Global Human Resources
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HCM V3 Seniority datesSummary: Hi All, We are using Oracle HCM V3 Seniority dates.We set these up and calculated these last year, but we're noticing that in situations where the dates would h…
REST API for extracting all training/coursesHello, Is there a Oracle REST API available that can extract all training/courses?
REST API to get the latest Payroll Relationship NumberSummary: We are using this Rest API , /hcmRestApi/resources/ but we are not able to fetch the latest Payroll Relatio…
REST API for employee delegationHello, Is there a Oracle REST API available for getting the Empolyee delegation? Same data that the Oracle job "Employee Vacation and Delegation Rules Report" is produci…
call an external URL before from a formSummary: I need to make a http call like asking for a web site to get some data in Oracle Cloud HCM like calling URL like How can I do that? Content …Zia U. Begg 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Integrations
Oracle HCM Cloud REST Endpoints best practice - PublicWorkers and WorkersHi, I am hoping to get advise on Oracle HCM Cloud REST Endpoints(GET) query best practice. I understand that one best practice is to query specific attribute (fields) in…
How to customize the Workers API response with required columnsDear Team, The response from the API is very large with unwanted columns, Do we have an option in Rest End Point to get specific columns...? I want to know the feasibili…
ATOM FEED tables after P2TSummary: Hi all A P2T was recently done in the tenancy of a client. After this, I noticed that the atom feeds did not return data in my TEST environment. Are the ATOM fe…
Create Worker Rest API - Assignment Number not set on Pensions Automatic Enrollment calculation cardSummary: We are failing payroll validation because this field on the Calc card is not being populated (it used in our particular set up). It's this field that doesn't ge…
How to get some specific Assignment EFF for all workers ?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all We created a specific Assignment EFF (category Code = PER_ASG_EIT) Is there a way to expan…
API Rate Limit, Quota, and Policy DocumentationHi everyone, We are integrating with API Gateway, and they require information on the Rate Limit, Quota, and Policy for the APIs we use. Is there a document available th…
How to test/view Atom feeds are working ?Summary: Hi There, Hope you are good! We have turned on Atom feeds for 'Person Terminated' and Employee Feed>Other Events >Check boxed Trigger on termination event in or…
API request returns 403 Forbidden ErrorSummary: API request returns 403 Forbidden Error Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I followed this guide to create a role valid for API: API…
I have to perform a Mass load to load certificates for 800 associatesSummary: I have to perform a Mass load to load certificates for 800 associates is there any way to do this using HSDL or Hdl Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…
REST API or function to get if the employee Eligible or notHi All, I'm integrating with another system and facing a challenge when an employee submits a leave request. The issue arises because the employee is in their probation …
Connections | People FinderSummary: Need to change the Label of Page 'Connections | People Finder' Navigation of Page: Me > Connections | People Finder How to rename the Label from 'Connections | …Paresh Patel 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Human Capital Management
Use REST Service - Worker Employment Read OnlySummary: Hi Experts! We have a use case where we would like a user to be able to access REST API’s to be able to query a person number and return: · Worker Assignment De…
REST API or function to get if the employee Eligible or not.Hi All, I'm integrating with another system and facing a challenge when an employee submits a leave request. The issue arises because the employee is in their probation …Mohammad Borghol 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM REST APIs
Querying workers API to fetch primary emailSummary: I have a requirement where I wanted to fetch basic person and assignment details for employees in a single API call. I was trying to leverage the query paramete…
empassignment Atom feed as well along with newhire Feed?Summary: Content (required): When a New Employee is hired will this trigger empassignment Atom feed as well along with newhire Feed? Also, if we don't enable the newhire…
Is it possible to create multiple phone numbers for an employee using rest api?We are trying to use the following API - /hcmRestApi/resources/{workersUniqID}/child/phones When we try to pass multiple phone numbers in the request…
Is it possible to Load the Employee(Worker) Details using REST APIWe are trying to explore REST API in Fusion to Import data related to Worker Details. Can you suggest the Rest API's that can help the Worker related Information . We tr…
HCM Organization Tree to Outlook Organization TreeSummary: We want to see Organization tree in outlook which should be matched with Fusion Organization tree. We will be having organization structure in fusion that shoul…
Change the status of a department > Ability to publish Atom feed for Workstructures OrganizationsSummary: Change the status of a department > Ability to publish Atom feed for Workstructures Organizations Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
what is purpose of menton in HDL 'SET PURGE_FUTURE_CHANGES N'Summary: Hi Team, I observed in most of the files above condtion but I don't why applied on each file and what is the use on ? Thanks, Ajay Content (please ensure you ma…
Do We have REST APIs for UDTs?Summary: Please let me know if we have any REST APIs to get values from UDTs in HCM? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code…
Need a API to expose the letters from document of records to other applicationWe have few letters in employee DOR is there any API which will expose these letters to 3rd part application. Such as Share point. Regards Shanmukhi
I am trying to apply filter in SOAP API using v6:filterExpressions but it failsSummary: I am trying to apply filter in SOAP API using PersonID=10004234442 but it is giving error. Can someone let me know what is the right way to apply filter. I want…
The role request couldn't be created because the role isn't requestable.Hi, how're you? I'm trying to create an role to a user, using the REST API POST /hcmRestApi/resources/{GUID}/child/userAccountRoles doc: But whe…
Terms processed via Spreadsheet loader not showing in Termination Atoms FeedSummary: We processed a batch load of terms ~60 via a spreadsheet loader, however none of them are included in the Termination Atoms feed. Is this expected behavior? We …