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Self sign in pageContent After Self - Service Registration is complete and approved, when the user tries to sign in the DCS Application, user is not getting navigated to the DCS page, in…User_Q7VKX 72 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Jamie Lord | Oracle-Oracle Digital Customer Service
Customize Chat Window in DCS based VBCS applicationSummary Customize Chat Window in DCS based VBCS applicationContent Hi All How can we customize chat window in the DCS based VBCS application. 1)We need to change the col…
Attachment upload for custom objects in OEC through DCSSummary Is it possible to upload attachments to custom objects in OEC through DCS?Content We have a requirement to create a custom object in OEC and we need to expose th…Johwi Cusi 48 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-23-04-28-413 Digital Customer Service
Add field to Chat InlaySummary How to add field to Chat InlayContent Please How to add a new field field to Chat Inlay?Mario Suzuki-121388 65 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Mario Suzuki-121388 Digital Customer Service
Engagement Cloud - Community Self-Service featureSummary Engagement Cloud - Community Self-Service featureContent Hi Experts, Does "Engagement Cloud - Service" have "Community" feature for customer self-service..kind o…
Allow anonymous access is not working in VBCSSummary Allow anonymous access as checked is not workingContent Hi All, When the customer accessing the DCS portal, he can able to see all the pages like home page, know…
Virtual Assistant in Oracle Engagement CloudSummary Date or release name where this functionality will be available in Oracle Engagement Cloud?Content Hi All, At the time Oracle presented us with "Oracle CX For Co…Matias Buonavolonta 39 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Matias Buonavolonta Digital Customer Service
Does digital customer service offering included in engagement cloud subscriptionSummary Does digital customer service offering included in engagement cloud subscriptionContent Does digital customer service offering included in engagement cloud subsc…
WelcomeSummary Welcome to the new forum for Digital Customer Service!Content Start the conversation today about your implementation, questions, best practices. If you are in ne…Christopher Tarabochia 64 views 1 comment 6 points Most recent by Vaibhav DL Digital Customer Service