Business is exploring a way to …
Unable to see multiple business units in the control section of agreementSummary: Hi I have created a purchase agreement for BU A. I want BU B users to also access this agreement and create PO for BU B. However, under the control sections, I …
Approval Hierarchy is not following Requester's Manager supervisor hierarchyHi We are following manager supervisor hierarchy for PO change order. Scenario is - We are creating the change order and it following the initiator's hierarchy, Instead …
prohibit po change when line has been matchedSummary: how to prevent PO change / PO edit when one of the PO line has been matched to an Invoice? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): exampl…
Buyers creates for PO for 3 or 1 Years how budget will be reservedSummary: Buyers creates for PO for 3 or 1 Years how budget will be reserved Content (required): Buyers creates for PO for 3 or 1 Years how budget will be reserved? if i …
Can we add The terms and conditions by each supplier which then can be added to Purchase order1 .Currently we have an way to add terms and condition Under procurement options as shown in the screen shot below, click on "Define the Terms and Conditions" button. Th…
How to get a notification when PO is either partially or fully receivedSummary: When PO is received (Partially or fully), system should create a notification to requester as well as buyer that the receipt is created for a PO. Currently, whe…
Error while creating POSummary: I am getting a error while creating a PO / Generating from Requisitions as shown below, how to resolve this issue? Content (please ensure you mask any confident…Bhavish Kumar B 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Goopikrishnan Jayaraman-Oracle Purchasing
Display an item created in and item org (master org) for all the other Procurement BU without usingSummary: Display an item created in and item org (master org) for all the other Procurement BU without using the action "Assign to Organization" and have aduplicated ite…
we are not able to format international addresses to county specific formatting.Purchase Order Document - All addresses are defaulting to the US format. How can we reflect country specific formatting?
My Receipts (New) tile is not becoming available under ProcurementSummary: I have created a role and added the responsive self service receiving privilege and added to the user. however, My Receipts (New) tile is not becoming available…
Punchout PO integration to supplier using OIC via cXML fileSummary: Documentation for generating cXML file to share with supplier via OIC for PO outbound integration Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
Create Purchase Orders Multi Business UnitsIn Oracle Procurement Cloud fusion, the customer must create a purchase order in Multi BUs. In this case company, there are 45 business units and 4 of these buy for othe…
Can custom configuration changes made in sandbox get erased during a Production environment refresh?Summary: We deployed a couple of UI changes on the PO page to make 4 fields (Projects and Project Details fields) mandatory. However, we were just notified that someone …
How can we monitor whether emails successfully reach suppliers?Hello, We recently migrated to Oracle Cloud and we have some purchase orders that are not reaching our suppliers. We have had POs with a document history that show it wa…