Discussion List
how to get HOD of department in Expense approval workflow in BPMSummary: Hi , We have a requirement where expenses to be approved by HOD and HOD keeping changing and new departments keeps adding. For requisition they have used the be…
Approval Rule based on person number or assignment numberHello All, Need assistance to get the approval rule based on person number or assignment number for expense report submitted. We have requirement where one person doesn'…
Expense reports auto-rejecting without zero dollar line.Summary: We've recently seen an influx of expense reports that are being auto-rejected by workflow as soon as they are submitted. There is nothing missing or wrong with …
Expenses approvals based on DFF ValueHi, There is a requirement in expenses approvals based on DFF value. Please see below description and suggest if there is a way to achieve. Open a DFF at expense item (P…
Can we use Job level and approval work flow in Oracle finance without using HCM moduleHi Team, One of my clients has removed the HCM license but still wants to use job levels and approval workflows for expenses, delegations, and other approvals. Could you…
How Can Spend Authorization Requestor See Approver Details After Submitting?Summary: Spend Authorization Requestor Cannot See Approver Details After Submitting Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi. Approval status of…
Source credit cardHi, What are the various types of Source Credit Card in Oracle Cloud Expenses?
how to add a DFF to display to the employee the manager comment or rejection reason ?Summary: how to add a DFF to display to the employee the manager comment or rejection reason ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When the ex…
under expense is it possible to create parallel approvers?? and howSummary: EXPENSE PARALLEL APPROVERS Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snipp…
Termed Employee's Expense IssueSummary: Getting the below error message while submitting Expense Reports for an Termed Employee. exm-the value document payee bank account number is required Usually in…
Expenses Approval Notification Error, Could you please review the Oracle Document Doc ID 2431067.1Summary: We are getting error when we try to approve the Expenses report as below and we are not able to view the role mentioned in the above oracle note. exception.type…
Expense ID available in the Expenses table but not found using REST API, getting 404 errorSummary: We have a couple of Corporate Card Expense lines, that are available in the exm_expenses table. Unfortunately these lines are linked to Expense Template IDs tha…
Need to know the list of Expenses Report and for which we can view the Approvals in the HyperlinkSummary: I need the list of Expense Report statuses for which the approvals can be viewed via the hyperlink. Navigation: Expenses > Audit > Expenses Status Hyperlink The…
Self-Approval Prohibition is not working in FinExmWorkflowExpenseApprovalSummary: I had configured below setup but Expense Reports (FinExmWorkflowExpenseApproval) are still routing to the expense owner as the initiator is part of approval gro…
purpose of attributes on Expense ApprovalsSummary: Hello Experts, Please let me know when / how does the below attributes are applicable and what's the purpose of those Complete parallel subtasks early Complete …Navya Krishna Yarlagadda 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emma Gabriela Tanase - Oracle-Oracle Expenses
Can delegate have a confirmation once the expense report is auditedWhen a delegate is preparing the expense report, once the expense report is submitted for approval, the delegate can get a notification once all the managers in the hier…
What's the Operator to be used in BPM Approval Rules to exclude set of people (50) for ExpenseSummary: In Expense Report Approval Rules configured, Single Block is having multiple rules in our case. Question 1: I used 'IN' operator to include people in the approv…
Approval Rule for Expense Reports with Items Assigned to Different Cost CentresSummary: I am attempting to create an approval rule where, if an Expense Report contains items assigned to cost centres different from the employee's default cost centre…
Is it expected that multiple delegations for approvals would send to the last that was delegated?Summary: My client has delegations done by multiple people. What is happening if the delegated to person also has delegated their approvals, there is a cascading effect …
CAN ANY ONE ASSIST ON HOW TO CREATE PARALLEL APPROVAL RULES FOR SPECFIFC EXPENSE TYPESSummary PARALLEL APPROVAL RULES Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 24D Code Snipp…
what is the validity of Attachment attached at the time of Approval by Approver in I expense Module.Summary: Is any validity of days when attachment is attached by approver and auditor. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the…
Task Manager based Approval Routing in Fusion ExpensesSummary: Looking for a way to route project-based expense reports for Task Manager Approval in Expenses approval workflow Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…Akila Suresh 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emma Gabriela Tanase - Oracle-Oracle Expenses
Expense ReportSummary: How to configure to create expense report for supplier? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How to configure to create expense report…
Is there any BPM workflow through which we can notify AP users that Expense Audit is completed?Summary: We have a requirement that AP Users/Team should be notified when Auditor completes the Expense Audit and Expense Report is Ready for Payment. Is there any way t…
Expense Report "Assigned to" does not get updated when next assignment is a RoleSummary: Our Expense Report approval has been configured as: Individual > Manager > Level 1 Role > Level 2 Role. We see that the Expense Report tiles still show the "Ass…
Null Condition RulesSummary: Content (required): Hello: We recently had issues trying to process corporate card transactions for a terminated employee. We finally resolved the issue, but it…
Disable country location when choosing the Country and State or Province option in Expense LocationSummary: Disable country location when choosing the Country and State or Province option in Expense Location Level Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
How to auto-reject Spend Authorization request if no attachment found at header/line in ExpenseIssue: In Expense Spend Authorization page, When user submits "Spend Authorization", then system must auto-reject that spend authorization request if there is no attachm…
FYI workflow for ownerHi Specialists For the delegation process, how can I perform only an FYI for the report owner in the workflow? This is possible, we do not want individual approval. Than…
Anyone else seen a change with using vacation rules and now the screen is asking for a certificate?Summary: Cannot get to my rules tab as now it shows a certificate screen, which we know nothing about, and does not let you to the area where you can select period and d…