Discussion List
When will upgrade of existing Base Database Service databases to 23c become available?Summary: When will upgrade of existing Base Database Service databases to 23c become available? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have ex…
Standby database creation while Migrating Primary Database using RMAN XTTS (Cross PlatformMigration)Summary: Is it feasible to concurrently build a standby database for the new target database while performing XTTS migration and activate Data Guard on OCI Content (requ…Subashini-Oracle 181 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Shanmugam Vellore Thyagarajan-Oracle Database
I want to connect two databases with each other ?Summary: 1) I have one database is Autonomous Database 2) The second one is normal database that i can access it with VPN I want to connect these two with each other how?
How to Configure connectivity between Oracle DBCS database to Azure SQL Server using Oracle GatewaySummary we need to configure connectivity between Oracle DBCS database to Azure SQL Server using Oracle Gateway ODBC Driver. Content (required): Looking for document for…
Java exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError while generating validation report in Excel formatSummary: We are getting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError error while generating validation report in Excel format. Apex and ORDS has been installed. Run ID : ->112340 : 14848-…
slowness in query execution in Active Dataguard (readonly) OCI - DBCS ( We have ADG for our Production environment and reports are running very slow in this environment, kindly advice how to tune the performance DB Role: PHYSICAL ST…Shanmugam Vellore Thyagarajan-Oracle 202 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Shanmugam Vellore Thyagarajan-Oracle Database
How to reclaim space in .dbf file?Summary: After purging or cleanup activities, how to reclaim space in .dbf file at OS end? Content (required): At the time of cleanup activities we dropped 500 GB space …Bapiraju Swamy Vuda-Oracle 231 views 21 comments 1 point Most recent by Himanshu Nayak-Oracle Database
Why does base DB automatic Backups strategy not cleanup FRASummary: We've setup a base db and configured automatic Backups. The backups are working, however our FRA eben though sized to 200GB cannot hold 30 days (which is our re…
Is it possible to increase datafiles if it reaches to maximum limit 1022 per tablespace?Summary: If the datafiles in a tablespace reached to 1022, is it possible to increase. Content (required): NA Version (include the version you are using, if applicable):…
0ra-29024 certificate validation failure,Oracle DBMS on virtual machine in oci or as file sSummary: 0ra-29024 certificate validation failure Content (required): Hello there!! after I have installed the client certificate with a wallet in my dbms installed type…
Not able get correct encrypted password using DBMS_METADATA.get_ddl packageSummary: Trying to extract the user's encrypted password but getting output for 1 user like "S:0000000000000.." For all other users getting out as normal. What might be …
Export data from DB System to Cloud Object Storage as CSV by specifying a querySummary: Facing Issue while using dbms_cloud.export_data in OCI DB System. Content (required): Hi All, I have created a OCI DB system with 21c and have setup DBMS_CLOUD …
Base DB Cloud parametersSummary: DBCS database parameters Content (required): Hi, as DBCS customer, how much am I allowed to change instance parameters ? Am I free to change all OR just some of…
Flashback feature usage in OCISummary: Hi, I have a critical change to do in my application and I would like to know if it is allowed to use flashback database feature on my vm dbsystem instance. Con…
Reduce minimum storage for DB on VMIs it possible to request a smaller DB than the options you get when provisioning a Standard Edition v21.8 on a VM: Shape: VM.Standard.E4.Flex CPU core count: 1 The mini…
Getting ORA-918 column ambiguously defined errorSummary: We have a script for creating product related views which is working fine on lower environment but while setting up production environment we are getting ORA-91…
Does DB Management support PDB?Summary: Hi, I was setting up DB Management with DBCS, and CDB was successfully shown on dashboard as follows. It is great to have all the capabilities of SQL monitoring…
RAC option in single node VM DB systems (DBCS)Summary: I have freshly created new single Node VM DB systems of version 19.15 with DB software edition (Enterprise Edition High Performance). But I found Real Applicati…
Active Dataguard in single node VM DB systemsSummary: We have enabled the DR for the DB (19.15) in Ashburn region with "Dataguard" option in SanJose Region, But after enabling the DR , the active Dataguard is autom…
How do I Implement backup of TDE Wallet in a dbcs environment if I'm using custom backup scripts?I've implemented custom backup in rac databases in DBCS and I'd like to know the best/common way to backup the TDE wallet. I'm using DBCS gen-2. Is there any dbcs API to…
ORA-01017 error after password resetSQL> show pdbs CON_ID CON_NAME OPEN MODE RESTRICTED ---------- ---------------- ---------- ------------- 2 PDB$SEED READ ONLY NO 3 TEST READ WRITE NO SQL> alter session …
How to prevent a database startup in OCI VMDB/DBCS?Summary: I would like to manually up the database in OCI VMDB after the VM shutdown. Any guideline to do it? Content (required): Version (include the version you are usi…
ATP DB CPU kpi's not fileld inSummary: The CPU information is missing from the metrics screen Content (required): My always free ATP db is stopping each week. I also get the correct email saying "No …
Exadata CS: IMPDP ORA-39002: invalid operationSummary Exadata CS: IMPDP ORA-39002: invalid operationContent Hello Team I'm migrating data from ATP to Exadata SC. I've exported dmp file using https://docs.oracle.com/…
UTL_MAIL : Email from PL/SQL in the Oracle Database in OCISummary: For specific usecases i am looking for a scenario how to be able to send mail from the database in OCI Content (required): For specific usecases (mostly related…Mathijs Bruggink - Oracle-Oracle 33 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mathijs Bruggink - Oracle-Oracle Database
Terminating database from OCI console failed. Where can i find detail messages about this failing?Summary: Terminating database from OCI console failed. Where can i find detail messages about this failing? Content (required): Terminating database from OCI console fai…
OutOfHostCapacity when creating a Highly-Available OCI MySQL DB SystemHi everyone, I am trying to create a Highly-Available OCI MySQL DB System. However, whatever the compute shape I select, I am getting the error OutOfHostCapacity Is it a…
Importing DMP files into OCI Oracle DB SystemHi everyone, We have Oracle DB System on OCI which is UP and RUNNING Now, we have a requirement to import DMP files into that OCI Oracle DB System How to do that? Any he…
BICC extract - Load to databaseSummary BICC extract - Load to databaseContent Looking for options to pull Receivables transaction data which needs to processed. We have BIP report as an option to extr…
PLS-00201: identifier 'DBMS_CLOUD_OCI_SC_SECRETS_GET_SECRET_BUNDLE_RESPONSE_T' must be declaredSummary: Content (required): We are using a table type variable provided by Oracle 'DBMS_CLOUD_OCI_SC_SECRETS_GET_SECRET_BUNDLE_RESPONSE_T' in Anonymous block. It is wor…