Outbound Logistics
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Solution for Manifesting UPS when Ship To Name Fields are to long?Summary: When attempting to Manifest Small Parcel shipments via UPS, we are getting an error that we have identified is tied to our Ship to Name address field being too …Garrick Pina 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Beth Crepeau- Support - Oracle-Oracle Warehouse Management
How does WMS determine the Order of Picking for Non Task PickingSummary: When performing picking without a task how is the sequence of picks determined? We are doing zone picking which is initiated by scanning the OBLPN in the standa…
Can a close manifest be reopend in ocwms?Can a close manifest be reopend in ocwms?SoumikD 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
Wave Pick Info's records sequenceSummary: We want to know if there is any logic when building Wave Pick Info file: Do records within the file are created following some criteria? I tried to figure out b…Carlos Tanaka 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sudarsan Royam-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Ability to "Bulk Create/Edit" option in Order Header screen is disabledHi Oracle "Bulk Create/Edit" option in Order Header screen is disabled when more than one orders are selected, my requirement is to bulk edit the ship via for Orders tha…Karthi Mani 30 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
UPS International orders fail to Manifest with "Missing or invalid Shipper AttentionName" messageSummary: Hello, We have configured UPS Carrier with the appropriate webservices and ship via codes. The Carrier Facility screen has a Contact defined for UPS. The Ship F…
Error in Shipment Confirmation -- WMS to ERPSummary: Getting the following error The quantity shipped for order and line 1 in shipment OBSH # exceeded the maximum allowed by the shipping tolerance. Content (requir…
Inventory attributes (A to G) usage complicationsSummary: We are using the item which are both Batch/Serial controlled items. And we have enabled the attributes (A to E) in the item master. We want to know what are com…Bharath Mariappan 10 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Scanning OBLPN to Shipping Location Supported for Interfacility Orders?Summary: We would like to be able to scan an OBLPN to a shipping location to ship out the inventory from WMS. We have been able to get this to work with the order when t…brendan-NS 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
¿Cómo puedo auditar los bultos de una carga antes de que se despache?Summary: Auditar bultos Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Necesito auditar los bultos de cada carga antes de que salgan a despacho, ejemplo:…Amalia Montalva 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Geno Hawkins- Support -Oracle Warehouse Management
Why does few of the Fedex parcel Manifest shows zero rates or wrong rates?Business observed that few of the Fedex parcel manifests, shows either 0 rate or higher rates. Now the question is that does these parcel rates comes in return from Fede…Chaitanya DN 17 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Keshav Ramesh -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Wave Group Order SeachSummary: Does defining a Wave Group Order Search at the wave group level replace the wave search assigned to the wave templates assigned to the wave group? For instance,…Jeferson_Matoso 80 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Justin Anders-Oracle Warehouse Management
How to Prevent Partial Allocation Across Multiple WMS Orders(Same Sales Order)Summary: We have a requirement to prevent partial allocation for Sales Orders. We will either ship all or none. The Order Type has the partial allocation flag unchecked …
Enable LOV Option for Destination Sub-inventory in OB LOAD UISummary: We are looking to enable a List of Values (LOV) option in the Destination Sub-inventory field within the OB LOAD UI. Currently, this field is a free-text input,…Ramana Challa 20 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Alternate Pick location in Pick to Cart ScreenSummary: In 23D a new functionality of getting an alternate pick location based on the Rules is enabled for Pack NC Active and Pack OBLPN screens. The same concept is re…Vicky Siddhartha Mishra 10 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Kiran Kumar Reddy Warehouse Management
Outbound Order StatusSummary: We need to have actual order status while executing the order. For example: while executing tasks, Order status shows ‘In packing’, which might confuse whether …
How to disable the generation of SLS (Outbound Loads Export) file while performing Ship LoadSummary: How to disable the generation of SLS (Outbound Loads Export) file while performing Ship Load: How to disable the generation of SLS (Outbound Loads Export) outpu…
How to limit the number of OBLPNs in a Load and auto-assign to a new load.Summary: How to limit the number of LPNs/Orders in a Load and auto-assign to a new load. We assign OBLPN to Loads based on order's unique "Route number". During the peak…Siva Saravanan 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
How do we use Consolidation location type in Oracle warehouse management CloudHow do we use Consolidation location type in Oracle warehouse management Cloud? I want to do Put to store in Oracle WMS Cloud. After doing cross dock , I have orders in …User_LQK3J 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Cubing rulesSummary: We are using Cubing in the wave template, but we have one scenario that requires a solution or workaround Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
After the short pick is performed there IHTs generated which one to be used?Summary: After the short pick is performed there are two IHTs generated IHT-12 and IHT-85? Which IHT should we use to get the approriate details as we need to send this …User_ZHQ1L 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
We have field "Group Reference" in Order header can you please explain the functionalitySummary: We have field "Group Reference" in Order header can you please explain the functionality There is a field called Shipment Set in OM and this is linked to group …
Can allocation mode be performed on % Percentage level ?Summary: We got one requirement from our Client's for which we would love to know your advise. So our clients have came with a plan they are trying to allocate in percen…Sudheer Kumar 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Output Interface Message sent when ORder is in shipped statusSummary: We have an Order, the has 3 OBLPN's linked to that Order. we use the Outbound Shipping Info interface to send to the ERP as each OBLPN is Shipped. we however wa…ScottyHam 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Group Same Order Nbr under same OBLPNSummary: Hi, Would like to know the feasibility of the requirement. Currently Repack Webservice Repacks the Item from source OBLPN to destination OBLPN. Source OBLPN mig…Ashraf Bilal.R 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sudarsan Royam-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
How to update the currency of the Total Shipping Cost Recorded at the Shipment?When adding the Shipping Cost to the shipment, whatever currency we are selecting, the currency gets converted to USD. We have tried removing the Currency as well as rep…
materialSummary: Hi, We are preparing for new WMS implementation, I'm looking for oracle WMS cloud documentation,workshops,Whitepaper,…any reference for these resources, Does an…mabdelwahab 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
How to get Item wise packed qty details in "Combine OBLPN" RF screen moduleSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Customer wants to see Item wise packed qty in "Combine OBLPN" screen Version (include the version…PriyaTanu01 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ana Strauti -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
I need to limit the number of units assigned to a waveI need help! Is it feasible to limit the number of units, LPNs or pallets that a wave can assign? Example: I have 10 different orders, each order has 100 units, therefor…Alexander Corona 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by SOMA NARESH-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
setup the feature in WMS Cloud for "Launch OTM Shipments Screen from Oracle WMS Cloud"Summary: I want to setup the feature in WMS Cloud for "Launch OTM Shipments Screen from Oracle WMS Cloud" as described in the WMS CLoud documentation at link: https://do…VenkatK123 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Fabio Buitrago-Support-Oracle Warehouse Management