Manufacturing MDM
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Option to send email notifications when there is an update at the work definitions level.Summary: Hi Folks We need to send email notifications when there's an update at the work definitions level. This will enable the costing team to perform a cost roll-up f…
Periodic average cost method the work order cost will maintain the WIP balance.Summary: The process work order is maintaining the WIP balance if the work order is completed without a recipe. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
Configured item are not assigned as component item in work orderHi - I have created a Back to Back Make Sales order. I have selected the components from configuration window and below is the configured item and its structure. when th…
Resource is showing the QTY in the History page if transacted via MES integration but not from UI.We have created resources and resource instances in manufacturing , and the resources are set to be Automatically transacted , while assigning the resource instance in t…
Does Manufacturing Cloud allow Creation of Custom Business event?Summary Does Manufacturing Cloud allow Creation of Custom Business event?Content Hi, Seems CX/ Sales Cloud allow creation of custom business events in Cloud. Does Fusion…
Manufacturing operation as Optional SelectionHi, I have scenario here while making the SFG i need to complete operation sequence from 10 to 50, But this particular SFG while manufacturing needs to repair the produc…
Import Work definition program failed to create work definition because Item has punctuationSummary: Import Work Definition program failed to create work definition because Operation Item is having a punctuation value " in the item no. Content (please ensure yo…
Correction of completed work order quantity in Process manufacurtingSummary: Correction of completed work order quantity in process manufacturing incase of wrong data entry or any product returns Content (please ensure you mask any confi…
How to change work definition Name in the existing work definitionSummary: Would like to change work definition Name in the existing work definition, which has several alternate work definitions. Content (please ensure you mask any con…
Resource Instance assignment in Report Resource transaction, to charge and required fields becomes 0Summary: We have created resources and resource instances in manufacturing , and the resources are set to be Automatically transacted , while assigning the resource inst…
Work order update business event is not trigering / subscribed Using ERP adapter in OIC3Summary Work order update business event is not triggering /subscribed Using ERP adapter in OIC3 , but the Work order create is triggering with out any issues and able t…
Automatically create work order for Sub AssemblySummary: When we create a work order for Finished Goods then it must automatically be a work order for Sub assembly items For Example, If we create a WO for Burger then …
Can a closed work order be opened again and same as well with OSP Purchase Order?Summary: Scenario. A work order had been closed. This work order is undercompleted because its OSP PO was not yet fully received in full. After the Work Order had been c…
Production Scheduling takes alternate resource instead of Primary resourceSummary: HI, We have two resource- One Primary resource A and alternate Resource B. Only if the Primary resource is not available the alternate resource needs to be cons…MMA27305 52 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Suprakash2 Rath Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration
can primary resource be defined as alternate resource as well in other work defn./std. operation?Summary: Can we configure the primary resource in one work-definition/operation as alternate in another work-definition/operation? Will Supply Planning (Constrained) and…
Is there any way to reprocess the process work order records from interface table?Hello All, Users are trying to perform Material Issue and product return from UI, some of the work orders records get stuck into Material Interface table with IN_PROCESS…
Sample FBDI to import Process Work Orders with input and output ItemsSummary: I am trying to import Process Work Order with Work Order Operation Materials and Work Order Operation Outputs facing issues with "ALLOW_EXPLOSION_FLAG" If I am …Santhi Vakacharla-Oracle 31 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Manufacturing
how we can Create material over head cost in oracle Fusion ManufecturingCase 1. The user paid petty cash for the employee to purchase material by hand not in a Through purchase this material will use Manuecuring of FG item in this c…
How to restrict the cancellation of work orders that have transactions?Summary: The process work orders are able to cancel even though work orders are having material and production completion transactions, users wants a solution to alert t…
How to create manufacturing calendar which can be used in manufacturing and GOPTeam, When I assign plant with 5 days calendar, I am unable to see the plant in GOP while creating sourcing rule. Reason being, for collection of calendar, the calendar …
How to create the version controlled work instruction(Attachment) to be used in Manufacturing cloudSummary: We are currently evaluating the best options in Oracle Cloud for maintaining SOP documents and work instructions(Attachments) with version control, ensuring the…
"The value of the attribute Material Sequence isn't valid" Error while FBDI Work definition UploadSummary: While Importing Work Definitions, we get the error of "The value of the attribute Material Sequence isn't valid". The Load interface File process was successful…
Report Material Transaction Screen doesnot default Pull componentsSummary: Report Material Transaction Screen doesn't default assembly pull components Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Client business : FMC…
Is there a way to have standard work order completion quantities in the dispatch list?Our people struggle with entering the correct quantities for every work order completion. For finished goods with the same standard pack every time, is there a way to pr…
Where we can find "Resource group" field in work center UISummary: Where we can find Resource group field in work center UI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have defined a lookup code in ORA_WIS…
List of Customer Connect Training ReplaysSummary Quick access to all the Manufacturing Customer Connect Training Replays Content Watch these replays to get more information about implementing your products. You…
“For assembly pull, operation should not complete if on-hand stock is not available?”“If there is no on-hand stock, we should not complete operations for assembly pull. Is it possible? Usually, for assembly pull, only the last operation consumes material…
Attachment flow from Item Strucuture to WorkDefination and to WorkorderSummary: Hi Manufacturing Guru's We have a requirement of Attaching Engineering Drawings at Item structure; these attachments need to flow to Work Definition where the I…
How to show the software item in the BOM structure for configuration but not to transact in WIPSummary: We have a CTO config model that contains a software item. The requirement is to show this software item in the BOM structure for configuration in sales order bu…Shabbir M Tahasildar 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shabbir M Tahasildar Product Development
Manufacturing Work Order batch creation either as process or discrete for business scenarioSummary: In case mineral, chemical, or ferro industries, the batch quantity is produced upto a level lets say 1000 kg and then based on customer /sales order requirement…