Features and Functionality
Discussion List
Can we get parameters on the Create Accounting ESS Job to prompt for Starting date?Summary: We'd like a "Starting Date parameter on the Create Accounting ESS Job to limit the Journal Entry Errors and Warnings on the Create Accounting Execution Report. …Gerardo Carrillo 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gerardo Carrillo Oracle Guided Learning
The Length of appointment view in Location resources not workingIn Dock scheduling Gant, the Length of appointment view in Location resouce is not reflecting when we provide the slot interval as 10 mins. Can you please provide your i…
How to track a Process Guide over a new tab/window?Summary: I am creating a Process Guide for approving Spend Authorizations. Our process is to approve from the BPM worklist. How can I get my Guide to continue onto the n…
How to enable the Multiperiod Accounting Distribution Creation Using Transaction Account DefinitionHow to Multiperiod Accounting Distribution Creation Using Transaction Account Definition in oracle cloud Account payablesPravalika.Kesari 36 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ramkishore Vasudevan-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
Option to download Redwood themeSummary: What is the possible option to download Redwood theme. We have a requirement to customize the them. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information…Anoop K N 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ramkishore Vasudevan-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
How to identify page access by EMP or LM or HRSummary: There are certain pages which are common by design for example Document Of Records, it can be access by EMP, and HR on behalf of employee. Similary Employee per…Saloni P 56 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Prakash Arumugapandian-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
Anyone knows, why the promotion performance graph is not updated, inthe promotions scorecard sheet,Customer Relationship Management Customer Engagement Cloud Services V 24.1.301.0.67 Anyone knows why the promotion performance graph, in promotions scorecard sheet, is n…
Triggering a single approval for Accrual and Reversal Journal created in Accounting HubSummary: We are using ADFDi spreadsheet to create Accrual and Reversal journals through Accounting Hub by populating "Reverse Accrual On" field. The Accrual and Reversal…
Survey results not coming up in Dashboard in OGLSummary: We have configured survey but its not available for us to refer in Dashboard analytics. Have anyone faced this issue? Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
Can multiple job families be added in one category tile in ORC career site?Hello team, We want to combine multiple job families under one category tile. Please suggest if this is a possibility? Regards, Nissy Update: This is a possibilityNissy Prathyusha 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ryan Blake-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
Can Oracle Guided Learning (OGL) slow down the page load time?Summary: On a recent SR call regarding Oracle Learning slow load times on Redwood, the Oracle rep commented on how many guides we have (as seen in the Networking tab of …
more than 15 characters when create journal and create journal in spreadsheet on the ERPSummary: Is it possible to extend the input to more than 15 characters when create journal and create journal in spreadsheet on the ERP Content (please ensure you mask a…tramlnm01 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ryan Blake-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
Disable ElementSummary: Hi Experts! We are trying to disable "Submit" Button if attachment is not available on the page, but the "Submit" button is always disabled and doesnt activate …
Recruiting / HR - Line Manager able to Quick Convert after Move to HR Phase?Summary: In Oracle Fusion HCM Recruiting and Core HR, we are exploring whether it's possible for hiring managers to convert pending workers themselves, rather than relyi…
Smart Tip not displaying when condition parent is collapsedSummary: I have created a Smart Tip in Oracle Guided Learning that looks for a 9 after the first decimal in the string of numbers in the Account field (in the Expenses M…
Functionality of LabelsSummary: Since the update took place to allow developers to use Labels in the consol in order to organise and search for guides according their bespoke categorisations, …
Oracle Guided Learning is Embedded with EPM Cloud (August 2024)UPDATE - As of EPM 24.12 released in December 2024, Enterprise Data Management (EDM) is now embedded with Oracle Guided Learning. Please see Docs.Oracle.com for more inf…Chris Supangat-Oracle 264 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Chris Supangat-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
How do I update the default theme on OGL assets?Summary: I've changed the default theme to one of the seeded themes within the OGL Console, under Settings > Themes. I am not seeing the change reflected on any of my me…
Is there a possibility for the guide to start even if the link sends me to another tab?Summary: Guide in a different tab Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have a step in an asset type process where, when the user clicks on a …Marcus Lucarello 81 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Soumendu Mukherjee-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
Interrogation mark for some list of values with Oracle GuidesSummary: Hide interrogation mark for some list of values with Oracle guides to perform the list of value setup. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
Is there a way to add an option to "Do not show again" to a Message guide?Summary: We are looking for a way to display an auto-loaded Message guide for a certain period of time, but give the end user the option to choose not to have the messag…Dustin Goldman 21 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Sachin.Kumar-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
Can custom fonts be imported into OGL for use in assets?As part of our organization's brand standards we are wondering if it's possible to import custom fonts into OGL for use on messages, process guides, etc?
Next Button doesn't appear in Smart TipI created new custom smart tip in OGL and the next button doesn't appear despite clicking the checkbox. Is there anything we are missing here?
Launching a Process Guide from a linkSummary: I'm trying to figure out if there is a way of creating a link that will launch a specific OGL guide when clicked. This would be really helpful when directing pe…
Disable Save button in Emergency contact page if relationship is Spouse and DOB is blankSummary: We want to disable the Save button if relationship value is 'Spouse' and DOB is blank. We were able to make the Save button disable if relationship is 'Spouse' …
Redirect the user from the Task List to the Process Step in OGLSummary: Hi, I have a scenario in which the user initiates the process guide and, after completing step 02, is directed to follow a task list consisting of several proce…
Disable Element not workingSummary: We want to disable the "Resident Tax Address" in Address Type field. We checked disable element and invisible step but it is still allowing us to choose Residen…
Oracle Guided Learning 24C is LiveOracle Guided Learning 24C is Live Our latest release is live for our clients across all production instances providing enhancements and fixes reported to our team, as w…Chris Supangat-Oracle 92 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Chris Supangat-Oracle Oracle Guided Learning
Where can I enter supplier intermediary bank routing number?summary: I see where to enter the intermediary bank account number for a supplier in the "manage supplier" section -> sites -> payments - bank accounts. there is a secti…Meghan Carroll-222979 249 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Inés Ameijeiras Lois Oracle Guided Learning
OGL conditional to a HRHD (classic) specific category being chosen - bug?Summary: OGL conditional to a HRHD (classic) specific category being chosen - bug? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I'm trying to create a …