Discussion List
Publishing changes in one project overwrites changes made in anotherSummary: Hello, Has anyone experienced this issue and has found a fix? We have created different projects for different modules we are developing. However, we have found…
How can I setup Jira Webhooks with ALMSummary: I am a NetSuite Technical Consultant and Administrator to the ALM Code Repository and would like to know if it is possible to setup Jira Webhooks from ALM to th…
Best Practice for Publishing multiple changes on a workspace in a projectSummary: For example, I navigated to an RSSP requisition page, then went to edit page in visual builder studio. When prompted, I create a new project. Then went to Confi…
EFF not available in Person Extra Info in VBSSummary: We have 4 additional Context we added to Person Extra Info Below. However only 3 are showing in Redwood. When I go into VBS I do not see the option for the one …
Creating Project in VB StudioSummary: Hi All, I am using SaaS provisioned VB Studio. I want to create a project in Vb Studio to do VBCS development. When I access it under Configuration, I get an er…
Edit page in Visual Builder Studio preview window displaying login screenMe > Time and Absences > Add Absence > Edit Page in Visual Builder Studio Page displays login screen, and not the Add Absence page, as per screenshot below. Grateful for…
Select specific build number from input parameterSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am trying to create a build job with the intention of deploying to an HCM environment. I want t…
How to know whether Fusion is sync with IDCS?Summary: How to know whether Fusion is sync with IDCS? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, I am referring to the webinar: SCM – Le…
VB Studio adding Oracle Fusion from different tenancy and identitySummary: Hi, We are having two different OCI Tenancy one for Oracle SaaS application and one for OCI Services. We are using the VB Studio from PaaS Tenancy. We want to u…
Filter list based on start datetime and end datetime field using oj-sp-smart-search redwoodcomponentSummary: Dear Community members, I am using oj-sp-smart-search redwood component to filter my list data. I want to filter my data using start datetime and end datetime f…Rohit Chaturvedi 20 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
How to warm the Cache for Sitemap in VB Studio?Summary: We want to implement sitemap in our VB Studio application, the document mentioned to optimize the app by warming the cache, how to do that? Content (please ensu…Rahul Shukla -CX 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by DurgaPhanindra-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
"Base Oracle Cloud Application" Missing in Visual Builder StudioI am attempting to extend the Next Generation Supplier Registration app by following the document here: However, when I get to the part where you create the Workspace, m…
How to set up Vacation rule for Merge request Reviewer in Visual Builder StudioHi, We have set a Glob pattern rule for main branch and added a default reviewer, so whenever any new merge request created it required approval of reviewer. What happen…Ashish.Chinchulkar.BNYMellon 3 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Ashish.Chinchulkar.BNYMellon Visual Builder Studio
VBCS cost modelSummary: How does Oracle charge us for an custom application built on VBCS platform..We already own OIC/VBCS but not sure how the billing works for the custom applicatio…
unable to duplicate , design & Code view disabledSummary: @Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle , Please help ! I am on the advance tab Issues : Code tab is disabled I am trying to duplicate the ruleset - nothing happens , just displ…
error while connecting to VBS from ERP SaaSSummary: Hi all - need you help here When we try to access VBS from the erp SaaS , we get below error. Can you please help with the steps to address the below error. @Sh…
Oracle blogs RSS feed not workingSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information) Might be a silly question, but i'm trying to get the Oracle Blogs RSS feed to display in my VBCS i…
Is Visual Studio Builder Replacing HCM Design Studio & Page Composer?Summary: Hello, My organization is exploring using VSB and I wanted to know if VSB is going to replace HCM Design Studio and Page Composer or if will it be used as an ex…
Export component for redwoodWhich component shall we use to do export in visual builder studio. The current component oj-ext-export-data shows that it cannot be used in a redwood page. Regards Anju…
Does anyone know how a quarterly update impacts a fusion page extended with VB Studio?Summary: Hi there, We are planning to migrate to NextGen (Redwood) HR Help Desk and plan to customize/ extend Help desk pages with Visual Builder Studio. Does anyone kno…
We need to include approval functionality with the extended application in VBSummary: We need to include approval functionality with the extended application in VB Content (required): We need to include approval functionality with the extended ap…
I need to create a service connection to pull the BPM Approval groups in fusionSummary: I need to pull the approval groups that has been created in Oracle ERP Cloud (Fusion) BPM worklist to start an approval cycle, the problem is I cannot find it w…Abdelrahman A. Hanafy 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
How to add users to projects and Repositories in Visual builder studio using rest apiSummary: To add users to projects and Repositories in Visual builder studio using rest api Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a requi…
Mapping Custom Oracle Cloud Application role to the VB Studio IDCS roles instead of Seeded rolesSummary: We wanted to restrict access to the Visual Builder Studio from Oracle Cloud Applications page even if the user is provisioned with the Oracle seeded roles [Appl…Paidiparthi Ravindra 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Paidiparthi Ravindra Visual Builder Studio
How to request "one-time switch to change the VBS wiring from the default Test pod"Summary: I'm reading this blog: "Please raise a service request with following category…" Provides no info on how to do this. From Fusion (How?), from Visual Builder (Ho…
Is there a way to call BIP report in VBS add in excel?Hello, Can anyone provide guidance on how to call the SOAP service to run a report and fetch data in VBS add in excel?Shruti Agrawal 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder Studio
Restricting VB Studio access to AnalystsWe have VB Studio that is provisioned with SaaS and wanted to restrict consultants/analysts users from making changes to redwood pages using VBStudio. The admin access s…
OCI user locked out because of expired VBS PAT (I think)Hi We have an OCI user with a real email address mapped to VBS. We use it as a system user. It has a PAT in VBS. This user makes automatic Git pull/clone requests using …
How to layout a VBS OrganizationSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): So, I'm sure the answer to this is "What ever works best for your team", but i'm curious if there…
Issue with business objects in VBSSummary: Working with business objects within a workspace Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, I have an Issue trying to work with BO in VB…