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Need to print number in accounting format in WebformSummary: Hi All I need to print a number value in accounting format in the webform like suppose if a input number is like 1,000 then it need to take 1,000.00 i have used…
From the audit history is there any chance of getting the approver role along with approverSummary: Hi We have a rest api to get audit history of approvals , in that rest api response we are getting the approvers names whom the action is taken, but is there an…
Is it possible to convert currency based on real time in Oracle process automation using Web form.Summary: we have requirement like for example if user enter INR the amount will be converted into USD. Please suggest how to do that. Content (please ensure you mask any…
Do the End Users Need to have Access OIC if they want to approve or rejectSummary: Hi All Do we need to provide access to OIC for the End user if they want to trigger the PCS workflow from VBCS page scenario is we have deployed VBCS page(PCS m…
PCS actionable notifications under bell icon in Fusion cloud.Summary: Hi Team, We have developed a VBCS UI that triggers PCS application. The PCS app sends actionable (Approve/Reject) email notifications to business users though P…PASHAM NARSIMHA REDDY 39 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Stan Tanev-Oracle Process Automation
Is there any possible to be able to approve the task from MobileSummary: Hi All User is asking that is there any feasibility to be able to approve the pending tasks from the mobile as well we are using OIC gen 2 for the Processes Con…
ROLE REQUIRED FOR /ic/api/process/v1/tasksSummary: Hi Team, I am trying to perform actions (APPROVE,REJECT,INFO_RQUESTED,REASSIN) on task using the REST API /ic/api/process/v1/tasks/213421 Payload: { "identities…PASHAM NARSIMHA REDDY 3 views 0 comments 0 points Started by PASHAM NARSIMHA REDDY Process Automation
We ave invoking My tasks Workspace in to fusionSummary: We have invoked this url into fusion through sandbox so what it will do is it will open My tasks workspace into the fusion with single sign on they can able to …
Creating Tabular Form on Oracle PCS TaskHi Team, We have built a PCS application which has human tasks to send actionable email to business users. The PCS app calls an OIC REST API and response of the API is s…PASHAM NARSIMHA REDDY 14 views 0 comments 0 points Started by PASHAM NARSIMHA REDDY Process Automation
Need to Hold and display the select value in the formSummary: Hi I have used connector data to In the select Action in the form so if user select the user name in the backend it will pass the email ID in the backend ,so i …
Enabled Out Of office but still i am able to see the tasksSummary: Hi I have enabled Out Of office for my user and notifications that are assigned to me are still assigned it is not delegated to the user that i have specified i…
Unable to See Notification In My tasks page but In Testing modeSummary: Hi We are triggering a pcs Workflow From VBCS page when a user click on submit it will trigger PCS workflow but we are able to see notifications in Testing mode…
At which Duration the Active instance will move to stale stateSummary: We have initiated a PCS workflow After One Hour It is moved to STALE state Is there any Particular Time it will be in Stale And also we are unable to Abort the …
How the reassigned person Know That this Task is reassigned to HimSummary: Hi All I have Reassigned my task To one of the user then how that person know that this task is reassigned to him from this user , like is there any chance to d…
PCS - how to change the subject of the notificationSummary: Please help I need to Identify which part of the code I need to modify to change the subject of the email notification below is the screen shot of the email not…
select action mandatory upon approve actionSummary: Hi i have taken select component and i am populating the data using connector data as LOV so i need to make that column mandatory for approve action otherwise f…
Exception Handling in PCSSummary: Can anyone provide a good example of how to implement business exceptions that covers Business exceptions boundary error events Error end events And how they sh…
How to display Comments line by line in email notificationSummary: I want to display line by line as shown in the below screenshot as i were using standard attribute from the PCS {{#comments}} {{commentStr}} {{updatedBy}} at {{…
unable to see notifications my tasks page for message based processSummary: Hi i have designed a message based workflow it is triggered from VBCS once it trigger i am unable to see notification in My tasks page but once if trigger anoth…
Unable To See approve reject actions in My tasks Page while calling External UiSummary: Hi Unable To See approve/reject actions in My tasks Page while calling External Ui(VBCS) is there something that i am missing or it is the way how it is if it i…
Is it possible to display audit history in the email notificationSummary: the requirement is like we need to show the approvers history in the email notification sent for the approval and also current approver need to see the previous…
any way if user take action from VBCS page then PCS workflow need to resume and go for next approvalSummary: Hi is there any way when a user take action on the VBCS page(approve or reject) then PCS workflow should go for NExt level approval like for that we have the RE…
How can i Link PCS notification to Fusion SAAS Application Notification IconSummary: How Can i Link our PCS Workflow Notification with Fusion SAAS application Notification ICOn Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versi…
how to use loop event in the form to take multiple data from VBCS pageSummary: how can i implement a loop event in process form like i have taken a table with 10 columns and i want to capture data from VBCS page which has multiple number o…
Is it possible that we can assign approvers dynamically to the Human ActionSummary: Suppose if there are 4 level approvers reviewer 1 is not null then it will go assign and sent the notification to the approver and if reviewer2 is null then it …
is there any process to update the result in PCS workflow using VBCS pageSummary: is there any process to update the result in PCS workflow using VBCS page output and route it to the next level approver based on the VBCS ouput Content (please…
is there any rest API available to update action(approve or reject and more info) for a source activSummary: is there any rest API available to update action(approve or reject and more info) for a source activity and move to next activity Content (please ensure you mas…
Is It possible to make auto approval in the Human taskSummary: when it is go for approval if in the assignee if there is no approver defined then it will be auto approved is it possible in The PCS to make it as auto approva…
Based on the invoice amount approval will go for particular approversSummary: Hi the requirement is like we have created an integration it is a scheduled on soo in that integration we have called on report with invoice details of amount s…
Need to create 4 actions in the email(Approve,Reject,review,Reconsider)Summary: the requirement is like there are 4 actions like approve ,reject, review, reconsider so if manager approves it will go to seniorVP , if senior VP approves it wi…