Manufacturing MDM
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Need restriction in editing the workorder quanityHi, We need for restrictions on editing the quantity after a work order has been released. It has come to our notice that some users are altering the quantity after comp…
You must define a valid UOM conversion between UOM Ea and UOM Kg. (WIE-4426130)Summary: In Meat Manufacturing Process, we have defined item with Primary UOM as Ea and Secondary/Pricing UOM as Kg since they sell in Kgs. So, One Lamb could give Lamb …
Need to reduce Work order quantity of Closed Work OrderHi I Have One scenario. the work order with 100 Qty was completed, closed, costed, and accounted for last month needs to be reopened. We plan to make changes to the quan…
Defaulting the "Use Common Inventory" check box at backflushSummary: We are using manufacturing in a Project Driven SCM environment. I have items that are issued to Project Work Orders from common stock. I was wondering if there …
Is there a way to programmatically import/upload quality results to WIP inspection plan?Summary: Manual entry of quality results is very cumbersome. Looking for options for programmatic upload. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using,…
Where can we find Work Definitions Names DFF in UI?Summary: Hi, I've enabled and deployed the 'Work Definitions Names' DFF but not able to see it in UI. Can someone plz help me to location where in the Work definition UI…Bhavyank Shah-Oracle 31 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Prasanth Senthivel-Oracle Manufacturing
Is it possible in BOM to set the child quantity based on the specified parent item quantity?Summary: For creating PDH BOMs, we enter quantity of child items required for manufacturing quantity 1 of parent items. Is it possible in BOM to set the child quantity b…
How do I configure Fusion Contract Manufacturing for a sequence of Contract Manufacturers?How do I configure a supply chain for Cloud Contract Manufacturing which includes multiple separate contract manufacturers and ends with a distribution 3PL; OEM (contrac…
How to take diagnostic list for manufacturing ModuleHi, how to take Diagnostic list for manuafcturing module. is there any doc id?. I need complete list of diagnostic run that we run for manufacturing module(Discreate)
How to reverse work order quantity for contract manufacturingSummary Business wants to reverse quantity completed to a work order. The work order shows 1236pcs completed, the actual qty built was 1044pcs. How to reverse the 192 qu…
how to enable Redwood Form in oracle fusion for manufacturing modulehow to enable Redwood Form in oracle fusion for manufacturing module. i have been thought of creating Work definition by using this form. I am completely new to it. if a…
Option to update completion date of multiple work orders in UISummary: We are exploring an option to update the completion dates of multiple work orders in the UI similar to the actions below. Is this feasible? Can someone confirm …
Unable to reverse the completed Qty from Contract Mfg WOSummary: Reverse the completed Qty from Contract Mfg WO. Trying to reverse qty completed for work order CG7069 PO #2130364, to actual qty build 9816pcs. If you see the a…
Work order material transaction Rest api errorSummary: Hi I am trying to create transaction but getting error. Please let us know what exactly need to check ? REST API - /fscmRestApi/resources/…
Limitation of change type on a Work DefinitionSummary: Restrict some change type based on user profile for Work defintion Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In order to avoid non expected…WIesztal_Thierry-Oracle 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by WIesztal_Thierry-Oracle Manufacturing
What is the better model to design injection moulding process - Discrete or Process?Summary: Our client has three different processes - injection moulding, packaging, & customized packing with barcoding, the later two fit the discrete model perfectly. I…
Error in Cost Accounting Distribution Process - WIP Product CompletionSummary: We occurred this error "The transaction wasn't processed because the cost calculation for accumulated work-in-process requires all the input and resource transa…
Issuing Project Striped material to a work orderHello, I have a question. I have received material quantities striped (Linked) to a project. Whenever I try to issue these material in a work order I get an error that t…
Sort sort ascending & sort descending is not working as expected on Manage Work Order UIHi, When we reach the max count/threshold of 9999 after Work order prefix, sort descending sorts the work order I guess based on the nuber right after work order prefix …
When I try to upload resources through VBCS I'm getting error 'Attribute OrganizationId is required.Summary: We have a huge list of the resources to upload for the manufacturing organization. When I try to upload resources through VBCS, I'm getting error 'Attribute Org…
Integration of Manufacturing with 3rd Party online storeSummary: Integration of Oracle Manufacturing with 3rd 3rd Party online store Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Team, We have requirement to …
How to integrate Material Return to Stock with WMS?Summary: We are Integrating Maintenance Work Order with WMS. After Pick confirmation, material can be returned back to stock. Found no prebuild Integration for MRS trans…
Bulk Creation of Resource, Work area and Work centerHi, How to Import Resource, Work area and Work center? is there any FbdI or ADFDI for creating
Change outside processing deliver to locationSummary: Customer Nova has a manufacturing facility and a warehouse at close but different location. They are treating both sites as one inventory org and manufacturing …
Model production process to bypass an immediate operation in sequence & proceed to the subsequentoneSummary: We have requirement to model production process where decision to bypass an immediate operation in sequence and to proceed to the the next subsequent taken depe…
How to reduce quantity in the OSP Purchase ordersay there is a scenario where there is a work order of quantity 100 and it includes an OSP supplier operation. so while completing the work order, OSP requisition has be…
SQL query for Work Definition Details Unassigned ItemsSummary: Hi!, I'm looking for a SQL query for Work Definition Details which identify Unassigned Items. I try with material disable date, effective date, inventory item s…
How to check audit log for work definitionHi, in manage audit policy, i have enable audit for WD but don't know where to view or trace the record
Has anyone configured a resource in Manufacturing to be based on Piece Rate?Summary: Have a requirement where the Resources in Manufacturing are costed using a Piece Rate, but in the Work Definition we still need to account for the time it shoul…
Manage Work Definition in the Spreadsheet is not supporting Outside Operation Supplier updateSummary: Manage work definitions in the spreadsheet is not allowing us to remove supplier name and site for an outside operation. Content (please ensure you mask any con…