Global Human Resources
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How to add or Define reporting Establishment in core HRSummary: When Employee report an incident in Workplace Health and Safety Incident Page, there is location to be selected on incident page. Those location as reported as …
Integration between Oracle and PaylocitySummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We would need an integration between Oracle and Paylocity. We have explored the flexspring softwa…
How to fetch workersUniqID based on PersonId for HCM REST API?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are trying to get person photo in Oracle HCM using REST API. From the REST API /hcmRestApi/res…
Trying to fetch the 'Cost Center' field using APISummary: I am trying to find the 'Cost Center' field using one of the Rest APIs provided. Usually, all the information that I need from an user is located in the endpoin…
What business objects can be rolled back with HCM Data LoaderSummary: Our HR team attempted to roll back after uploading with HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader, and some objects weren't supported for roll back. Is there a documented lis…
REST API to get the shift of the worker on a specific dateHello, Is there an available Oracle REST API where we can get the worker's shift details for a specific date? Thanks!
Create Worker Person EFF using HCM Rest APISummary: Unable to create worker Person EFF using HCM Rest API, throwing below error message "You must define the context Employee Creation Form as a single row. (FND-28…
Is there any trigger event in HCM for Terminations?Summary: Hi All, We aim to create a real-time integration between HCM and Active Directory so that any involuntary termination with "Revoke Access" set to "Immediately" …
Extracting training and person details using synchronous integrationHello, We have a requirement to extract a specific training records that were completed 2 years ago. Below is the Oracle API that we are planning to use /hcmRestApi/reso…
HDL/HSDL file to Update employees work email in bulkSummary: update employees work email in bulk Content (required): I need to update work email of emolyees in bulk, what is the best way and HDL/HSDL file for updation Ver…
The action code null is invalid for the action Terminate Work RelationshipHi, We are trying to terminate an employee work relationship using HDL and getting following error: "The action code null is invalid for the action Terminate Work Relati…
OIC2 to OIC3 migrationSummary: OIC2 to OIC3 migration Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Greetings! Has anyone recently moved from OIC2 to OIC 3 (Oracle I…
Filter extract to Primary Address = YSummary: I apologize for using unclear/incorrect terminology, I am quite new to Oracle. Please ask additional questions if needed. We have an extract definition based on…
Oracle Learning Content Item - REST API GETAPI payload issueHi , We are getting '500 Internal server Error' when we are accessing the GET API call for Learning content Item. /hcmRestApi/resources/…
REST API to get Cost Center Manager using Cost center information from Manage Department SetupSummary: We are looking for REST API for the following steps: 1) Get Cost center information from Manage Department setup. 2) Get Cost Center manager using the cost cent…Sachin_Sharma 69 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM REST APIs
service now connector to HCM is failing with 401-invalid username/password combo error.service now connector to HCM is failing with 401-invalid username/password combo error.
how to concat one column and multiple values together?Summary: I have one query which returns all benefit plans under one employee now i want to fetch all dependent plans name in single row which will be comma separated how…
Impact of Cloud console migration on Seeded Integration like verticalScreen (BIG)Summary: Hi All, We would like to know if we have any details about the Impact of Cloud console migration on Seeded Integration like VerticalScreen (BIG) or any other th…
Limit the REST API response for the POST callHello Team, We are using currently using worker API and creating pending worker in the system via integration. It is giving the huge response after successful which is l…Shiva Prasad M 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM REST APIs
In which way can I secure API calls?Summary: In which way can I secure API calls? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Standard way to make API calls to Oracle is via Basic Auth. …Stefano_Mazzocca 14 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM REST APIs
Execute the Oracle HCM REST API end point with a SAML token in an end user contextSummary: We need Oracle help on how We can execute the Oracle HCM REST API end point with a SAML token in an end user context rather than service account. For ex: Execut…
Is there any way to send seniority date to vendor appl. since it's not possible using a REST API?Summary: Need to send the seniority date to third party application. As per vendor they are not able to get seniority date for few records, its showing as null when they…Ankush_Jadhav 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Integrations
How to Correct an assignment DFF fields in a Rest API callHello Community, We are trying to Correct a DFF field in the assignment for an REST API call. The current field publicRecordsExempt = "No" and would like to correct it t…
bip query for dependents who are part of benefit plansSummary: Need a bip query to fetch dependent details only who are part of benefits plan Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include t…
REST API to get the organization tree hierarchyHello Everyone, We are currently in need of a REST API which can extract the organization tree hierarchy. Is there any REST API available for this or this can only be do…
/hcmRestApi/resources/ is giving errorSummary: /hcmRestApi/resources/;AssignmentNumber=E12345 is not working. Can anybody please share the correct format with exa…
HCM V3 Seniority datesSummary: Hi All, We are using Oracle HCM V3 Seniority dates.We set these up and calculated these last year, but we're noticing that in situations where the dates would h…
REST API for extracting all training/coursesHello, Is there a Oracle REST API available that can extract all training/courses?
REST API to get the latest Payroll Relationship NumberSummary: We are using this Rest API , /hcmRestApi/resources/ but we are not able to fetch the latest Payroll Relatio…
REST API for employee delegationHello, Is there a Oracle REST API available for getting the Empolyee delegation? Same data that the Oracle job "Employee Vacation and Delegation Rules Report" is produci…