Global Human Resources
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Connections | People FinderSummary: Need to change the Label of Page 'Connections | People Finder' Navigation of Page: Me > Connections | People Finder How to rename the Label from 'Connections | …Paresh Patel 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Human Capital Management
Use REST Service - Worker Employment Read OnlySummary: Hi Experts! We have a use case where we would like a user to be able to access REST API’s to be able to query a person number and return: · Worker Assignment De…
REST API or function to get if the employee Eligible or not.Hi All, I'm integrating with another system and facing a challenge when an employee submits a leave request. The issue arises because the employee is in their probation …Mohammad Borghol 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM REST APIs
empassignment Atom feed as well along with newhire Feed?Summary: Content (required): When a New Employee is hired will this trigger empassignment Atom feed as well along with newhire Feed? Also, if we don't enable the newhire…
Is it possible to create multiple phone numbers for an employee using rest api?We are trying to use the following API - /hcmRestApi/resources/{workersUniqID}/child/phones When we try to pass multiple phone numbers in the request…
Is it possible to Load the Employee(Worker) Details using REST APIWe are trying to explore REST API in Fusion to Import data related to Worker Details. Can you suggest the Rest API's that can help the Worker related Information . We tr…
HCM Organization Tree to Outlook Organization TreeSummary: We want to see Organization tree in outlook which should be matched with Fusion Organization tree. We will be having organization structure in fusion that shoul…
Change the status of a department > Ability to publish Atom feed for Workstructures OrganizationsSummary: Change the status of a department > Ability to publish Atom feed for Workstructures Organizations Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
what is purpose of menton in HDL 'SET PURGE_FUTURE_CHANGES N'Summary: Hi Team, I observed in most of the files above condtion but I don't why applied on each file and what is the use on ? Thanks, Ajay Content (please ensure you ma…
Do We have REST APIs for UDTs?Summary: Please let me know if we have any REST APIs to get values from UDTs in HCM? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code…
Need a API to expose the letters from document of records to other applicationWe have few letters in employee DOR is there any API which will expose these letters to 3rd part application. Such as Share point. Regards Shanmukhi
I am trying to apply filter in SOAP API using v6:filterExpressions but it failsSummary: I am trying to apply filter in SOAP API using PersonID=10004234442 but it is giving error. Can someone let me know what is the right way to apply filter. I want…
The role request couldn't be created because the role isn't requestable.Hi, how're you? I'm trying to create an role to a user, using the REST API POST /hcmRestApi/resources/{GUID}/child/userAccountRoles doc: But whe…
Terms processed via Spreadsheet loader not showing in Termination Atoms FeedSummary: We processed a batch load of terms ~60 via a spreadsheet loader, however none of them are included in the Termination Atoms feed. Is this expected behavior? We …
How to load/create bulk user with user login with email addressHello, I want to load bulk users. Worker data already uploaded into the system only needs to create users with roles. The login user name must be the user email ID. If a…
Oracle HCM - Workers API Endpoint - Getting Phone numbersSummary: I am trying to fetch all type of phones data for a given worker from Oracle HCM REST Endpoints. I looked "Public Workers" and "Workers" endpoint and found that …
Issue on Talent Profile REST APIHi All, We try to fetch from Talent Profile REST API the profile section id about employees but the section is not present on the API response as defined in the attached…teresa.marciano 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM REST APIs
How can we achieve a custom integration for Health and Safety module?Summary: We are currently exploring the option of a custom integration for Health and Safety module with a third party provider for entering workers compensation claims?…Sheetal Shedbalkar 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Integrations
Error while loading worker assignment departmentSummary: Hi Experts, We are getting an error while uploading the Worker.dat file. The record referenced by the foreign key attribute OrganizationId wasn't found. Either …
Approval rules for DOR using AORSummary: We are setting up the Approval rules for Document of Records based on AOR availability requirement is Use HRBP Advisor (AOR) if exists If HRBP Advisor is blank,…Surya_Meduri 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shweta Ganguly-Oracle Human Capital Management
HCM Data Loader > Ability to Fetch Error File Content ID via REST APISummary: HCM Data Loader > Ability to Fetch Error File Content ID via REST API Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, For a data set (Impo…
Show English as default language in Talent ProfileSummary: We are looking to have English set as a default for Language under talent Profile instead of having to select it from the drop down. Content (please ensure you …
OpenApi description of HCM REST APIsSummary: Do HCM REST APIs adhere to OpenApi specifications? Is there a way to get a OpenApi document describing these APIs? Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
How to determine availability of REST API for Oracle Analytics Publisher in Oracle Analytics ServerHi all, We have a customer requirement where we need to determine whether the REST API for Oracle Analytics Publisher in Oracle Analytics Server exists on the customer's…
How to set the Assignment Flag to N for an Inactive but not End Dated Assignment?Summary: Set the Inactive Assignment Primary to N Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Good Day!, We would like to ask if it is possible …Marie Joyce Wynona Marzan 4 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ema Johnson-Oracle HCM Integrations
Update worker Person level EFF using rest apiSummary: Update worker Person level EFF using rest api Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Tryin to use Worker EFF update api (PATCH) https://…
Error when trying to correct wrongly entered rehire dateSummary: Using the navigation of Person Management > Work Relationship > Edit > Legal Employer Hire Date. When submitted the new hire date it gives the error attached An…
How can i hide salary data on OTBI?Summary: We will instert the salary information to the live environment soon. A spesific role was determined on the SaaS application and access restrictions were set wit…
Update positions via REST APISummary: We need to update position via a REST API. I know that this is NOT currently a supported feature. Is there any update from Oracle in regards to update positions…
Getting error 500 - Get all approval delegation rules APISummary: Hello, We are currently trying to extract all the approval delegation rules using this API, however we are getting error 500 and will only work if we use the fi…