Inventory Cloud
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Receive ASN through ShipsetSummary I would like to receive the ASN from Supplier by ShipsetContent Hello All, This is for a Back to Back Buy scenario. The customer creates orders which are 2000 li…Vishnuvarth Subramanian-Oracle 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
The Movement "Cancel"Status is inactiveSummary The Movement "Cancel"Status is inactiveContent Hello, while trying to cancel the "Movement request",the cancel movement request is always "inactive"and only "Clo…Mohamed Abdelwahab 30 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Is it possible to configure approval for (Miscellaneous TRX &Movement Request).Summary Is it possible to configure approval for (Miscellaneous TRX &Movement Request).Content Hello, Is it possible to configure approval for (Miscellaneous TRX &Moveme…
Ship From Location in ShipmentContent Hi Team, I have a scenario as below - Created Internal Requisition to transfer material from Org A to Org B across BU. The source Org on Internal Requisition and…
Is it possible to do put away by receiving agent?Content Our business case is that the receiving agent will help user to inspect the item and deliver to user. So that the put away in this case should be done by the rec…Marcus Tam-142282 27 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Change Shipping Priority in Transfer Order when interface status is Interfaced to Order ManagementSummary Unable to change shipping priority neither UI not API REST when integration status is Interfaced to OMContent Hi, I don't understand why I can change shipping pr…
Is it possible to submit account alias issue using FBDI?Content Is it possible to submit account alias issue using FBDI? I can see there are account segments column to be filled but I don't see any field for account alias. If…Marcus Tam-142282 177 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Marcus Tam-142282 Inventory Management
A Way to Create Transfer Orders with DFFSummary Is there a way to create Transfer Orders with the DFF. REST API seems to be the only method.Content I have set up DFF for transfer orders. I understand that you …
Is there a WSDL or Rest API to put/update the shipping method of a shipment?Content I have a web service that serves to confirm a shipment, however, it returns an error if you do not have a Shipping Method assigned. It can be confirmed as long a…
Query - Confirm Pick Slip ScreenSummary Query - Confirm Pick Slip ScreenContent Hi Folks, Can any of you let me know how to remove the mandatory reason pop up during back ordering lines in Confirm Pick…User_2025-01-31-00-30-32-814 41 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Madhu Punuganti Inventory Management
Item SubstitutionSummary Inventory Stocked Item SubstitutionContent In the event of a manufacturer back order of an inventory stocked item, what is the best way to manage an item substit…Pattianne Belitz-Children's Hosp Omaha 49 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Peter W-Oracle Inventory Management
lots of the item not appear while making "receipt",only appear during "issue"Summary lots of the item not appear while making "receipt",only appear during "issue".Content Hello, The existing lots of the item not appear while making "receipt",only…Mohamed Abdelwahab 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Interclass UoM conversions in transactionsSummary Interclass UoM conversions in transactionsContent The scenario: For items, some times they are purchased in weight based UoMs (Kilograms, Ton etc) received in To…
How to do auto reservation after movement request is created (or after running Print Movement RequesSummary How to do auto reservation after movement request is created (or after running Print Movement Request Pick Slip Report)?Content Hi all, When client creates a mov…Srikanth Raghavendiran 51 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Madhu Punuganti Inventory Management
ReceivingSummary Require packing slipContent 1) How can I enable Packing Slip field to be mandatory prior to saving Receipt - need this via Inventory Management and My Receipts p…
Need Table Information for MTL Transaction AccountsSummary Need Table Information for MTL Transaction AccountsContent Hi Team, We are trying to find the corresponding table name for MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS in Fusion.Ple…Siva Kumar-Oracle 352 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Siva Kumar-Oracle Inventory Management
How can get the average price per item from the OTBI or SQLSummary How can get the average price per item from the OTBI or SQLContent Hi, How can get the average price per item from the OTBI or SQL, we need the latest average pr…Farooq Syed, CPA, PMP, CISA 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Akancha Sinha Inventory Management
Is it possible to give user name data access to "Specific sub inventory"?Summary Is it possible to give user name data access to "Specific sub inventory"?Content Hello, Is it possible to give user name data access to "Specific sub inventory"?…Mohamed Abdelwahab 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Receipt Number Generation - Self Service Receiving vs Warehouse ReceivingSummary Feasible setup related to Receipt Number Generation with a specific business requirementContent Business Requirement : 1) Self Service Receipts - Receiving will …
Is there a way to get the available to reserve quantity for an item from a table or query?Summary Is there a way to get the available to reserve quantity for an item from a table or query?Content Is there a way to get the available to reserve quantity for an …Arijit Pramanik 111 views 3 comments 5 points Most recent by User_2025-02-06-00-08-33-553 Inventory Management
Is there a report to view inventory transactions?Summary Is there a system report available to view inventory transactions for a period?
Web service available for Unordered Receipt in the systemSummary Web service available for Unordered Receipt in the systemContent Hi all. The client has another system A, that systema gonna perform the purshasing cycle create …Jesus Escobar-Oracle 29 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Uma Seethala-Oracle Inventory Management
Unable to define category hierarchy in inventory,R 19D?Summary Unable to define category hierarchy in inventory,R 19D?Content Hello, After defining a new CATALOG and insert categories , Unable to insert a new category under …Mohamed Abdelwahab 27 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Lot numberSummary Lot number not getting generated correctlyContent Hi Folks. Lot number is not generating correct at item organization level i set item:*** as lot starting Prefix…
Inventory reservation by lot at early stage of a quote to cash cycle.Summary Customer in Retail segment. In a Quote to Cash process, customer need to reserve inventory at lot level at the time of creating the quote. If the quote never bec…Joaquin Landt-Oracle 18 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
Desupport Notice for Oracle B2B Gateway in Procure-to-Pay B2B Communications from Release 20ASummary B2B Gateway as communication method desupported for Procure to Pay Flow in Release 20AContent Present Behavior: When setting up a supplier site in Oracle Procure…Lynn Warneka-Oracle 75 views 0 comments 3 points Most recent by Lynn Warneka-Oracle Inventory Management
DFF on movement request in the reportSummary DFF on movement request in the report not visibleContent User have created some DFFs in Movement Request line and it have value, but when run Print Movement Requ…
Inventory to FA moduleSummary Inventory to FA moduleContent Hi All, Can we transfer Inventory item to FA module like 1. Assets are purchased as Inventory Items and stored temporary in the war…
Is there a File-Based Data Import (FBDI) for Item Orgs and Inventory Orgs or related facility to doSummary We are looking for a file-based data import (fbdi) template for mass creation of item organizations and inventory organizations.Content We are looking for a file…RB Vasquez 108 views 16 comments 4 points Most recent by Piyush Potdar-Support-Oracle Inventory Management
Printing Pick SlipsSummary Printing Pick SlipsContent Hi Experts, Is it possible to have the “line Item Status to Print” default to Open picks? Currently it defaults to “ALL” which will re…