inventoryReplenishRequests Rest API not processing the request
We have configured PAR Replenishment for Count Method and On Hand Type.
We Tried to Process the Replenishment Request from Rest API through Postman by passing the count qty less than the configured PAR qty.
"SubmitForProcessing" : "Yes",
"replenishRequestLines": [
{ "OrganizationCode": "003",
"Subinventory": "PAR1",
But Postman is giving response as bellow without any Batch number failing to process the request
( "GroupId": 1025,
"UserName": null,
"ReturnMessageCode": "INV_OUT_COMPL_MSG_SCC",
"TotalRecordsCount": 1,
"ReturnMessageText": " The process successfully completed.",
"SubmitForProcessing": "Yes",
"SuccessRecordsCount": 0,
"ReturnStatus": "S",
"FailedRecordsCount": 0,
we have to submit the "Create Inventory Replenishment Request" schedule Process, to process the request.
Whereas in 23D, we used to get the response.