Discussion List
Erro - Fire Data ProvideSummary Event Update Fire Data ProvideContent Hi, Could you help me with problem in Oracle VBCS. When try use fire data provide like example "Working with ArrayDataProvi…Antonio Peixoto-154660 101 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Antonio Peixoto-154660 Visual Builder
Auto suggest feature of jquerySummary I want to add add auto suggest on a text box on a blur event. I have imported the jquery library but it am getting error in console as "TypeError: $(...).autocom…Mayank Srivastava-149731 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Updating data through REST api in component approachSummary Updating data through REST api in component approachContent Hi, We are using RestHelper class for Get request in custom component. Similary Could you please let …
Using dispatchEvent in Custom componentSummary Using dispatchEvent in Custom componentContent Hi, Could you please let us know how to use the dispatchEvent to trigger custom event in custom component. Could y…
Calling another component from current componentSummary Calling another component from current componentContent Hi, Could you please let us now how to call a custom component from another custom component. Example: Sa…
Assigning values to app/shell/page level variables in JavascriptSummary Assigning values to app/shell/page level variables in JavascriptContent Hi, Could you please let us know how to assign the values to Application/Shell/Page level…
Images not loading in Live modeSummary Images not loading in Live modeContent Hi, When we run application in live mode , application is loading and running but the images are not getting downloaded an…
Using VBCS for On-Prem AppsSummary Is it possible to use VBCS for On-Prem Apps?Content Hi all, We are developing an application that will be used as both a cloud app and an on-prem app. Is it poss…Mike Anderson-Oracle 40 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Accessing application/page/flow level variables in custom componentSummary Accessing application/page/flow level variables in custom componentContent Hi, Could you please let us know how to access the application/page/flow level variabl…
Please participate in this Usability Exercise about the VBCS Component PaletteSummary Usability Exercise about the VBCS Component PaletteContent The Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS) team wants to know how you would group various UI Compo…Mary Beth Raven-Oracle 15 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Mary Beth Raven-Oracle Visual Builder
Component field changed statusSummary Component field changed statusContent Hi everyone, I want to update only change component field with business object in VBCS. How can I find component field(inpu…
Error in components in VBCS Version: 19.1.3Content I was previously using VBCS instance with version 18.4.5 where I was able to install and use components like Export data. Currently I have created a new instance…
VBCS : Service Data Provider to Array Data ProviderSummary Converting Service Data Provider to Array Data ProviderContent Hi All, I have a ServiceDataProvider variable which is holding the table data in the page. I just …Nazeer Anantha-145553 462 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
ADF VS VBCSSummary Comparison between two different frameworks highlightings pro and consContent Hello Experts, this is intended for those who want to take a leap to VBCS and are e…
Visual Builder (Vs) Content & Experience Web Center PortalSummary Looking for Portal Solution for B2CContent We have a requirement to build a portal for B2C case for Loyalty application which has below requirements : 1. The use…
oj table data shrinksSummary Data in oj-table shrinks when columns have data of varied lengthContent I have used a table component in our VBCS screen. When the table populates with column da…
Can't understand the format of vanity URLContent Hi, I could see many changes in the tool since monday. User Experience is improved much.Thanks to the team. I could see something in settings as vanity URL. What…
Regarding trigger of JQuery EventsSummary JQuery events are not triggeredContent Hi, I have an issue where the JQuery events are not getting triggered inspite of defining it in the JS functions. Could yo…
Regarding java integration in vbcsContent Hi , Can you please let us know how we can integrate or use java classes in visual builder instead of getting data through REST API. Also please let know With Re…
oracle offline persistence toolkit Usage in VBCSSummary How we can use oracle offline persistence toolkit for caching purpose. My intention is that if we get same request from one user then response can be provided th…Mayank Srivastava-147426 38 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mayank Srivastava-147426 Visual Builder
Fetch users who have access to particular application in combo-boxSummary Need to fetch the user names who have access to that particular application and show them in dropdownContent I want to show the user names who have access to my …
Using Rest Endpoints in Visual Builder Cloud ServicesSummary I can't use any Rest Endpoints in VBCSContent Hi to all, I have Rest Endpoints for sample hr schema's Departments table. I want to use this endpoints in my VBCS …
How to use variables in JS functions in VBCSContent Hi Team, I am trying to create File Picker component. I have defined the variables to hold the file names uploaded by the user using the File picker component. I…Dipak Chhablani-Oracle 525 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
How to display Donut Graph using Custom Data Object Defined in Module FunctionSummary How to display Donut Graph using Custom Data Object Defined in Module FunctionContent Hi Wizards, I am trying to display VBCS donut graph using custom data objec…
Combining 2 fields on a formSummary automatically fill in a fieldContent Hello, I have a business object called customer. It has 3 fields. Client, First Name, Last Name. When a user fills in first …
Modify the Table Data which is populated based on REST API(VBCS)Summary how to update table all rows with the selected LOV value on UIContent Hi All, I have a table which is populated based on the REST API. My requirement is I should…Nazeer Anantha-145553 124 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Nazeer Anantha-145553 Visual Builder
Dependent LOV based Rest API(VBCS)Summary Dependent LOV not Working which is based on Rest API(VBCS)Content Hi All, I have a REST API. based on REST API, I have created 2 LOV's. which is dependent. I can…Nazeer Anantha-145553 109 views 12 comments 1 point Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Security when embedding a Visual Builder application in Oracle Fusion page integratorSummary Security when embedding a Visual Builder application in Oracle Fusion page integratorContent Hi I have embedded an application of Autonomous Visual Builder with …
Multiselect in a tableSummary Multiselect in a tableContent Hi, Does anyone knows how multi select option work in a table? I tried both the ways adding Selection property on the table and add…Preetesh Dongre-133500 46 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Bhavesh Shah-113131 Visual Builder
SelecOne (LOV) in VBCSSummary SelecOne (LOV) in VBCSContent Hi All, I am calling a REST API...to populate LOV...but data is not getting populated....below is the process followed 1. Registere…