Global HR - Work Structures
Discussion List
Ways to re-arrange the Department and Organization Trees that is usually in Alphabetical Order?Hi Community May I ask here if someone already set or configured the behavior of Department and Organizational Trees arrangement in Display that are usually in Alphabeti…
HDL to override person number in Pending workerSummary: Customer Require HDL Template To Change Person Number for Pending Worker Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ver…
HDL Work Shifts, Patterns and SchedulesHello all, I've been looking for a HDL template to load work shifts, patterns and schedules due to having a lot of them. Is there anyone who knows or has a template to b…John-Christ Rahmeh 17 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel Soanca-Oracle HCM Data Loader (HDL)
Can we update department, position, job, grade using REST APISummary: I am trying to create an inbound integration using REST APIs for departments, position, job, grade using REST API. I only see get api in the documntation Conten…
UE to fetch Department GL Code along with employee's department nameI have a requirement to fetch GL Department code along with employee department in a HCM extract. I am using the PER_EXT_PAY_EMPLOYEES_V2_UE user entity for department a…
HCM Extract Department Details-Past, Future, and Current Dates(PER_EXT_SEC_HISTORY_ORGANIZATION_UEWe have to create an HCM extract that extracts department details created either past-dated, future, or current dates, and these should be picked in each incremental run…
How to divide 943 employees from Third-Party Quarterly Tax Filing Extract?Hi, Our client employs workers who are exempt from agricultural taxes, and their taxes are filed using form 943. We identify these employees based on the FLSA code at th…
HCM Business eventsSummary: Need Business events for work structure integration Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We have a requirement to Integrate the Wo…
Update Vendor name through HDLSummary: We are trying to update the Vendor Name using HDL as it affects 100+ people. Does anyone have template to use? Would be a great help thanks. Content (please ens…
PER_POSITION_EXTRA_INFO_ALL_UE Pulling the EIT records for all rows in HCM ExtractSummary: I am creating an HCM Extract with the historical Root UE for positions, identified as PER_EXT_SEC_HISTORY_POSITION_UE. For EIT information, I am using PER_POSIT…
How to load/create bulk user with user login with email addressHello, I want to load bulk users. Worker data already uploaded into the system only needs to create users with roles. The login user name must be the user email ID. If a…
Do we have any document with sample format for Legal Entity Registration country wise?Summary: Hi, I am looking for a Legal Entity Registration details company wise format? Any document to refer? also can we load Legal Entity Details through HDL or Spread…
Error while loading worker assignment departmentSummary: Hi Experts, We are getting an error while uploading the Worker.dat file. The record referenced by the foreign key attribute OrganizationId wasn't found. Either …
Threading dbi action occurence id in department hcm extractWe are developing an HCM Extract that captures changes only for historical and future Department details. The root UE is PER_EXT_SEC_HISTORY_ORGANIZATION_UE. When we use…
How to set the Assignment Flag to N for an Inactive but not End Dated Assignment?Summary: Set the Inactive Assignment Primary to N Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Good Day!, We would like to ask if it is possible …Marie Joyce Wynona Marzan 1 view 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ema Johnson-Oracle HCM Integrations
Create position using HDL without SourceSystemId and SourceSystemOwnerSummary: Position HDL Content (required): Create position using HDL without SourceSystemId and SourceSystemOwner Version (include the version you are using, if applicabl…
Contract creation for Workers loaded thr'h HDLSummary: Hi Everyone, I'm getting an error while adding employee CONTRACT details. (Creating a new employee). Can anyone tell me what is wrong with that file? Code Snipp…
Oracle Fusion HCM REST API to get line manager from Position DetailsSummary: Oracle Fusion HCM REST API to get line manager from Position Details Content (required): How can we get the line manager from Position Details? We can find API …
How to stop send pending LDAP requests ProgramSummary: Hi Expert, Can anyone tell me how to stop the 'send pending ldap requests' program? I try to run this program it gives me an error. If I search to provide a dif…
Error while loading organization tree, You need to enter a valid value for the {ATTR_NAME} attributeSummary: Hi Expert, I'm trying to upload the organization Tree by using this file can someone please tell me why I'm getting this error? You need to enter a valid value …
Best possible way to update/upload DFF dataSummary: Hi expert, I want to upload Department DFF data. Can anyone guide me the best solution, How can I upload the department DFF values? Thanks.
How to upload Location, Department, and Position name via HDL, if the name contains special characteSummary: Does anyone have an idea how I can upload the location, position department Name via spreadsheet loader if they contain special characters like Provided Name: A…Saher 23 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Data Loader (HDL)
An error occurred. Message details: JBO-27040Summary: Hi Experts, does anyone know how to resolve this error? I'm trying to upload positions via Spreadsheet loader. BudgetedPosition only has Yes and No values. An e…
The Flexfeild value column isn't visible in the Spreadsheet TemplateSummary: Hi Expert, I'm trying to upload department data by using a spreadsheet Data Loader file. I'm facing two issues. I'm trying to upload the location for department…
You need to enter a valid value for the ClassificationCode attribute.Summary: Hi Expert, I'm trying to upload department data via spreadsheet dataloader and getting this error 'You need to enter a valid value for the ClassificationCode at…
Guardrail for dates to transactions to be back-datedSummary: Hello Experts, Got a requirement on Back dated transaction. any inputs on this are really appreciable. 1. Identify a guardrail for dates to transactions to be b…RamkumarKadhiravan 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Integrations
HDL for DOR DFFDear Experts I using the HDL for loading DOR DFF, Which is going to error.…
Autocomplete rule validation error not thrown in Termination pageSummary: We have a requirement to throw an error message when we provide the termination date more than 3 days in past. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …Abinaya P 23 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Abinaya P HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Error while loading HDL file to correct EFF using location.dat fileSummary: Error when trying to load the location.dat file to correct the NAICS number under US tax reporting information Content (please ensure you mask any confidential …
change the default email From Address originating from Oracle HCM CloudSummary: Ho to change from email address in alert composer Content (required): Hi Team, In my organization one of the alert composer called "Birthday alerts" The purpose…