Manufacturing MDM
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How to create the version controlled work instruction(Attachment) to be used in Manufacturing cloudSummary: We are currently evaluating the best options in Oracle Cloud for maintaining SOP documents and work instructions(Attachments) with version control, ensuring the…
"The value of the attribute Material Sequence isn't valid" Error while FBDI Work definition UploadSummary: While Importing Work Definitions, we get the error of "The value of the attribute Material Sequence isn't valid". The Load interface File process was successful…
Report Material Transaction Screen doesnot default Pull componentsSummary: Report Material Transaction Screen doesn't default assembly pull components Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Client business : FMC…
The reservations cannot be updated or deleted for the material transaction row.Hello Team, While performing material transaction at WO. I am facing below error. Can anyone know why this error come. It seems related to sales order, but it is giving …
Is there a way to have standard work order completion quantities in the dispatch list?Our people struggle with entering the correct quantities for every work order completion. For finished goods with the same standard pack every time, is there a way to pr…
Where we can find "Resource group" field in work center UISummary: Where we can find Resource group field in work center UI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have defined a lookup code in ORA_WIS…
List of Customer Connect Training ReplaysSummary Quick access to all the Manufacturing Customer Connect Training Replays Content Watch these replays to get more information about implementing your products. You…
“For assembly pull, operation should not complete if on-hand stock is not available?”“If there is no on-hand stock, we should not complete operations for assembly pull. Is it possible? Usually, for assembly pull, only the last operation consumes material…
Attachment flow from Item Strucuture to WorkDefination and to WorkorderSummary: Hi Manufacturing Guru's We have a requirement of Attaching Engineering Drawings at Item structure; these attachments need to flow to Work Definition where the I…
How to show the software item in the BOM structure for configuration but not to transact in WIPSummary: We have a CTO config model that contains a software item. The requirement is to show this software item in the BOM structure for configuration in sales order bu…Shabbir M Tahasildar 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shabbir M Tahasildar Product Development
Manufacturing Work Order batch creation either as process or discrete for business scenarioSummary: In case mineral, chemical, or ferro industries, the batch quantity is produced upto a level lets say 1000 kg and then based on customer /sales order requirement…
capture fixed scrap in manufacturing OperationSummary: We have a requirement for a Flexibale packaging company to setup a fixed scrap whenever machine is going to start. To run a work order, for machine setup purpos…
What is the best way to migrate work definitions from a lower instance to Production?Summary: Suppose we have refreshed Test from Prod so now the two instances are identical. In the Test instance, for each of 1000 items we create a new Work Definition (i…
SEIBAN Manufacturing in Oracle CloudSummary: In ERP, our client has implemented the Seiban project planning to respect pegging and tie stock back to the parent assembly. Can we know if this capability is a…
In Redwood, the Attachment UI for Type = Text and Note field for Text no longer available for useSummary: In Redwood, the Attachment UI for Type = Text and Note field for Text no longer available for use Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
Unable able to create Work Areas after upgrading to Redwood UISummary: Unable able to create or View Work Areas through the Redwood UI. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you…
Task Icon not available in Redwood requiring users to resort to navigator creating additional clicksSummary: Task Icon not available in Redwood MFG work area requiring users to resort to navigator creating additional clicks Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
How do you automatically create a serial number ofr the parent item during work order completionSummary: During Work Order completion I want to automatically generate the Serial Number of the Parent Item. How can this be undertaken Content (please ensure you mask a…
any mobile app for doing WIP transactions on Oracle fusion cloudIs there any mobile app for doing WIP transactions on Oracle fusion cloud. Also can you please let us know how to download those steps?
Why WD search isnt showing specific RecordsSummary: Hi, Why are the search results showing other items than what I am specifically searching for EHW-100126 in this case, it should only show the item in qusetion/s…
How Many work definitions names can be create in oracle fusion manufacturing?Summary: Our customer requiries a lot of work definition for the same item. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Our customer requiries a lot o…
How to Restrict the Item Modification for Standard Work Order through Page PersonalizationHi, Requirement: The user should be restricted from modifying the Items/BOM at the time of Standard Work Order Creation alone. For Rework & Non Standard Work Orders this…
Can we close work order with the last transaction date?Summary: Dear Experts, Business performed last transaction (WIP Completion) in a Work Order on 31-Jul-24 11:59:59 PM When trying to close the Work Order with same date 3…
What is the setup required for items used in the OSP flow to run WITH FULL LOT CONTROL?The business needs to have traceability of the lots with which it is working They need to know the lot number of the finished product and its respective components But t…
Different Overhead Cost applied at item level instead of work center levelRecently a new Work Center was created in Oracle Manufacturing in order to support a financial discount that the Company wanted to provide to their business partner (RD)…
Production Scheduling takes alternate resource instead of Primary resourceSummary: HI, We have two resource- One Primary resource A and alternate Resource B. Only if the Primary resource is not available the alternate resource needs to be cons…MMA27305 41 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Deepika Sachdev Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
Reference Routing for work orderSummary: in EBS , We need to have reference routing which can be attached while creating work order for the assembly item. HOw we can achieve same functionality in Oracl…
How to Handle Rework of Waste in Process Manufacturing?Summary: We have a case in process manufacturing where we have input as 1000 KG raw material and the output will be FG as 700 KG and 300 KG as waste that need to be used…
How to create automatic Alternate Work Definition with reference Alternate BOMSummary: How to create automatic Alternate Work Definition with reference Alternate BOM Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, We have p…
Is there a way to associate different shifts to different work centers in the same MFG PlantRequirement: Different work-centers within same organization has different shifts. Example: Some work-center has 8-hour shift, some has 10-hour shift, some has 12-hour s…