Discussion List
Best way to handle more than 50000 records in select singleSummary: Best way to handle more than 50000 records in select single Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Expert, In our VBCS application, w…
Unable to expand the component , structure, data pallet in the applicationSummary: Hi Oracle I'm unable to expand the component, data and structure pallet and see the components . Even if i click on components it is not showing the components …
Redwood Calendar is not getting properly refreshedSummary: Redwood oj-sp-calendar is not getting properly refreshed. Every time the ADP is refreshed with new values the calendar component is appending all the old and ne…
Unable to bind text with oj-bind-for-each with oj-row-expanderSummary: I am trying to use oj-row-expander property in oj-table. The values of column headers are dynamic. Hence the attributes inside the child row is also dynamic. I …
How to hide or remove 'No data display' in tableSummary: How to hide or remove 'No data display' in table Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Expert, Is there a way where we can remove th…
How to pass SDP data to java script as input parameterSummary: Hi Experts, @Sherif Bashar I have a requirement to pass SDP & ADP as input parameter to JS. ADP is subset of SDP and JS need to return SDP minus ADP data. SDP =…
Pagination control table using SDPSummary: Our Client requirement has to build the pagination using next button instead of scrolling to load the data. Client want to see 20 rows of data at one screen and…
Automatic Cache Clearing in offline toolkitSummary: I'm trying to use this code, to clear pouchdb, however new PouchDB got me an undefined variable error. Appreciate if someone could guide me about vbcs dependenc…
How to use "Email Delivery" to send email from vbcsHi , i am looking for an example of how to send email by using "OCI Email Delivery service " from vbcs I appreciate guidance
Editable Data Grid update not working as expected in latest VBCSSummary: I have a VBCS application page which provides an updatable Data Grid, and it was working well when going living a few months ago. Now in latest VBCS version, wh…
I have an error when deploying app using visual builder studioSummary: These are my config First with Packaging: And for Deploy: and the error appear when running deploy and it is (The build artifact does not appear to be a valid A…
Could not evaluate expression $packagepage.variables: ReferenceError: $packagepage is not definedHello Team, I am a beginner to VB and i have written a small java script which take two values as an input and return the sum of those two values. While executing that i…
Online Replay with Conflict Resolution offline toolkitSummary: In , i found snippet code that i could use to write a custom conflict resolution routine that would allow my user to decide better on resolution action. However…
Drag and Drop - Upload isn't working in PWA of the VBCS applicationSummary: I have created a webpage for uploading PDF and PNG files and storing them in object storage. I followed the below YouTube tutorial to accomplish this, and it wo…
Oracle Offline Persistence Toolkit - When in online mode not getting any GET response payloadSummary: I'm following blog recommendations (Adding Offline Capabilities to an Oracle Visual Builder Application), and post action works OK too when done in offline mode…
Error when trying to create a service connection from service catalog with backend Integration AppliSummary: Property Schema.description expects values of types [string] but got null Hi everyone, I am working on a Visual Builder application, I have built an OIC integra…
How to Handle combo-box displaying name but we are storing in the back-end in oj-dialog component.Summary: Consider we are having a oj-combobox-one component in our page and it is displaying employee name as label and but we want to store only ids in the back-end. To…
Issue with REST endpoint structure in Dynamic Table vs. Regular TableSummary: When I add a REST endpoint to a standard table, the endpoint structure appears, and I’m able to choose the fields easily. However, when I use the same REST endp…
How to configure SSO between Fusion and OIC using AzureSummary: How to configure SSO between Fusion and OIC using Azure Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Expert, In our project, we have develo…
Custom bell notification in Oracle ERPSummary: Hello, Oracle is providing below REST API for creating custom bell notification on Fusion: POST - /fscmRestApi/resources/ We need to bu…Vishal Singh Rajpurohit 136 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Vijaya Sekhar A-Oracle Visual Builder
Dialogbox/Popup are not getting converted back to oj-dialog/oj-popup converted to oj-surrogate.Summary: Dialogbox/Popup are not getting converted back to oj-dialog/oj-popup converted to oj-surrogate after using the same component multiple times in IOS devices. On …
Unable to import business objectsSummary: Hello All, I started learning VBCS. My VBCS and VB are in different identity domains. So i created VB/OIC instance in VBCS. As a next step i tried to create bus…
Warning with visual application in VBCS while selecting VB InstanceHello All, I started learning VBCS. My VBCS is from Oracle fusion applications and VB is from OCI - OIC (Integration cloud). Both VBCS and VB are from different identity…
Warning with visual application in VBCS while selecting VB InstanceHello All, I started learning VBCS. My VBCS is from Oracle fusion applications and VB is from OCI - OIC (Integration cloud). Both VBCS and VB are from different identity…
Slow web app performance when browser is minimizedSummary: We have a web app developed with VBCS to update/create projects and contracts in Oracle fusion cloud through APIs and OIC integrations called within the applica…
How to do Navigation to other pages in an existing application ?Summary: I want to create like the built in navigation of VBCS in an existing application not creating a new application so how
401 Authorization Required error when accessing VBCS from OIC 3.0Summary: I created a Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS) instance through the OIC test environment. Initially, I accessed VBCS without issues for two days; since then, I…
Calling Receivables Adjustment SOAP Web Service from Oracle VBCSSummary: Hi, I want to call SOAP Web Service to create AR Adjustment since there are no REST API to create AR Adjustment. Thus, I want to fetch the existing AR Adjustmen…
Copy and select not happening for content within table componentSummary: Hi Experts I have a table component which gets data from service. When table get populated I want to select the content with the help of mouse and paste elsewhe…
VBCS filter not working on SDP using a variableSummary Visual builder Cloud Service filter not working on SDP using a variableContent I am using a SDP data to populate in a table and want to filter rows on the basis …Sujit Panigrahi-163032 400 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder